Club 600

When I really think about all the growers who inspire here on RIU, I feel terrible for not mentioning them!

Whodatnation (!)
Tons of the great U.K. growers (or is that "tonnes" ;-) )

fuckin' A, there are SO many (and my brain doesn't work the way it used to, so I'm sorry for not mentioning you all)!!!

You all ROCK!!!
The 600 is the only reason I registered here on RIU.

Otherwise, I'd still be lurking & reading, rather than lurking & reading & participating.
And all that I know about cannabis has pretty much entirely come from you other growers here in the 600, and some of the others on RIU who have their own threads (Mr. West, DG&T, TTGSS, duchieman, and SO many others that it boggle my poor brain. Literally too many to mention).

Fuckin A indeed bro. I wouldnt be where i am today if it wasnt for MR West, he tought me everything i needed to get started and helped me throughout.
as for all those other names they have all given advice and help throughout my time here on RIU and I very gratefull for all help given. The 600 club is an awesome place to be, and awesome people to share knowledge and plenty of bud pRon that makes the mouth water.

Stay High
The funny thing is all the local growers I know were stingy with advice as if I was gonna steal their thunder. I thought I would never learn to grow! The forums are harsh and I made threads and got no replies for the most part. I stumbled upon the 600 and all that changed.
This truly is the greatest group in growers (and just plain cool peeps) that could possibly be in one place!!
Actually, I meant exactly what I said about spending $30 more for a bulb can make the difference between eating for a few days and not eating if you (meaning "I") are on a very strict budget.
If I use up my budget, the only place I can make up for it is to cut back on eating until I'm back on track.
(*I'm an alcoholic, been dry for 5 years, so the remark about booze was just an example of things someone might want to spend some of their spare cash on, if they have it)
An intractable budget where quite literally every cent is accounted for long before it is spent on anything is what I have imposed upon myself.
There is no wiggle room for me on my budget (well, I don't allow myself to have any wiggle room, because it's a slippery slope once I start spending a little more than I should here & there. "In for penny, in for a pound." and all that: it all adds up lickety split), just as it is for many of us out here in the land of fucked-up-health-with-no-job-relying-on-a-spouse's-income-and-not-wanting-to-stir-the-shit-and-make-it-an-issue-with-said spouse-by-spending-more-than-is-necessary.
This is the hellish land from whence I, personally, hail from, and my passport to get out has been temporarily revoked.
I do my best not to go "overboard" by spending more for my little one-bulb grow than is absolutely neccesary (not including the vegging/seedling/cloning/mother plant area, which is just using 240watts of T12 flouro's).

"Improvise, Modify, Adapt, Overcome." is something I live & die by.

I'm not trying to be a dick about this, guy, just trying to reassure others who are in a similar position that there is no shame in spending less, and great results can be gotten while remaining within a budget so tight that it would make Ghandi say, "Damn, dude! Relax! Go get a cheeseburger, and live a little!".
And, as I wrote, if a person does not have that kind of budgeting issue, then there is also no shame in spending the extra money on top-shelf gear to maximize a grow.
Yes, I could spend more on my grows, and the wife has let me know it's okay if I have to, but I'd rather she spend that extra $30 here & there on herself.
A happy wife brings less strife.
Hey Doob...not sure if it's cool or not to post from another forum and I'll delete it if so, but I thought of you when I went back to the site it's on. If you haven't seen it...talkin' about growin' on the cheap. SG1 is an amazing guru of bud grows...on the cheap!!!Haven't known too many as good as he is! Enjoy.
yeh...saw it a ways back. Seems good. It had me thinking and I just made my own. I don't need anything complex. Mine just reminds of what I did and exactly when. I basically made a chart similar to a calendar with divisions for nute feedings, waterings, heights, bulbs used yada I said...nothing very complex. Just something I can go back to if need be. Sometimes I forget when I used what nutes....good ganja'll do that to you occasionally..:confused:
I got so busy with shite that one day I was looking at my grow and couldn't remember what was what. It prompted me to do something similar.
Thanks for the link AB, I'll check it out more often than I already do.
I don't want you getting in trouble here on RIU, so you might want to change the post.
I've heard of peeps getting in trouble for linking to other forums here on RIU (draconian bunch of BS: it's not like we only visit one forum anyways).
But I've heard of people getting an infraction against them for linking to elsewhere. Hopefully they've chilled out on doing that?
But I'm always looking for alternatives to more expensive gear & techniques, so thank you!
Fuckin A indeed bro. I wouldnt be where i am today if it wasnt for MR West, he tought me everything i needed to get started and helped me throughout.
as for all those other names they have all given advice and help throughout my time here on RIU and I very gratefull for all help given. The 600 club is an awesome place to be, and awesome people to share knowledge and plenty of bud pRon that makes the mouth water.

Stay High

Oh, man!
I also forgot another grower on my list of people who have made a difference in my horticultural abilities:
"The Grower Formerly Known As BeKindBuds"
I don't think cannabis destroys good brain cells, but it sure can make them forgetful.
Thanks for the link AB, I'll check it out more often than I already do.
I don't want you getting in trouble here on RIU, so you might want to change the post.
I've heard of peeps getting in trouble for linking to other forums here on RIU (draconian bunch of BS: it's not like we only visit one forum anyways).
But I've heard of people getting an infraction against them for linking to elsewhere. Hopefully they've chilled out on doing that?
But I'm always looking for alternatives to more expensive gear & techniques, so thank you!
No problemo brother..yeh..I deleted the link now that you got it. I prolly' shoulda just PM'd you but allz good now so...
It's something I never thought of...some of THE best ideas are usually the simplest.
Using zero reflectors. Just a couple of bulbs hanging from the ceiling (bulbs are dependent on room size).
The room you build is completely covered in mylar with the corners rounded...just like a bulb.
the mylar is just stapled up. Nothing really tight..just fixed tight together but not super tight to the walls.
the fans give the mylar slight movement causing a kinda twinkling effect.
Basically you're building a giant walk in bulb..saving the cost of any and all reflectors...
So there ya can buy your buddy a case of beer if he helps ya build it...I don't do the juice either.
It's been seven plus years for me...that shit never did agree with me. shoulda stuck exclusively with the'n learn :)
edit: oh..and I didn't mean Budweiser..hahaha
My room is basically an octagon with a single 600 in the center.
The ceiling tapers in too so once the last system is in there it'll look like the below picture if the 3 pieces didn't have space between them.
octagonal prism.png
Except mine is 7 sided so I have a place to go in and out of the room.
When I really think about all the growers who inspire here on RIU, I feel terrible for not mentioning them!

Whodatnation (!)
Tons of the great U.K. growers (or is that "tonnes" ;-) )

fuckin' A, there are SO many (and my brain doesn't work the way it used to, so I'm sorry for not mentioning you all)!!!

You all ROCK!!!

no dst on that list? :wall:
i have popped my head into the UK growers thread and have never been so insulted in all my life, a select few of those guys give the UK a bad name, the language they use is utterly disgusting. i only commented that there was a lack of pictures and got a barrade of ppl calling me a CUNT. if you dont want to be insulted stay as far away from this thread as you can.

Stay High
i have popped my head into the UK growers thread and have never been so insulted in all my life, a select few of those guys give the UK a bad name, the language they use is utterly disgusting. i only commented that there was a lack of pictures and got a barrade of ppl calling me a CUNT. if you dont want to be insulted stay as far away from this thread as you can.

Stay High

I take it back, they are not too bad once you understand that that is how they are and always have been, just banter that shocked the hell out of me, expecting RIU to have a friendly atmosphere all round. im just too used to the awesome friendlyness of the 600 Club.
people in the u.k have a unique sense of humour, that is pretty well documented.

the 600 club is international so you will get less people using the word cunt as a term of endearment. club 600 is the Most chilled thread on all forums, growing related or not.
I believe I recall some intercultural 'cuntfusion' popping up in club 600 about 700 pages or so back, but it was quickly swept away in a rip tide of bud porn and Rush covers ;). It's like a model UN around here. With lots of dope. Oh, wait, yeah, that's like the UN alright.