CNN YouTube debates


Well-Known Member
I like Gravel, he reminds me of my pissed off Grandpa rantin and ravin about the government.
yea he does like to yell...i really like that hes not all buddy buddy with the others hes sharing the stage with like the was a debate there was to much love.


Well-Known Member
i think this country has reached an all time low when a potential presidential candidate answers a question from a snowman.


New Member
i think this country has reached an all time low when a potential presidential candidate answers a question from a snowman.
Amen to that! Glenn Beck showed the snowman question tonight. I laughed my ass off. The sad thing is, the election is still what ... a year an a half off? They're already showing us cartoon characters to hold our interest in these sham debates. What's to come?



New Member
Amen to that! Glenn Beck showed the snowman question tonight. I laughed my ass off. The sad thing is, the election is still what ... a year an a half off? They're already showing us cartoon characters to hold our interest in these sham debates. What's to come?


The repuke debates, or how macho are we, who's dick is biggest and I'll keep you safer than he will. etch, etch Baarrrf!