Club 600

its all good tho... my buddy is stopin' by on his way home from the dispensary. hes lucky they had his plant rights when the laws changed in MI. so we'll get all fried out on the volcano and im gonna go have some of " me mum's" corned beef and potatoes. no carrots or cabbage, feed that to the french!
Thanx guys yeah I am okay just a big bump on my head and a 2" slice on top of my head.

I am accident prone, as most of you 600'ers prolly know by now.
I cut myself cooking all the time too.
Actually once A piece of my finger made it into the pot while cooking for my girl 18 yrs ago.
Still missing a lil piece of my finger tip on the side of my nail.
I hit my head of the cupboard doors weekly etc...
DAMN!! BASS!! wtf? i really hope you're okay bro... i have a hard head too but damn!
a few people died at my old high school building a wall for an auditorium. my buddies dad walked away to go get some supplies or he would have died too.

i bang my head on shit in my grow areas all the time. the lights disorient me really bad, and i end up banging my head on stuff. i even knocked out my 600 hps hood once like that. blew the bulb and everything. i was SOOO pissed off.

seriously tho dude... im really REALLY glad your ok. just imagine the news.... pothead dies from trying to build wall. they would have had a hey-day with that.
alright im out... heres some st patty day guitar golden-ness for you all, via the late great stevie ray. only person who should have ever been allowed to cover jimi's songs imo.
btw the FU**ING experience hendrix company can KISS MY WHITE HAIRY ASS!
they are making millions off of a dead man. how can u claim copyrights to STEVIE RAY VAUGHN's videos too?? that really pissed me off. jimi would be turning in his grave... so sad. the video of Stevie rockin' Little Wing is blocked on youtube. wow. i need to go smoke.

thank the stars for stevie ray and jimi hendrix! peace!!:peace:
Hey guys, I know the original cookies is "clone only" but anyone know of a decent seed if someone wanted to see what all the fuss is about? I know finding a close matching pheno will be tough.

been looking at BC bud depot cookies but seems like mixed reviews, also something about them stealing strain pics from a forum ?

So the next two that I've found are the GDP phantom cookies and candyland anyone have any experience with either of these. Had a quick search not many journals around.
Hey guys, I know the original cookies is "clone only" but anyone know of a decent seed if someone wanted to see what all the fuss is about? I know finding a close matching pheno will be tough.

been looking at BC bud depot cookies but seems like mixed reviews, also something about them stealing strain pics from a forum ?

So the next two that I've found are the GDP phantom cookies and candyland anyone have any experience with either of these. Had a quick search not many journals around.

Not yeat but I am thinking about getting the Phatom Cookies myself.
(just finished my up-canning, so have been away from the Computron 6000™)
Be careful, not only do we need you around here , but your ladies need you even more!
Been hit by a wall too (well, ran into the corner of one at top speed) and they sure pack a nasty punch.
Hope you get to feeling better soon!
all you boys be good, im off to close shop grab a Guinness and a shot and scope my ak-48.....lets see if she is really ready at 48 days......doubtful.....have a great week boys, be safe goddamnit , and stay high. update and more next weekend.

im excited about a new developement but cant speak about it yet....more to come next weekend.

peace boys

cannabis cult


so this mild deficiency that came up has been spreading rapidly in the Burmese kush and honey bee but mostly burmese
i need some advice my ph stays at about 6 and as it drops my res it dropping in like 6.8 tap water which helps even it out over time.
I added some like 5ml per gal CalMag bc it seemed to be a calmag problem and maybe a potassium def at the time.
it kept spreading over a few days so i added a bottle of CNS17 Ripe over the course of a few days. It kept spreading and is now pretty much at the tops of the burmese
yesterday i added another bottle of CNS17 Ripe (20ml per gal) and the ph dropped more rapidly than usual im guessing bc i added the whole bottle at once assuming it has to be a potassium def. it dropped overnight from like 6 to 5.6 so i think that means its eating it up quickly.
I also added hydroplex about 2 weeks ago with no carb load like Sweet first, so i think that made it try to suck up carbs that werent there which also effected it earlier on. but now i dont see why its small brown spots along the veins all the way up at the top top of burmese.
I also dont see why all the other plants looks healthy as fuck and theyre all eating the same shit.
the ones closest to the res are real healthy so idk if they are grabbing all the nutes before it gets down the line but i dont think that makes sense bc burmese is right in the middle and maple leaf and widow are after it and they are healthy and i have a bigass pump and 1 1/2 in. tubes which circulate very well.

1.early on the burmese the top of burmese 3.burmese 4.grape ape(very mild) 5.pineapple(2nd worst) 6.progression of burmese

ANY GOOD ADVICE is appreciated and +rep
I'm growing a bunch of burmese next run and i do not want to run into this problem again. thanks
Definitely a multitude of nutrient problems for the Burmese.
Have near zero experience with hydro (only one run of hempy under my belt), but these two charts might help you get a handle on it.
There is additional info regarding the first chart (with tips on how to correct the particular issues), located at:


And the old pH chart for hydro & soil to maybe help point out what's happening based on your particular pH levels as they change values over time:


I'm sure one of the hydro guys will have more help for you, these are just a couple of things that might help in the meantime.
Also, you may want to double check with another pH meter to make sure something isn't wrong with the one you're currently using to measure with (just in case).
Definitely a multitude of nutrient problems for the Burmese.
Have near zero experience with hydro (only one run of hempy under my belt), but these two charts might help you get a handle on it.
There is additional info regarding the first chart (with tips on how to correct the particular issues), located at:


And the old pH chart for hydro & soil to maybe help point out what's happening based on your particular pH levels as they change values over time:


I'm sure one of the hydro guys will have more help for you, these are just a couple of things that might help in the meantime.[/QUOTE
I like that. Being I've mainly grew outside I never really bothered with the PH. Now I have a refrence point to work off of. I know it wasn't for me but thank you any way.
Totally aside from everything and anything...

My wife read something online that said you could tell the sex of your unborn baby by using a pendulum and asking it questions. Odd right? She got a necklace out and laid down. She did it first then had me do it. She said you have to ask yes or no questions. The pendulum will either rock back and forth or make circles. She didn't tell me which was which (yes/no). I asked if we are having a girl, swinging. I asked if we are having a boy, circles. She got the same thing when she did it. Swinging means No, circles mean Yes.

If pendulums can read the future I'm going to have a boy in August!!!

Let's smoke to that!!!!!
No worries!
I wish I was grillin' instead of illin'.
But it's pizza night for me (another pepperoni and tomato) and the oven is heating up as I type.
And I have some Barq's chillin' in the fridge.
Totally aside from everything and anything...

My wife read something online that said you could tell the sex of your unborn baby by using a pendulum and asking it questions. Odd right? She got a necklace out and laid down. She did it first then had me do it. She said you have to ask yes or no questions. The pendulum will either rock back and forth or make circles. She didn't tell me which was which (yes/no). I asked if we are having a girl, swinging. I asked if we are having a boy, circles. She got the same thing when she did it. Swinging means No, circles mean Yes.

If pendulums can read the future I'm going to have a boy in August!!!

Let's smoke to that!!!!!

congrads!!! That shit works my friend did it for me and my ex and got it right both time.
Totally aside from everything and anything...

My wife read something online that said you could tell the sex of your unborn baby by using a pendulum and asking it questions. Odd right? She got a necklace out and laid down. She did it first then had me do it. She said you have to ask yes or no questions. The pendulum will either rock back and forth or make circles. She didn't tell me which was which (yes/no). I asked if we are having a girl, swinging. I asked if we are having a boy, circles. She got the same thing when she did it. Swinging means No, circles mean Yes.

If pendulums can read the future I'm going to have a boy in August!!!

Let's smoke to that!!!!!

I'll smoke a bowl for you in my mind, brosephus!
I'm not sure which would be more difficult: a little wild jigster causing havoc across the land (Cry havoc, and let loose the dogs of war!) , or raising a daughter and being double worried about all that entails.
Either way, he, or she, will have two great parents to learn from.