Club 600

Dennis Stein

Active Member
thanks dst, i dont have to worry bout heat either imusin floeresents i actually have a heater in the grow room cuz it gets to cold without, ive been having a problem with the plant in ff light warrior, some of the leaves are yellowing and getting brown spots in the leafs and is progressing slowly, im not sure what it is, also could that be do to beingrootbound cuz the plant in fflw, has its roots cominout the bottom after only 14 days in a 5 gal bucket,also does anyone know what the ph that i should be using for soiless mixes, i heard its different then soil, and i just found that out the other day and realized i was using a soilless mix, the guy at the hydro store said it was soil, so ive been watering it with water phed at 6.5 is that to high and coul that be my leaf prob
FFLW is not meant to be used as a stand alone medium. It's good for your seedlings and clones (not a lot of fertilizers in it). Try one part of ocean forest and 1/2 part happy frog and light warrior your next time or maybe just switch to Ocean Forest next time. You will have to resort to some good bottled fertilizers to keep your plants healthy that are in your Light warrior. Treat it as if it was an inert medium, something like promix.

"one is in ff light warrior, and the other in some cheap shit, i was low on cash". Fox Farm is cheap shit. Miracle gro is the only cheaper shit that I can think of.

Brown spots could be a cal/mag deficiency due to no cal/mag or possibly pH being too low.

And yes....give your plants a dark period as JT suggests. The 12-1 lighting schedule in veg is what I use. Saves a little on electricity and plants love it.


Well-Known Member
I wish it would storm here so my outside plot would come get a nice rain, shit...

Thank god a stream is nearby so the ground should retain pretty well, unless it floods lol.

Not much going on here just been busy outside getting shit done and cloning a bunch of honeybees, oh yes I'm excited for these girls :D Positive vibes.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i have a little question.. Someone used my grinder to grind up hash. So i washed my grinder in iso to try and get all that sticky out. So i goy it out and poured it into the pyrex bowl i use for bho it had some leftovers. Now i think this iso looks sick. Can it be the way it should be? Ive been whippin it in heat forever to try to get it more workable instead of this oily texture. But maybe it is finished? :)
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Well-Known Member
When I wash my utensils, grinders etc.. I let the solution sit in a closed jar in the freezer for a half day to let the solids settle to the bottom. I do this when I make Qwiso too. I dont use filters just gravity. If you pour carefully till the very end the particulate matter will stay in the jar and out of your final product.


Well-Known Member
triploid. polyploid is the crazy alien headed bud structure. super rare.

yo DrD81, what did you look for in your male FB, I opted for the sweeter one lol. bout the only difference i could tell between my options.
i look at the structure, vigor and i like good strong stems. i smell them and scope them at 100x looking at the amount of resin they have in veg. on the fire balls i tried to pick a cherry puff heavy one and an alien heavy one. i have to say the cherry puff f2 males smell more then the fireballs male did.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Some Critical Sensi Star after one month cure. Smells so nice. Like tropical fruit. The high is muscle relaxing and makes you so hungry you cannot stop eating. Be sure to have healthy snacks nearby to avoid guilt. lol

Very nice for sleep if you smoke a little more.
