Club 600


Well-Known Member
The soil in the cups went anaerobic. Give them some drainage next time lol.
Looks like a hermi male, Iv seen some do it, but then again they had a light leak on a 12/12 cycle. Stress possibly caused it to flower and herm, but LG may also be right about the auto thing.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about the auto part too. I think I might have a C4/CB doing the same thing.

Anaerobic. Without oxygen. So like water torture.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about the auto part too. I think I might have a C4/CB doing the same thing.

Anaerobic. Without oxygen. So like water torture.
Exactly lol.
Microbes were still breaking down the organic matter in the soil,,, just not the kind of microbes you want around.


Well-Known Member
Evening guys and gals,

Duchie, that def looks total herm to me. When selecting plants from hermies (because they are not all bad) I tend to try and use the ones that produce only a few pods, not rampant ones that are growing in between females pistils. Are you going to continue with it flowering?

Anyway, flying visit, be back in a bit....

Peace, D


Well-Known Member

slightly purple slh

lemon skunk christmas tree

lemon skunk in sog, worked a treat, zero side branching

critical+ keeper pheno (which i never kept) :S

og18 good lucking pheno (not as good smoke as my keeper)

g-13 fake haze ( easiest plant ever to trim, just look at those foxtails)

just felt like posting some old pr0n, it will be a while before i've got anything new to post so why not eh?...



Well-Known Member
I'd rather deal with herms and males than contribute to femmed seeds. Just my thing. :peace:
Femmed seeds are good from an end-user perspective (if you just want to grow a female to smoke), but I'd rather deal with a few males & herms than the thought of a line of genetics that's been forced to an almost dead end.
My current grow was 17 seedlings.
Of them 9 turmed out to be female, 7 were male, and one was like yours duchie.
Was my Romulan that started out with pistils, looking real nice.
The next day when lights came on, there was bollocks popping out in the lower branches, and filling in spaces between the pistil-bearing caylyxes on the proto-kola of the plant.
If I'd had a separate place to let the males grow out to harvest the pollen, I would have.
I would have loved to have been able to collect the pollen from those strains but, for now, the thought of 7 males spooging off in another room of the (tiny) apartment we live in just seemed like a not good idea. (awesome grammar, yes?)
Maybe next year...

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Ok since you asked so kindly here you go:

I had to turn the lights off then on (not enough room light to see anything in the tent) because of the orange and black bands so i only snapped a few quick ones while i could- and my net speed running reduced so only uploaded 2.

What the pictures show is a tent 1.2 meters wide, 1.2 meters deep and 2 meters tall. Until a few hours ago I used a 600w hps from seed in cana coco coir. Now i got 2x 400w back to back. In these pictures there is 6 plants which are now 23 days from when i switched the light to 12-12... so they are kind of sucking really, although i haven't grown these strains before... i expected bigger bud on there but the LSD is coming on slow. All 3 on the left are Barney's seed farm LSD and on the right the closest to the camera is DinaFem Diesel, then behind that is DinaFem Critical + and furthest on the right is another LSD. I topped all of them after the 2nd node. the Critical+ is a short plant but i also fucked it around by accidently snapping a main branch away from the node while trying to bend it. It's all a bit chocka in there because they shot out like bastards, i cut like half the mass out just so it could breathe but next time i think i'll try topping above the first node so there will be less but bigger cola's with more space between. On the grill the plants sit on (to drain in to buckets when i hand feed) i got 2 100mm inline fans pointing straight up and another bathroom ceiling vent fan right in the middle pointing up too.
The second photo is from the diesel plant.
So um, anyone want to tell me why my plants aren't budding up big yet?
I'll take a shot at answering this. Have you transplanted and if so how long before throwing them into flower? Secondly, depending on the strain, I'm growing a critical+kali mist, they may take longer to start flowering than say a skunk strain would. Twenty three days of 12/12 is not really that much time, I think you might be raising your expectations a bit high. I'm at day thirty three of 12/12 and it wasn't really until this morning that I noticed my buds are starting to fill out. One thing growing will teach all of us, patience.


Well-Known Member
I think I remember seeing that Xmas tree picture somewhere, hehe.

Nearly 1 in the morning and I got a busy day tomorrow so just popping in while I toke on my last joint of the day. They had Lord of the Rings on one of the Dutch channels last couple of nights (always interesting reading Elf and Ent translated into Dutch!) so we just finished watching that. Luckily we have a pause button that enables me to medicate and then fast forward and miss the bullshit adverts.

Femmed seeds are fine, I just think it's important that there is also a constant refreshing of good genetics. When there is a particular strain that is clone only, Femmed seeds are cool like that. Just my 2 cents that's only worth 0.75 cent :shock:

Nernight 6double.



oh, and when i was out earlier there was this Norwegian guy that was saying they still get Moroccan hash with OO's printed on them (he actually called them 8's, but it's supposedly double 0 from the best farmers cut of the kief). I use to have a suppplier that I got that from in the UK (90's), it was some of the nicest stuff, but then it started to get ripped off (people printed OO on anything). It was funny to hear that such an old hash is actually still doing the rounds. Anyone ever seen the 250gram bars with 00 stamped on them?


Well-Known Member
I'm at day thirty three of 12/12 and it wasn't really until this morning that I noticed my buds are starting to fill out. One thing growing will teach all of us, patience.
We started our 12/12 on the same day!
Or real close.
Mine was on September 9th.
And trying to keep the plants small, so it was straight to 12/12 right after final transplanting.
It seemed to add at least 7 to 10 days of extra time before showing gender while the root system expanded into the bigger pots.
Some also were more sensitive to the transplant, and had an extra few days (or more) to recover from the shock. Others didn't notice the move and just kept on growing. They had to be LST'd to keep the canopy a bit more even.
I'll be posting pics later tonight, as the larger girl's bud sites are finally starting to fill out a bit.
Not like whodat's meth-addicted girls who seem to grow at twice the pace of a normal man's plant's. ;-)
I respect his grow abilities, but the disparity in yield per square meter between he an I have made me hate him.
So there is a layer of respect, admittedly, for his super-human green thumb...
...peppered with hate.
Hateful respect.
(*Aldous Snow reference: nothing but love to whodat in reality)



Well-Known Member
Didn't mean to start the old femm debate. A little volatile maybe. I just think that there are certain things in life that can't be shortcut without seriously affecting something else and this is one of them. Let's not bring up Monsanto again. lol I can't be a hypocrite cause I've obtained some and grown some and yes they were convenient and all but at what cost? Hell, I've even suggested that if I were to start all over again as a new grower that I would probably start with femm until I build up a reserve. Then I would switch to regular seed. Anyway, do what you want, don't bother me none, but 20 or 30 years from now I'll be the wise old man with all the primo buds and the A+++ males. And they'll end up being worth more than my females.

About the hash thing. I smoked lots of that in the late 70's through the 80's. Sometimes there would be no weed around and hash was all you could find. I remember the Gold leaf and lettering stamped on it and I remember the red plastic wrap it would come in. I haven't had hash like that in many, many years now.


Active Member
Do you have an inline fan pulling air out of the tent pandan? If not, you need to sort that out, and make sure the air you are pulling out is going somewhere that people are not going to smell (or get a filter.)

Probably the fact that your temps have been high has been sl;owing the growth down. Now you are on 25 then you should be good.

Did you know that 1 x 600w = around 90,000 lumens, and 2 X 400 is only a little bit more than that. (prob about 100,000 lumens) So lots more electricity use, not much more light. Just my 2 cents.
Heat could of been a problem i figured... but then again, what about all the tops that were far enough away as to be in the right temp zone? Did they get held back by being part of the same plant that had other hot tops?

About the lumen thing- yeah I already knew that years ago. I read it was more efficient to use one bigger lamp with less watts than a combination of smaller watts adding up to a bit more. Thing is I wasn't really going for more light (I was while using the 600 too but that's off until i get the cool tube on) I was trying to get better coverage for the same amount of light. That's why next time i'll have less tops too I think, so all the colas that are there have as many angles covered of direct light and a globe right there next to it. With 1 600 in the middle it was good but i couldn't help but think about how the corners were further away than the middle etc.

Yes I have good fan that sucks air out of the tent and one to put air in on the opposite side... only problem is my out fan just blows straight in to the room so the room the tent is in. So with the shitty portable air con i have the room never cools below 22c- which means the tent can only do worse than that. I'll have to figure out how to duct the air outside but i don't want it to look sus since i already have an air con on the window... although it is facing the back yard so maybe..
It would help if i could get the room to around 15c i think.


Active Member
I'll take a shot at answering this. Have you transplanted and if so how long before throwing them into flower?
Uuuum.... yeah i um re-potted them like a few days ago.... but that's because i accidently put them in the wrong size (20cm diameter) and then realized they were binding up so i put them in 250cm. I figured i sort of had to because of their size. As it is, just last night i saw root tips where the drain holes are on my big LSD at the front, so in less than a week it's claimed a good portion of the space i gave it....
So new question for everyone out there- if i slowed down my flowering by re-potting, did i fuck my yield or potency at all or just the timeline? As in, will it just take longer or have i done a permanent bad to these guys?

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Uuuum.... yeah i um re-potted them like a few days ago.... but that's because i accidently put them in the wrong size (20cm diameter) and then realized they were binding up so i put them in 250cm. I figured i sort of had to because of their size. As it is, just last night i saw root tips where the drain holes are on my big LSD at the front, so in less than a week it's claimed a good portion of the space i gave it....
So new question for everyone out there- if i slowed down my flowering by re-potting, did i fuck my yield or potency at all or just the timeline? As in, will it just take longer or have i done a permanent bad to these guys?
I dont think you've done damage by repotting unless to handled them really badly, you'll probably notice a slight drop but it should pick back up. if not it probably another issue.
Your tent sounds like the dr120 that ive worked with many times and they are perfect for 1x 600 wt hps as the light spread reaches those exact measurements.. If not sure go for a bigger hood .. I would nt advise 2x400s in that tight space ,its not worth it with all the heat you'll be getting plus you say you can't vent outside the room the tents in , If you must then get a bigger extraction fan than your currently using ,i've had the exact same problems in the past.. Check my Ak47 thread thats were i was running them single tents...


Active Member
Your tent sounds like the dr120 that ive worked with many times and they are perfect for 1x 600 wt hps as the light spread reaches those exact measurements.. If not sure go for a bigger hood .. I would nt advise 2x400s in that tight space ,its not worth it with all the heat you'll be getting plus you say you can't vent outside the room the tents in , If you must then get a bigger extraction fan than your currently using ,i've had the exact same problems in the past.. Check my Ak47 thread thats were i was running them single tents...
The light did seem pretty good but look at the top left of this picture

The back left plant still looks good but the central cola has stretched a fair amount more than all the other plants. I think it was because it is positioned behind the socket for a central lamp. From the front of the globe i think the light would more freely travel then go backwards behind the socket- although it obviously still does and probably in a good amount. With the 2x 400 i now have a lamp just about right over the top of it and to the front end of the lamp. The lamps are back to back so there is probably a duller band right in the middle, but i actually want more emphasis on the outer 4 plants and may just have 2 single cola plants in between them next time since they are just crowded anyway.

Heat is a bitch but i want light both at the front and back evenly with just a strip in between sacrificed