Club 600

Yep... that's me posting 3 times in a row.

Clayton, your name made me think of that skit. I swear the best part/ deepest statement on America was where the white kids were in the car and CB calls em what he does. And they are so fucking stoked, giving high fives and all. Some weird psychological stuff going on with some folks.

It's good I don't have issues (lol... as I get ready to head of to my psych doc)
If SomeGuy ever gets his fill of them, you can have mine. We go through about one a week.

Who needs square buckets???
sog growers! I just wanted to say something :) haha youve seen my buckets, they just get worse and worse. lol
I have a dog in 6-8week leaning on its first node branching :)
I would like to use them for another vertical RDWC setup. I ran the four bucket one but never did the 8-9 bucket one I had mapped out.
Yep... that's me posting 3 times in a row.

Clayton, your name made me think of that skit. I swear the best part/ deepest statement on America was where the white kids were in the car and CB calls em what he does. And they are so fucking stoked, giving high fives and all. Some weird psychological stuff going on with some folks.

It's good I don't have issues (lol... as I get ready to head of to my psych doc)

Hi Jig, I wondered where you hung out. It's always nice when you make an appearance in my neighborhood. What was with your momentary banning? Hopefully this server thing will get cleaned up soon.

The Black White Supremacist was, in my opinion, one of the most genius social commentary skits of all time. That car scene was especially moving for me as well.

Hope you are having a great day.

Much Love
That's pretty ghetto hydro. :)

I'm on 3 threads really, this one, my journal, and the picture of yourself thread. I used to check all my friends journals, but with the baby I'm just not into it anymore. SOrry everyone, I still love you.

My journal is kinda dead, I'm not really growing right now. It's a bit sad, but I am growing a little dancer (i think she's going to be a dancer when she grows up... and no... not that kind hahaha).

I've also been hanging on a home recording forum because I'm getting back into my music. Actually decided that I'll learn some folk songs and play some cafe's and coffee shops around here. I've missed performing. I used to be up in front of people all the time for various activities over the years. Moved to the mountains, grew a beard, and turned into a recluse. That time is now over.

I'm also going to start tutoring again... I helped someguys girl with her math homework the other night and remembered just how much it made me happy. Why not do something you love, especially when it helps people, and you can charge $50 an hour for?

It's always fun bumping into you around campus. Reminds me of high school, seeing folks you didn't really cross paths with, but were always friendly with. Haha, there was this girl like that who never knew my name, just that I was always wearing sunglasses, so she called me "guy in shades". Would always hear her screechy voice calling after me "hey guy in shades... what up". My H.S. had 2,000 people in it, so we didn't all know each other.

Totally blabbing, but I don't care. Hope I haven't bothered anyone with my topics of choice. :)

And the ban thing was just the screen, I never got locked out. Just odd... it happens when I try to send a PM. So Gen... I been meaning to write you back, but I can't. ???

Hope your day/ week are good bro. Nice to have you stop bye.
I second what DST said, if my partner /wife didn't smoke an ounce could last me , wow, I can't even imagine. Every time I roll a jay she magically appears, not complaining just saying...
Was that you first time in that cab or first time doing vert?

No that was my second time in the cabinet since rebuilding it. Ive been at it a while with cabinets...LOL I found vert a while back and have been pulling up to 8zips prior to this. The addition of AC to the cabinet and getting better at working in my space have increased my yield I think. I cant wait to see if I can dial the tent really well too.

What sucks is that I can only view the active page of the 600. CAnt go back and view other pages once it moves on to the new page. This site has some issues..LOL
LOL My wife bitches at me about how many plants that I grow but when we get down to 2 strains she asks why I didn't grow more!???!?!?!

"We should slow down on smoking babe. We are getting low."

What sucks is that I can only view the active page of the 600. CAnt go back and view other pages once it moves on to the new page. This site has some issues..LOL
LOL almost the same with me. Page goes white like it just stopped, but when i hit reload it shows. Sometimes i have to hit reload a few times.
Bukookie for those that missed it ;)
I've missed performing. I used to be up in front of people all the time for various activities over the years. Moved to the mountains, grew a beard, and turned into a recluse. That time is now over.

I'm also going to start tutoring again... I helped someguys girl with her math homework the other night and remembered just how much it made me happy. Why not do something you love, especially when it helps people, and you can charge $50 an hour for?.

She thought you were a great tutor jig! You have a math degree right?? If your serious about it I can look at what opportunities there might be. :-)

I love performance, music or otherwise. Not much into performing myself, but more about making it happen for those that do. :-)
I have a few friends who were like:" My girl can only smoke joints. Its so fucking unappealing watching a girl take a bong hit". I dont follow.. Best way to get her quiet..
Right now i wish she would smoke again.. No baby this time either.. erhhm, id be a mess if i could not calm my thoughts, even tho i smoke i get a mess sometimes.. Afraid to think whats going through her mind. Shes been screaming more than ever in her sleep and she needs to see the dentist cause she bites down so hard when she sleeps her gums are hurting her. Also she has time for the doctor about her stressing sleep but since its not a "big" problem she has time almost a month from now..
Ah sry bout bad vibes.
A friend asked me the other day:"Georg, seriously im gonna ask you a question! You have to answer truthfully and fast! It needs to just come out from the heart directly after i ask you!
IF you HAD to choose, which one would you rather get a blowjob from...
Your mother or your father?"
Fucking spass ;)