Club 600

Im talking about taking an actual light meter, going outside and taking a reading to see what that spot is recieveing as far a lumens.

I have flowered with CFL's, HPS, The sun, HPS- MH combo, and have vegged with a wide array and combination of lights.

Spectrum matters more than the amount of light you are throwing at a plant...

And i definitely Do Not believe in the theory that Bigger is Better.

We're on the Club 600 thread. No one here believes bigger is better. I know there is a threshold where more lumens do no good. And yes, spectrum is very important. I recently learned that the red and blue spectrum are more efficiently used by cannabis, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN THE QUANTITIES THE REST OF THE SPECTRUM IS. This led me to run dual spectrum equipment. WOWZERS. And yes, that was my LUX reading.
If you have foliage 3 feet or more away from a 600 watt bulb with NO signs of stretch or smaller size, I would love to see the environment.
Ohhhh a debate in lighting, my favorite lol.

Bigger is better.... For penetration purposes and size of footprint specifically for indoor growing. Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better fruits, but it can certainly mean more for a given space and plants of a specific size depending on variables of the grower. So anyone growing 3' of foliage under a 600 is only wasting space and time considering a 600 is really only good for 15-20" of penetration max, less considering shadowing. That's why I love me some canopy control!

There are specific points in the spectrum where plants use light most efficiently, one intersection in the blue - 480nm, one intersection in the red - 660nm, but recent research has shown that nearly the entire spectrum is very useful to plants. A major reason why LED's are not all they are hyped to be, even with their highly specific wavelength targets and generally high output considering their target spectrums.

Here is a fine read for anyone interested in light, plants and the nerds who spend way too much time developing their own spectral analysis.

One has to be careful with a light meter and make sure they're reading it right, there's a big difference between lux and lumens as lux is lumens per square meter. There is a lot of math involved with generating PAR values, lux and lumens, all of it too complex for my brain!

I learned a long time ago you can grow weed under a standard light bulb though lol.
"bigger is better".........imo.....or should i say "more is better".

i go by the more roots,the more foliage,the more foliage,the more light,to fuel the foliage,which in turns gives you more fruit...................

i got 3 600 hps,in a 8 x 4 cab,light touches every leaf in that bi$#h,no joke
Ohhhh a debate in lighting, my favorite lol.

Bigger is better.... For penetration purposes and size of footprint specifically for indoor growing. Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better fruits, but it can certainly mean more for a given space and plants of a specific size depending on variables of the grower. So anyone growing 3' of foliage under a 600 is only wasting space and time considering a 600 is really only good for 15-20" of penetration max, less considering shadowing. That's why I love me some canopy control!

There are specific points in the spectrum where plants use light most efficiently, one intersection in the blue - 480nm, one intersection in the red - 660nm, but recent research has shown that nearly the entire spectrum is very useful to plants. A major reason why LED's are not all they are hyped to be, even with their highly specific wavelength targets and generally high output considering their target spectrums.

Here is a fine read for anyone interested in light, plants and the nerds who spend way too much time developing their own spectral analysis.

One has to be careful with a light meter and make sure they're reading it right, there's a big difference between lux and lumens as lux is lumens per square meter. There is a lot of math involved with generating PAR values, lux and lumens, all of it too complex for my brain!

I learned a long time ago you can grow weed under a standard light bulb though lol.

I solved this problem with a dangley.
In the words of Rodney Kingston:

"Can't... can't we all just get a bong?"

Did a quick-dry (30-minute cool-down cycle in oven warmed up to 225f) of some BMF picked last night (seen in my last post) and decided to record the blessed event using Ableton Suite 8.2.8 with the "Groove" preset of the "Simple Delay" group of audio effects, and then run the recording through Winamp while video recording it's effects on the "Milkdrop" visualizer.

( *opening calliope music is mine from a work-in-progress titled "Happy Calliope". )

( **it's done in 720, so adjust the settings, go fullscreen, put on the headphones, and spark if you got some! )

( ***oh! I throw in a wee tad of the Tibetan Throat Singing at the end, if you can manage to paddle your way up my thought stream far enough to get there. Don't know if it's a bonus or a punishment. Only Karma can tell you that.

Tragically funny!
I'm not "star struck", but I often think what it's be like to trade bong rips & pass j's with celebs or historic figures who were known to partake of the Glorious Herb (or smoked on the sly, but you could see it in their eyes).
I'll bet Einstein rocked a cool Rasta hat.
My buddy from high school smoked crack with Rodney King, ah the things we are proud of lol.

thats crazy,back in the day of being a mover,i was moveing Korey Stringer ,and a few of his IR buddys,they was sittin right in the front room,smokeing some good purp smelling buds,like it was nothing at all.
so i said "hey,what the hell is going on",like i did not know,then i busted out my pill bottle of "minn crunch",and my cig one hitter,and set down right next to them big ass dudes,right in the middle of the move.
they lookd at me,i lookd at them........and we kept on smokeing.
and 2 weeks later,he died of heatstroke.
How's about this?

You mind if I use this as my avatar Doob and FM?
(first I've been able to get back into riu since last evening)

I'll leave that up to the two of you.
Either, and both are welcome to it.
That was a quickie, so I can re-do it later so the lettering is spot on, and fix an issue with the capitol "C" and the little sun symbol will be re-sized so it matches the copyright symbol © that it replaced.
Morning Sixerz, got a lot of catching up to do. I could not get on at all yesterday since the afternoon.

@ Doob, you rock bro, I love the Hawaiian Cougar fix!!! As for the video..I would flip out if I was on acid or shrooms. I think the voice would scare the shit out of me. lol
BMF prOn: meeEEE saWWWW hornYYYY meEE love prOn wROngG timE.


Jig: I would like to see your friend as a older man telling his grand-kids he smoke rock with Rodney. I would rather tell my grand-kids I smoked a bowl with Bill Clinton.

Keep the prOn coming for us prOn whores!

and some shots of the boys.....

This is the Kush X Exo cheese.... Got a bit of colour in the sac area, lol. Not sure what to do with it.





One of the remaining DOG bx1 males.


The DOG bx1 my wife describes as "Offensive".


Peace, DST
That cougar ass is going to give my avi a run for its money for best ass in the 600 lol.

Doobie I messed around the house last night working and doing odd projects while I let your youtube channel run. Kept sitting in for breaks here and there. I enjoyed all of your vids, you seem like one cool kat, just doing what you do. I especially enjoyed the Rush bass rips and your family guy singalong lol.

Get lubricated!