Club 600

curious old fart

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What u lads think about flipping before my bud ignitor comes and say missing the first watering with it, I only need to use for first 2 week, I only water twice a week tho aswell that's why I wana wait but it's like a jungle already


Well-Known Member
Haha its been dispatched from Spain yesterday like a tho the woukd done it Saturday, il change the timers fuck it I suppose it won't do any harm missing it's first water in flower, they didn't look like they would need a water today when I looked yesterday but will soon find out I also took humidifier out and gona put dehumidifier in and set on 45%


Well-Known Member
this is one stoner who won't be rushing out to vote, they are all as bad as each other, what sort of person grows up wanting to be an mp?.

nice set up budolskie, looking like you'll be in for a far old harvest with that lot.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping for about 30 and il be happy my first run in the big one haha they had 6 weeks under the 400mh, gona do the first 2 weeks of 12 under that I think, or when do yous recon I should get the 600s in


Well-Known Member
the sooner the better in my eyes, 30 oz sounds a bit high but definately possible.

how many strains?


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In other news...

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize computing by exponentially increasing speed, computing power, and security as single atoms would be capable of performing tasks. Though quantum computing is probably overkill for the typical person, it holds a great deal of promise for researchers and others who need ramped up computing. A team of researchers led by Mikhail Lukin of Harvard University have demonstrated an ability to use single atoms as gates that can block the flow of electrons and can be operated with one photon. The details of the research have been described in Nature.

“Conceptually, the idea is very simple,” Lukin told the Harvard Gazette. “Push the conventional light switch to its ultimate limit. What we’ve done here is to use a single atom as a switch that, depending on its state, can open or close the flow of photons … and it can be turned on and off using a single photon.” When many switches are added together, it could essentially act like a computer.

Lukin is currently eyeing the possibility of putting this technology into fiber-optic cables, which would offer maximum security through encryption. While there are short-range possibilities with this technology, the quantum switches could increase the distance by which information could be securely transmitted from tens of kilometers up to thousands of kilometers.

The researchers developed a system that combined the photon switches with traditional vacuum tubes. “Conventional computers were initially built using vacuum tubes, and people eventually developed integrated circuits used in modern computers,” Lukin went on to say in the Harvard Gazette. “Where quantum systems stand today, the best systems are still analogous to vacuum tubes. They typically use vacuum chambers to isolate and hold single atoms using electromagnetic fields.”

Once the atoms have been captured in the vacuum tubes, lasers act like optical tweezers to hold one and then chill it nearly to absolute zero. The atom is then moved near the chip before it is blasted with microwaves and enters a state of quantum superposition. This state is so delicate that getting hit with even a single photon is capable of changing it.

These switches probably won’t see action inside a quantum network for about another decade, as there are different approaches that are more advanced, according to Jeff Thompson; a grad student who is co-author of the paper. However, these single-atom switches can interact with light that travels through optical fibers, making this next-generation computing possible.



Well-Known Member
you should get over 30 oz then budolskie, they look like they have a few nice heads on each what variety are they?

im not doing too bad thanks lads, same day different shit:-?

i hope everybody is doing well here, i just fell out of the whole social media thing, i barely say hi to my bro these days, im more of a plant person haha.

cheese and blue pit are all ive been rocking for this last year pretty much. i just started some new haze seeds so finally something new to entertain me.