CNN so desperate they are digging thru garbage in Russia...

That is not America lol
no shit sherlock. i'm sure all the starving russians had already gone thru the dumpster looking for stale bread or a few drops of cheap vodka in the bottle.

don't they only give you heat for a few hours a day there? or is it electricity?
daily wire? Ben Shapiro's propaganda echo chamber for the reactionary right?

LOL Try posting from legitimate sources. Shapiro makes up his stories from is own racist and right wing lobotomized mind.

op's post is a legitimate source, he actually did indeed post a real link that contained this photo. I did not find this link or post it myself you may notice. I dont know what the captions say, or what the story says or who made it up. you should have taken your nap today, better reading comprehension could have resulted. No worries, I'm happy to clear this up for you.
carry on
Who do you
who do you think will be indicted next, racist?
Hmmm, you asking me whom I think will be indicted? Not sure. I don't work for the DOJ, FBI, nor do I own a crystal ball.

WTF Buck,
To drop the racist card. Just goes to show that your just another knee jerk, closed minded tard or just a simple ASS.
Funny how a White guy like you would be calling anyone a racist. I'm assuming your White, are you?
Buck is it not the left's mantra? That all Whites are supremist and racists or is that just reserved for those who disagrees with you?
You need to come out of that Echo chamber. Hypocrite

By the way. I'm mixed race with a mixed race family. Tard
Who do you

Hmmm, you asking me whom I think will be indicted? Not sure. I don't work for the DOJ, FBI, nor do I own a crystal ball.

WTF Buck,
To drop the racist card. Just goes to show that your just another knee jerk, closed minded tard or just a simple ASS.
Funny how a White guy like you would be calling anyone a racist. I'm assuming your White, are you?
Buck is it not the left's mantra? That all Whites are supremist and racists or is that just reserved for those who disagrees with you?
You need to come out of that Echo chamber. Hypocrite

By the way. I'm mixed race with a mixed race family. Tard
anyhoo, racist righty cult member guy. who do you think will be indicted next?
The bigger question is when are they going to have an indictment that actually relates to collusion.........
geez,, somebody answer the damn question!!!

i think Hillary colluded with the Republicans and the Russians to lose the election. i said it, i'm ashamed of saying it.