Club 600


Well-Known Member
My mom just turned 69 today. She asked me if that meant it was going to be a good year :P

Happy Birthday Jigs!

Wish my daughter would hurry up and invent a transporter so I can pop up there and smoke a bowl with you!



Well-Known Member

What do you reckon would be a better bet for me: a Light Rail 4.0 to have close to 48-inches of up & down movement (or more with extra rails extentions) in one vert scrog, or adding a second light with no light rail?
I know either solution would allow for increased canopy size, but more light is always better when heat can be controlled, which it can in this case as I'm already using a 400watt heater to keep the tent temperature up to between 75f and 80f with light on, but it drops down to 63 to 73 during lights off even with the heater on in the tent, so I might as well drop the heater and add a second 600, no?
About the same cost to get a new Galaxy 600w and an Eye Hort as it is to buy a complete Light Rail 4.0 plus accessories
Sounds like I've already convinced myself, eh?
I'd still value input on the subject. :-)
If 2 lights would be better, should they be a pair of HPS bulbs mounted end to end vertically, or 2 bulbs mounted side by side if I go with an HPS and a mH instead?
I'd be looking at a 5-foot tall scrog that could be full from bottom to top using the first method, or I could go mixed spectrum side-by-side and cover the standard 3-ish feet of scrog but get massive intensity & penetration and a fuller PAR emission.

I see a LR3.5 (ones I have) for 150$ @ eastwesthydro.
Im just a lil confused on the side by side mounting? In one scrog or two lights on two scrogs like I have setup?
Not alternating cycle spaces? < would mean a heater would still be needed at night.
Sorry for being confused but that's nothing new.

So it's either buy a rail system or another light?

Guess who's halfway to 70 today?
You'll have to change your name to JOF soon! Happy bday bro I hope it's a great day.



Well-Known Member
Omg that cake FTW!

And fuck captcha! Am I the only one here that has to go through that any time you add an attachment or edit a post or post multi quotes? Can't they tell I'm almost a fuking mj expert!
seriously though just another thing that makes this site less enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
I see a LR3.5 (ones I have) for 150$ @ eastwesthydro.
Im just a lil confused on the side by side mounting? In one scrog or two lights on two scrogs like I have setup?
Not alternating cycle spaces? < would mean a heater would still be needed at night.
Sorry for being confused but that's nothing new.

So it's either buy a rail system or another light?

You'll have to change your name to JOF soon! Happy bday bro I hope it's a great day.

Yeah , I was toking when I wrote that. ;-)

The side-by-side in my case means mounting the two bulbs next to each other in a single tent with one vertical scrog so that the plants would get 1200w of mixed lighting.

My thing is that this current big run will be my last big one by mid-June, as I will have updated my info for my medical card, so I'll be subject to compliance checks (which are ultra rare, BUT... ;-) )

I'm kind of leaning more towards the light rail so I don't have to hit the AC as hard in the coming months, and I can veg longer for more bud sites, and stay within my 6-mature-plants limit.
Veg out 5 monsters and keep a grafted mother in a different room in the house.

I'll worry about a second light come winter.
I'll have to check that website when I go to buy a rail system, as that's a lot better price than where I initially looked.


Well-Known Member
I can't help but think the post count per page thing has sucked the life outta here :-( D, would you consider just starting a new thread? This one has lots of history I know, but it just doesn't feel the same.
Perception my friend, smoke a bowl, it may feel better after that:)

I am finding the 10 page not that much of a hassle to be honest. With 10 posts the pages load quickly for me so pushing another button will hopefully not add to much effect to my mouse-rsi. I'll ask someone if there is an update on what is happening...who I'll ask I am not sure, perhaps my wife will know, she seems to know pretty much everything else, ahaha.


Well-Known Member
Hey it finally let me back in! Looks like I am the first one back on.

That cake is a trip! I typed in Cannabis Cake and google images came back with some winners. This one was definitely a So Cal cake :)



Well-Known Member
Tillykke med fødseldagen Jigfresh! Håber du bliver forkælet af dem der holder af dig..

Well if yours dont know D we can always try mine..
My labrador is in heat. Aww the little guy is shaking in frustration. Keeping me up all night with his moaning im going crazy. Just imagine how he feels. Dick looking like it will explode anytime now. Been thinking about getting his balls removed, but im afraid he will never be the same again. Nah i feel evil thinking about it. He is my best m8!
Time to smoke one for Jig :)


Well-Known Member
dam, poor doggy. Now there's an idea, "Doggy prostitute service"!!! To service those dogs whose owner don't want offspring, or to chop their m8's peckers off!


Well-Known Member
Guess who's halfway to 70 today?
Happy late B-DAY Jig.

dam, poor doggy. Now there's an idea, "Doggy prostitute service"!!! To service those dogs whose owner don't want offspring, or to chop their m8's peckers off!
LIKE^^^^Some dogs just need a bone.

Wanted to add the girls in flower have finally started to grow. I can see some signs of stress for obvious reasons but, they might be 1/2 way o.k. I spent time with the veg girls transplanting and just general cleaning. Also got my bubba cheese, auto pounder w/cheese, thc bomb all auto's to start for my attempt at a nice July outside harvest. I was hoping for 2 lb's this run and will probably end up with a 1/2 after my f-ups. There's no way that will keep me, the gf, and my pops for 3 months. I smoke over an ounce a week by myself.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the bday wishes everyone. They are greatly appreciated. It was a good one indeed. Hung out with my baby all day, then went out with my wife at night. Ate good food and didn't make a mess of anything. Was honestly the best birthday I've ever had cuz I got the little one around. Life feels strangely empty when she's not around, and it feels strangely rewarding when she is.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the bday wishes everyone. They are greatly appreciated. It was a good one indeed. Hung out with my baby all day, then went out with my wife at night. Ate good food and didn't make a mess of anything. Was honestly the best birthday I've ever had cuz I got the little one around. Life feels strangely empty when she's not around, and it feels strangely rewarding when she is.
Its definitely a great feeling to be needed by someone. Seeing the recognition on their face and the excitement upon your return makes you want to never leave. I get lonely after being away from her for a couple hours and when she stays the night at her grandmas I feel so weird.