Just a little bud porn of the el monstre shown with a fine piece of fdd's glassworks. Notice the color difference between the two plants...also a slight difference in effect...the browner one is a little bit stonier. I really enjoy sannie's gear for there are 4 blue diesels that should be ready within 2 weeks...plus 2 lady canes within 2 to 4 weeks....a sannie freeby I call one chronic diesel-estimated 2 to 4 weeks and a madonna that should be ready in 6 weeks...this isn't counting the el monstre that I will harvest tonight or tomorrow.....and this doesn't include cutting of all of the above and seedlings-herijuana and anethesia or the sannies jack clones that a friend said he let me have.
The 2 plants in the last picture are of the durga mata...harvested last night.

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Good stuff cof, been busy in the curious houshold of late, your fingers holding up with the clipping, lol?
So everything is dry except for one top. Ten girls produced fifteen ounces of bud. There's probably another ounce or so of small buds in the trim.
Nice one Heads Up, lots of good times there brother!
Forgot to mention.... me and my wife finally took down the last of the CJ monster. What a woman she was. Everything should be dry in about 3 or 4 days for a final weigh in.
And while 'watters' does sound not optimal... if you think of it like 'waters' it's kinda cool. Like "The waters of the 600" could evoke images of a far off sea... or lake in the mountains. And we could be described as the folks who collect at this blessed far off place. I still don't know what that would make us, other than really strange, haha.
About my growing style... I would not recommend growing such 'tall' plants. I had to cut a lot of branches off the 'front' of the plant so it wouldn't grow into the light. All this meant stunting growth with the cuts and a lot of extra veg time. I think more shorter plants is the key.
I am going to make a big writeup analyzing the pros ad cons of giant vertical screens. I'll be sure to share it with you guys here.
Look forward to the write up, Jig.
So it could kinda be like the Roger 600 Waters?
Very NICE COF.... shiaaaat ....Im gonna come hang out at yo house....lol
Nice looking bud can taste it from here...
Man you got strains i never heard of.
cool pipe as well.
As long as you don't mind the floor SL2, I got the last space on the couch!!!
I appreciate your comments.
I had never heard of sannie until I was cruising the seed and strain review and I liked what I saw. Their description was almost as good as Jigfresh's and it was something I had to try...and once I did I ordered more..a quality product with top notch service...highly recommended. Their website
I hope you can enjoy their genetics as much as I do.
Sannies, now that is just ridiculous.

McPurple didn't know what Trainer was, I guarantee he doesn't know what Sannies are. We also use Sannies as a word for trainers (well we do in Scotland) so to hear that for a weed strain, just made me giggle.....perhaps it's cause it smells like stinky training shoes?
alright so about 8 of my seeds have already sprouted today, and im sure the rest are on their way, heres a pic of them they are unknown strain, from some dank from last year and theirs possiblay some whiteberry in their, also a pic of the veg box in action i have a small fan blowing air in through the cracked door, and then the small hole lets out the hot air and it works pretty good it was hittin almost 100 now with the hole and fan its stays way cooler,i just dont like that much light excapin though, specaily sinc its in the sam room as the flowering room is in,im almost positve the bloom room is light proof but still worried, but it should be fine, ah and the bigger plant is a small branch i took from the one in flowering it was at the very bottom so i decided to try to clone it, i have a small dome for it to i have tried to clone many times but never sucsesful i hope this one will root
Be careful with the cardboard and the temps Mcpurple. Did you use rooting gel/powder?
DST, how's barbagseed coming along? I probably missed it but this thread goes so rediculously fast.
Here's my bagseed at ~18 days from popping up:
Hey SSLW, shes coming along just swimmingly!!! My girl is looking a lot better. Will throw up an update pic of her later....
Ok well i got my ballast cooltube and everything in , had to mod the cooltube a bit , but my question is about my lightbulb its self... i got Two of the AgroMax 600w hps with that extra 30% blue in it. its a AgroMax bulb
the color fired up isnt close to the burnt orange of my regular 250w bulb.. i want to say that its not really red at all and if thats normal for those bulbs with the extra blue ... guess im just worried it would do sumthing weird to the ladys ... i know that the bulb is compared to the hortilux eye ...
AND WOW BRIGHT made my 250w look like a cfl
Glad the light is in, not had any experience with these, I use the HPS Son T so no experience with that...but I am sure it's gonna be the bomb!!!
Here are some pics of mine, they have about 25 days left!! I can't wait! Just for scale that's a 4x4 room and the back left one i had to tie all up so it looks alot smaller than it is, because the buds were all falling over! I'm hoping for atleast a pound when all said and done. I wish you guys could see all the bud in there, but there's alot of leaves covering some buds from this angle...
Hey minitrees, looking good in there. Keep the updates coming, we're a thirsty lot for updates on the 600.
sweet will be lookin forward for the qaulity bud shots
You and me both bru!!