Club 600


Well-Known Member
That's crazy guns have never been legal in the UK. My friend was murdered with a gun, but he put himself in a really stupid situation. Bad drug deal. Stupid mother fuckers killed him over 2 grand. He probably had a hundred grand in his banks/stocks. Can't believe someone would do that shit. Said the people set him up, and were just out to rob him. I fucking told him some mofos will just rob you for the hell of it like a week before that.

Big Lil' Deuce

Active Member
Here are the 600 Six, 4 weeks into flower. First 5 pics are about 1-2 weeks ahead of the rest as she started flowering during veg then stopped until the light schedule change. The tall lanky one had to have multiple bananas removed during the week, thankfully shes easy to examine with all the space between her buds, looks delicious in person even though I think I seen a developing seed on a lower branch. Rest of the group had their bananas safely removed last week, did not see any reoccurring problems since. Fingers crossed!


Thanks for checking them out, more pics in the coming weeks.


Well-Known Member
Good afternon 6er's!! Hope all is well, been a busy afternoon getting things situated in the grow room as we got hit with another snow storm :(

Well guys I started my own thread.

Come join me :D

Oh and of course how could I leave without a lil bud pr0n :D

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Have a good day guys!

Big Lil' Deuce

Active Member
whats with all the nanners?

Bagseed genetics, makeshift environment to the best of my knowledge. The only plant that didn't sprout nanners is the one in the first 5 pics, she was the offspring of a feminized Speed Devil seed that went through some stress early in flower, producing a nice quantity of seeds on her lower branches. Was hesitant to grow those seeds but so far have been impressed. The rest are just garbage stock seeds I found, 4 of the plants only had a couple nanners when I checked them, nothing a pair of tweezers couldn't remedy. The tall stretchy one seemed to be the easiest to stress, once she was moved directly under the light she popped a few up. As far as what could be stressing them, I've eliminated light leaks due to them being in a cheap homemade tent inside a room that has been blacked out, my 1st thought is temperature differential. Since it is winter, the room where the tent is can get quite cold, I have a space heater inside the tent to help stabilize the temps, with the light on it helps keep'em in the low 80's, high 70's, with the lights off we're talking 60 degrees on the average day, mid 50's if it's really cold outside. So my thoughts are constant 20-25 degree temp changes may be causing some stress, I might be wrong, probably am, but so far they seem to be doing ok. Plan is for better genetics next grow, by then it'll be spring and shouldn't have to worry about such low temps. And that, to my best speculation, is "What's up with all that nanners?". Hope that helps :confused:


Well-Known Member
Good afternon 6er's!! Hope all is well, been a busy afternoon getting things situated in the grow room as we got hit with another snow storm :(

Well guys I started my own thread.

Come join me :D

Oh and of course how could I leave without a lil bud pr0n :D

View attachment 2543566View attachment 2543567View attachment 2543568View attachment 2543569View attachment 2543570View attachment 2543571View attachment 2543572View attachment 2543573View attachment 2543574View attachment 2543575View attachment 2543576

Have a good day guys!
Those look great man! Looks like the buds are going to be nice and dense.


Well-Known Member
A little sharing before im off to bed :)
IMG_0279.jpgLa Diva @ 35 days from seed. Think im gonna try a little lst tomorrow.
IMG_0281.jpgAlso Diva Top Shot
IMG_0285.jpgPure Kush Motherplant. Plan on using for scrog.
IMG_0287.jpgThis is scrog buckets wohoo. Look mah i was handy ! :P
Have a great day night whatever zone you are in :)



Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics of the girls. First, a 6pk of purple kush just going in flower room. Next pic, one of my ladies 2 weeks into 12/12 switch. She's 42 inches tall. Last pic are my 2 week old babies. Just bumped the light from 400 to 600 last night. No feeding the babies for at least a few weeks. Medium is full of goodies. Going to brew them up a tea to get the medium hopping.


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Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics of the girls. First, a 6pk of purple kush just going in flower room. Next pic, one of my ladies 2 weeks into 12/12 switch. She's 42 inches tall. Last pic are my 2 week old babies. Just bumped the light from 400 to 600 last night. No feeding the babies for at least a few weeks. Medium is full of goodies. Going to brew them up a tea to get the medium hopping.
Looking good.
My Pk clones look nothing like yers, I didnt think mine looked right.
Mine are stretchier, and smaller leaves.


Well-Known Member
nah there just hasnt been any sun until like this week, now that the suns comeing out should get a lil bit more bud. like i said its a winter grow. the thing's been practically dormant till recently.


Well-Known Member
How's your light distance? I like to keep mine 18 inches. I have an air cooled hood and could run them 12 inches but, chose not to. I think 18in is the sweet spot with this strain. Thanks for the compliment.


Well-Known Member
nah there just hasnt been any sun until like this week, now that the suns comeing out should get a lil bit more bud. like i said its a winter grow. the thing's been practically dormant till recently.
I have so many girls to flowerr and no room that I thought I would throw a Gods gift outside.
3 weeks outside and not even a pre-flower!
I dont get it??
IDK why I cant flower outside my place, but it really sux.
My old place they woulda grown a foot or so and had colas by now.


Well-Known Member
How's your light distance? I like to keep mine 18 inches. I have an air cooled hood and could run them 12 inches but, chose not to. I think 18in is the sweet spot with this strain. Thanks for the compliment.
well they were vegged under T5 at 3" then 600 HPS at 12"
And now 12/12 under a 1000 and a 600 hps at 24"


Well-Known Member
to think of all the injustice in the world that happens to helpless animals and children dosnt bare thinking about, it can put u in a mental hospital.
real talk.
ive seen it drive many folks and family crazy. my poor ol grandma used to get teased cuz she was kind of an orphan back in like the 20's or whatever as a kid. i heard that some of the kids would torture animals to get her to do things cuz they knew she was such an animal lover.

she had a siamese cat that lived to be about 21 years old! but when the poor thing died, she almost instantly spiraled into dementia and alzhiemers. it really messed her up.

i know alot of people hurt dogs and cats around here, its terrible. SE michigan citys are real bad for strays too. we really dont have a good system for strays. thats why i have 5 damn cats. that poor little guy costed us around $1400 to save but hes worth it. it was my fault he got so bad, since i thought he was a girl cat. :(


Well-Known Member
that lil thing has been alive for along time, since like november atleast. it showed sex and then winter came but it never froze it got down to the 30s though. i hadent been giving it any nutes at all and the sun came out and gave a dose of 10 -15 -10 shultz i had nothin special. but that'll probably be all i give it.


Well-Known Member
Ah just had to snap this chillout moment! OMG its one off those illegal killer dogs sleeping on a labrador.
Goodnight! :D


Well-Known Member
well they were vegged under T5 at 3" then 600 HPS at 12"
And now 12/12 under a 1000 and a 600 hps at 24"
Seems like light isn't an issue. Have you tried moving one up closer to the light? I've done quite a few runs with this strain. Haven't run into any stretching problems. Could it be strain related?


Well-Known Member
Seems like light isn't an issue. Have you tried moving one up closer to the light? I've done quite a few runs with this strain. Haven't run into any stretching problems. Could it be strain related?
I think my clone just isnt really PK.
I had a feeling it should look differently.
I should just take a ride to Oakland and get some real cuts.