Club 600

You lost me there. What's gassing.

Does the wife need an American cw, dst?

And I know my grow style may be from the new school... my shoe's are like billy paul...

(these are the exact pair I got married in, for real)
gassing is just talking with someone about this and that, for guys, football (sports) for women - shopping, ya dig?:lol:

They have been (not now)laying people off at my wifes work....big company tighten drawstrings, marketing departments budgets go down. It is difficult for them. Poor things, lol.

well I've been reading 600w grows forever. My 400 is starting to depress me. I just wanted to speak out and say that I'm going fcking insane over here riding these few months out, waiting to purchase the 600! DST - have you personally used 400w's before? How much more light penetration do you see? Is it literally 2x brighter than a 400??
Thank you in advance, as I have been reading your posts for some weeks now.

Hey jnuggs, you can see my old grow in my sig, that was a 400. The 600 sure is brighter though, but I have been using for the first time vertically, and I am seriously thinking of weraing shades because its vertical, fek me you come out of there and you can't see shit:lol: Come on over to the 600 bru, i can already feel and see that it's worth it.

there was another post but it disappeared. I think, or am I stoned. Yes you are stoned DST.:bigjoint:
lol, I missed the why but I am gardening under my 600 watt wearing those new balance brown and orange shoes right now, lol. Last years shite. I found that I got a lot of foot pinching. Lol, like my plants.

Yu want quality spring for a pair of eco running shoes. Dude, they layer the shit by hand so it fits yer foot right. Like 150 tho, but worth it. Like walking on air.

I busted my knees running so I wear em all like slippers now.

Go 600 lumatek. I am vegging out donators of pw and heri and el monstre and super lemon haze, looking for a girl to keep me flowering for ever.

Soon :)
Ah, here is the post, I knew I wasn't stoned. Welcome tea tree. I guess you must have edited your post as it faded away for a monent. But I read it;-) and no worries they ain't my favourite ones either. But I still bump them. Got them in SA for like 20 bucks!!!

Get some pics of your girls up, show and tell:bigjoint:

I've never seen a 600 in person... but the lumens they list are exactly twice that of a 400. And lumens apparently measure the brightness of the light to the human eye (not sure?).

DST.... my favorites of yours are the pair on top of the blue box in the middle, and the pair on top of the all black box.

I felt a bit outdone, so I took another pic. 7 pairs... 2 brands. I'm loyal. The Chucks are in order... my old ones, my current ones, and my next pair (never been worn). Boots are my dress boots (haha) and my work boots. Then I have some fancy shoes for Christmas eve church service. Boots and shoes are by Timberland... really high quality stuff.

I also included a shot of the snowfall in the past 18 hours. The snow was nicer looking, but it's been raining all morning making a mess of everything.

WOW, that's California, brrrr...

You are a faithful Chuck man:lol: Nice.

Those trainers are the - adidas Stan Smiths, and the AFJ23 i think (Jordans)

Peace, DST
ok, so my demo didn't quite work. Just put the video code in between this [youtube]And this - [/youtube ] but make sure there are no spaces. I have added a space so it didn't convert itself...
sweet thanks for that info i wasnt sure how to do thatright.

Ok, Here's a few of my trainers that I wear, McPurple...the rest are boxed up. I haven't bought a pair in a while I am feeling quite itchy about that:cuss: Need to buy trainer!!

i like the green and white pair on the right and then also the baby blue and white and, black and white shoes on the right on the boxes behind the green pair, they look like jordans, i love jordans well most of them, man wish i had even just 2 pairs of shoes, i wear mine till they fall off before i can buy another pair, but then a agian im broke as shit and jobless:bigjoint:
You lost me there. What's gassing.

Glad you like the Mrs. Jones song. While I was playing it yesterday I asked my wife to dance. We slow danced in the hallway, it was nice.

Also... I must be a bad boy... I've only dealt with criminal defense lawyers, and honestly I didn't care about the money. That guy actually cared about keeping me out of jail, and he suceeded in keeping me out... blood sucker or not.

So in my book not EVERY lawyer should die a slow painful death. Just most, haha.

Lastly... how do I go about breaking into this copy writing business. Sounds like a blast (just had the wife tell me what they do, ha). I could so do that. Does the wife need an American cw, dst?

And I know my grow style may be from the new school... my shoe's are like billy paul...

(these are the exact pair I got married in, for real)

i feel u on the defense lawyer i just had to get one the other day, and thats awsom eu got married in some old school chucks,

Okay, so the old Current Buns would have found this, but who cares, come ahead!!!! So its the DS60 (sounds fancy but it ain't) i think that means dark secret. Anyhoo, the extra base with it that should have reflective material on, doesn't - unless I am really dense and am missing something. Not a big worry, I just left it out. So here she is, looking all shady in the corner. I have the nursery on top, it will only have cuttings or seedling in there so the weight should be okay, I am going to have around 100-150w of cfl in that, and the 300 cfl is in the veg tent. Tent is 60x60x140cm.




This will tell you why I am under the sea:

Peace to the 600 boys and girls,


thats how im gonna hang my cfl to but i m havin a hard time figuring out how to its bein a pain for me, and u live down those stairs or what looks like ur already under ground like in a sub station:bigjoint:
Gassing. I was not familiar with the term either. You guys have been doing some serious gassing while I was at work. I've noticed we have two shifts so to speak at the club. By the time I sit down to the computer in the afternoon there are pages of stuff to read. It's great. I'm on eastern standard time in the US so generally when I get up in the morning at five thirty a bunch of you guys are either asleep or at work in some other part of the world from mine. Most mornings I'm content to drink my coffee and read posts before heading off to work. It's not till I get home, get my coffee and a good stone going that it's time to try to hang out at the club.

Good afternoon/evening my fellow six hundred....six hundred, what? If people from Sparta were Spartans, what would we be?
DST. I are confused. This is what I see in your garden. I see the reflection of the buildings, water. I see the palm tree, shade. It looks to me like a subway station stop but I don't get the steps going down from the subway. Is your garden down there?
So what is it that causes the thickness of a stem? I see most everyone says have a fan blowing on your plants. Unless I am mistaken, Uncle Ben says that's a fallacy, it does nothing to thicken the stems.

I have no clue which is correct, I use a fan to move my plants around.
i always thought it was the wind that toughns them up so they dont break in high wind, not sure what would make them thicker,
mcpurple, that seems reasonable to me. I'm not trying to blow them over, just have them move around a bit.
To clear up the picture.

In this picture is a mosaic of Amsterdam and how it lies in relation to the sea. The sea is on the right, then you have sand dunes, in some case man made. then you have Schiphol, which is below sea level (you can see the plane.) then you have the canal systems and the buildings of Amsterdam. The Netherlands is below sea level in great parts of it. See the great flood of 1953 for specific reference. Also effected the UK.

I do not, I repeat, I do not, live under a subway, you guys make me pee my pants, lol. :lol:This is a mosaic at the Town Hall in amsterdam. And that is actually a large glass house that I am in at the Town Hall (just not very sunny, lol) I also do not live at the Town Hall, in case there is confusion on that. I live somewhere in the mosaic....;-)

I think like everything, the thickness of your stem depends on the root system. So in large the medium the plant grows in, the light even, pretty much everything. But I suppose there are elements that we can use to assist. Good topic Heads Up.

If you are a 600 watter, and as a plural, you are the 600 watters....does that not sound a bit stoopid?:dunce::lol:
Yes it does sound rather unappealing, that's why I didn't use it. What are we six hundred people asking watt?

And thank you for the explanation about the pic.
Just a little bud porn of the el monstre shown with a fine piece of fdd's glassworks. Notice the color difference between the two plants...also a slight difference in effect...the browner one is a little bit stonier. I really enjoy sannie's gear for there are 4 blue diesels that should be ready within 2 2 lady canes within 2 to 4 weeks....a sannie freeby I call one chronic diesel-estimated 2 to 4 weeks and a madonna that should be ready in 6 weeks...this isn't counting the el monstre that I will harvest tonight or tomorrow.....and this doesn't include cutting of all of the above and seedlings-herijuana and anethesia or the sannies jack clones that a friend said he let me have.

The 2 plants in the last picture are of the durga mata...harvested last night.


1-21-10 002.jpg

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1-21-10 005.jpg

1-21-10  #2 003.jpg
Beautiful bud curious. I hope my buddy gets here soon, that makes me want to break out one of mine...NOW!
So everything is dry except for one top. Ten girls produced fifteen ounces of bud. There's probably another ounce or so of small buds in the trim.


  • harvest time fifteen ounces from ten girls 001.JPG
    harvest time fifteen ounces from ten girls 001.JPG
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  • harvest time fifteen ounces from ten girls 002.JPG
    harvest time fifteen ounces from ten girls 002.JPG
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    harvest time fifteen ounces from ten girls 003.JPG
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  • harvest time fifteen ounces from ten girls 004.JPG
    harvest time fifteen ounces from ten girls 004.JPG
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That's a pretty good yield...should be enough to get you thru the week-end, if your conservative.


Nice buds boys. I like it.

I don't know if it is true... but I have read that silica is great for plant strength and encourages cell division (especially helpful for how fast our plants grow). I always have used a silica supplement in my nutes. I feel like my stems are pretty big compared to what I see.

I do have fans blowing on my girls... but they are always tied down, so I don't think there is any fatness from swaying.

So in my head: silica = fat stems.

Reality: Who knows (someone maybe... just not me)
Forgot to mention.... me and my wife finally took down the last of the CJ monster. What a woman she was. Everything should be dry in about 3 or 4 days for a final weigh in.

And while 'watters' does sound not optimal... if you think of it like 'waters' it's kinda cool. Like "The waters of the 600" could evoke images of a far off sea... or lake in the mountains. And we could be described as the folks who collect at this blessed far off place. I still don't know what that would make us, other than really strange, haha.

About my growing style... I would not recommend growing such 'tall' plants. I had to cut a lot of branches off the 'front' of the plant so it wouldn't grow into the light. All this meant stunting growth with the cuts and a lot of extra veg time. I think more shorter plants is the key.

I am going to make a big writeup analyzing the pros ad cons of giant vertical screens. I'll be sure to share it with you guys here.
Just a little bud porn of the el monstre shown with a fine piece of fdd's glassworks. Notice the color difference between the two plants...also a slight difference in effect...the browner one is a little bit stonier. I really enjoy sannie's gear for there are 4 blue diesels that should be ready within 2 2 lady canes within 2 to 4 weeks....a sannie freeby I call one chronic diesel-estimated 2 to 4 weeks and a madonna that should be ready in 6 weeks...this isn't counting the el monstre that I will harvest tonight or tomorrow.....and this doesn't include cutting of all of the above and seedlings-herijuana and anethesia or the sannies jack clones that a friend said he let me have.

The 2 plants in the last picture are of the durga mata...harvested last night.


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Very NICE COF.... shiaaaat ....Im gonna come hang out at yo :hump:

Nice looking bud can taste it from here...:weed:

Man you got strains i never heard of. :-P

cool pipe as well. bongsmilie
Thanks guys.

With your command of the english language, I look forward to your report. Are you going to compare it to other types of growth?

Jigfresh, I too use silicate. It's called rare earth, general hydroponics is the maker. When I'm mixing my soil I add it then in powder form.