Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey sixers. Did anybody miss me? Ive been trimming! Then i had to clean my house. Then i threw myself a bday party and only one person came. I guess thats the life of a hermit grower. Not gonna lie im sad i have no friends. I met sfguy last week tho and that was nice. He can also vouch that im a female. No need for vag pix.
The good news is i got a half p of five gram nugs and another 3.5 of smaller. Still have about a pak to go but im sick pf it and started researching faster methods ie bowl trimmers and the like. Since i cure on the vine i dont think this will work. Anybody know how to do dry in bulk?
it was nice mensa..

600 i can vouch that shes female as if you guys.. and grows some dank too.. we had a fun time went to eat something like 330 in the morning. good times.


Well-Known Member
When is tonight? I should be asleep now :) Feeling higher than usual is so nice.. Wish i could do that everyday. Tried to play some dead island but the zombies are getting on my nerves. Think ill fall asleep to a movie called Bad ass2-Bad ass'es. lol
Dont wanna leave this tho- I have a feelin there will be some interesting but deleted post's when i wake+ some gorgeous Goji's :) Whoa i was just about to write something totally inappropriate.. :)


Well-Known Member
A friend asked me the other day:"Georg, seriously im gonna ask you a question! You have to answer truthfully and fast! It needs to just come out from the heart directly after i ask you!
IF you HAD to choose, which one would you rather get a blowjob from...
Your mother or your father?"
Fucking spass ;)
This made me laugh! ya nutter Hydro.

Oh, and if you have any issues getting to the previous page, GO BACK 2 pages...seems to work for me.

Nice Pr0n erry1.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Well, lost another 4-legged friend tonight :-(
Bobbie, our Manx had to be put down.
She had cancer in her lungs & elsewhere in her body and it was bad enough not to let her suffer any more.
But it came out of the blue as we thought maybe she was just sick with an infection or something else.
She made it to an estimated age of 10-1/2 to 12 years old (was a rescue cat from one of our old apartments).
She was such a sweetie, and was our final cat, and I'll miss her most of all.
I bury her in the back yard next to Katie tomorrow.
Carry on.


Well-Known Member
Booo, sorry to hear that Doobie. At least she can be close to her old friend and still close to the Doobster familia.


Well-Known Member
Thank fuk that grow is out of the way - FAIL!!!

Stuff from the grow....grrrrr.

Looks ok, but not great by a long chalk.....:(

Other cab - :)

Pretty Puppy.

Off swimming soon with the wee yin, wife is also coming so should be fun!
Peace, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
enjoy the swim lad! haul doesn't look bad at all.

never seen your cab empty before, that's a new one :(

re the sharing a bowl thing. i'm in the pack it, rip it, finish it camp. if you have to take a second run at the b!tch. i remember at the cup when folks would leave a tube full of smoke and being like you gotta finish that buddy. then watching them stumble away from the stand trying to utter thanks lol.

one more sleep D;)


Well-Known Member
Aye Don, if you can call it a sleep, lol...getting up at 3:30am :shock:

It's not as bad as I thought Fred, but it's a shambles compared to previous runs.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
win some you lose some. my pal took all my FEM freebie s33ds i'd been given with purchases over the years and only hit about 20 oz under twin 6's he was gutted. he's been back and asked for casey jones pips as back up and took a load of snips off my two dog pheno's and the psycho n livers. he should be hitting a box with that much light easy.


Well-Known Member

And into the kennel they go...with a Blue Pit for company. Just potted them up, gonna veg these out quite a bit. Then put the big trays in as planned (2 I think should do.).

peace, DST

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I have to uppot the FCJ seedlings and Goji Clones today, water the goji downstairs and Workout. Gotta hook up more CFLs for the uppotted plants because they won't be able to go into the tent for another week. Oh and make dinner. I can't start until 3:30 when Husband gets home to watch the baby.

The life of a Mom, Wife and Gardener.


Well-Known Member
DST, When do you trim? I swear you just posted pics of the cab stuffed full and BAM, just like that, it's empty and everything is hung. That's how it seems anyway, lol


Well-Known Member
Well, inbetween running 2 business', looking after my son half days everyday except today thew whole day, and Friday when the wife is off, doing the shopping, making dinner, (taking the rubbish out, lmfao, how do I still have that job after nigh on 42 years??) and then running a number of grows, and all the shizz that goes with be honest, I have no idea when I trim, I think it's in my sleep, hehe. Seriously, I get up early when needs be.
The life of Me....:)