CNN so desperate they are digging thru garbage in Russia...

Anyhoo, who do you think will be indicted next?
Hawaii Employee Who Sent False Missile Alert. Regardless if it was an honest mistake. People just got to get that knee jerk satisfaction.
You still haven't answered if you're White. Go figure way
so, who do you think is going to be indicted next?
Probly more people who will never see a court room like the 13 Russians that were indicted. What an absolute waste of our tax payer dollars.. Unless you really think Russia will extradite them but I think you'll be waiting a really long time for that.
Building a giant wall is...
an absolute waste of our tax payer dollars..

Providing a tax break to the top richest people in the country is...
an absolute waste of our tax payer dollars..

Beefing up Homeland to keep out the scary Muslims is...
an absolute waste of our tax payer dollars..

Cabinet members paying their sexual harassment lawsuits is...
an absolute waste of our tax payer dollars..

Stop being a non-smart.
Probly more people who will never see a court room like the 13 Russians that were indicted. What an absolute waste of our tax payer dollars.. Unless you really think Russia will extradite them but I think you'll be waiting a really long time for that.
So, who do you think will be indicted next?
Hawaii Employee Who Sent False Missile Alert. Regardless if it was an honest mistake. People just got to get that knee jerk satisfaction.
You still haven't answered if you're White. Go figure way
So, who do you think will next be indicted in the investigation into russian interference in our elections?
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So, who do you think will next be indicted in the investigation into russian interference in our elections?
I think there are some US citizens involved with 13 indicted Russian citizens. Who they are, don't know.
"Follow the money" Money can corrupt the most honest.
Now, do I think it could lead directly to Trump or to one of his minions, maybe. Yet to be seen.