Club 600


Well-Known Member
Do you have an inline fan pulling air out of the tent pandan? If not, you need to sort that out, and make sure the air you are pulling out is going somewhere that people are not going to smell (or get a filter.)

Probably the fact that your temps have been high has been sl;owing the growth down. Now you are on 25 then you should be good.

Did you know that 1 x 600w = around 90,000 lumens, and 2 X 400 is only a little bit more than that. (prob about 100,000 lumens) So lots more electricity use, not much more light. Just my 2 cents.

Ok since you asked so kindly here you go:

I had to turn the lights off then on (not enough room light to see anything in the tent) because of the orange and black bands so i only snapped a few quick ones while i could- and my net speed running reduced so only uploaded 2.

What the pictures show is a tent 1.2 meters wide, 1.2 meters deep and 2 meters tall. Until a few hours ago I used a 600w hps from seed in cana coco coir. Now i got 2x 400w back to back. In these pictures there is 6 plants which are now 23 days from when i switched the light to 12-12... so they are kind of sucking really, although i haven't grown these strains before... i expected bigger bud on there but the LSD is coming on slow. All 3 on the left are Barney's seed farm LSD and on the right the closest to the camera is DinaFem Diesel, then behind that is DinaFem Critical + and furthest on the right is another LSD. I topped all of them after the 2nd node. the Critical+ is a short plant but i also fucked it around by accidently snapping a main branch away from the node while trying to bend it. It's all a bit chocka in there because they shot out like bastards, i cut like half the mass out just so it could breathe but next time i think i'll try topping above the first node so there will be less but bigger cola's with more space between. On the grill the plants sit on (to drain in to buckets when i hand feed) i got 2 100mm inline fans pointing straight up and another bathroom ceiling vent fan right in the middle pointing up too.
The second photo is from the diesel plant.
So um, anyone want to tell me why my plants aren't budding up big yet?


Well-Known Member
I think even most 400w HPS are listed for initial lumens of 45, you're actually using more power for the same amount of light...but would the better distribution of light not help? And they surely must be alot hotter than just a single 600w.


Well-Known Member
Home again, safe and sound. The pH in my flower res was down around 4.4 and there was only about 20 gallons left. not enough to entirely fill the tray, but the pump didn't burn out either, so YAY!

The veg plants likewise, were way down.

I've changed both out with new nutes. I think everything will be fine. I was gone 6 days and I imagine things were pretty on point for most of that.

DOGSOG is looking nice. 3 weeks in. You be the judge. I'll be catching up on the thread (as much as anyone can, lol)



Well-Known Member
Welcome home shnkrmn, glad the pump survived!!!!! And all looks sweet in the garnde, you must be pretty happy.

I am off to the pub for a beer. Laters guys, (and gal(s)



Well-Known Member
I think she's going to need a walking stick to stand soon. That one's actually a little further along, maybe 4 1/2 weeks? I've gotten really bad at counting the days since I stopped keeping my own journal here, lol. I have to refer to likes I've gotten in the 600 to figure out the date I started flowering, lmao. I'm a fkkn stoner.

nice shots shnkrmn! like the way the last shot is of the bud that's got her own swerve on!


Well-Known Member
Glad they hung in there Shnk i have yet to take a vacation why my girls are growing and im hoping i never have to.
Ive had to do the same thing to figure out what date some of mine were way back lol


Active Member
Quick question guys (ill be back up on the site soon grows well underway but nothing to shout about just yet)
I have my ballasts on my windowsill ( to keep them cool mainly because its heading into winter)

but im worried that my window might be glowing IF a chopper does a fly by. no?
i mean they probably wont but say its snowing and my window is glowing cant look good right. or will they put it down to a lamp or something?
anyway thinking of moving them indoors its just i have no place for them and no hard non flamable surface. other than on an oven tray by the window...

also dont start supercropping after a few too many... ended up snapping off my two biggest and strongest branches (nice and bushy now mind )


Well-Known Member
Quick question guys (ill be back up on the site soon grows well underway but nothing to shout about just yet)
I have my ballasts on my windowsill ( to keep them cool mainly because its heading into winter)

but im worried that my window might be glowing IF a chopper does a fly by. no?
i mean they probably wont but say its snowing and my window is glowing cant look good right. or will they put it down to a lamp or something?
anyway thinking of moving them indoors its just i have no place for them and no hard non flamable surface. other than on an oven tray by the window...

also dont start supercropping after a few too many... ended up snapping off my two biggest and strongest branches (nice and bushy now mind )
It'd probably just look like a radiator or something, just remember it good to be careful, but paranoia will destroy ya!


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much choppers are flying around looking for us... but if one was worried about them, I would think your ballasts in a window would definitely make someone look twice. I am sure there are 100 strange reasons why someone would have something baking hot sitting on a window sill and have a logical (albeit a little crazy) explanation... but explanations are given to people we don't want anywhere near our houses. I'd try and think of another place if you are worried about that kind of thing.

Quick question guys (ill be back up on the site soon grows well underway but nothing to shout about just yet)
I have my ballasts on my windowsill ( to keep them cool mainly because its heading into winter)

but im worried that my window might be glowing IF a chopper does a fly by. no?
i mean they probably wont but say its snowing and my window is glowing cant look good right. or will they put it down to a lamp or something?
anyway thinking of moving them indoors its just i have no place for them and no hard non flamable surface. other than on an oven tray by the window...

also dont start supercropping after a few too many... ended up snapping off my two biggest and strongest branches (nice and bushy now mind )


Well-Known Member
Quick question guys (ill be back up on the site soon grows well underway but nothing to shout about just yet)
I have my ballasts on my windowsill ( to keep them cool mainly because its heading into winter)

but im worried that my window might be glowing IF a chopper does a fly by. no?
i mean they probably wont but say its snowing and my window is glowing cant look good right. or will they put it down to a lamp or something?
anyway thinking of moving them indoors its just i have no place for them and no hard non flamable surface. other than on an oven tray by the window...

also dont start supercropping after a few too many... ended up snapping off my two biggest and strongest branches (nice and bushy now mind )
You should be able to use a small fan to blow across the body of the ballast to keep it nice & cool.
I have a 12" fan running on low speed blowing across mine and it makes it almost as cool as room temperature.
Doing that will allow you to put it away from the window.
The ballast is only generating somewhere between 60 to 100 watts of thermal energy, so even a small clip-on fan will be enough to cool it.


Well-Known Member
I was uploading pics for my journal and came across this pic. Looks pretty run of the mill.... but check the lower left corner. Pretty cool.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys. A rip from my thread but I'm looking for input.

I've got a strange one here. But before I show the pics I'll describe the situation. All these newer stuff was planted August 6th. I planted them in party cups but didn't put holes in the bottome. Don't ask. Anyway after a while it got pretty rancid in the soil and the seedlings started to burn. I gave them flush after flush before I could get that foul smell gone. Kinda like rotting eggs if I recall right. Anyway they were real slow for the first four weeks, almost dead stop, until I got my new nutes and amendments and transplanted them about 4 weeks ago and they've taken right off since. I've been vegging them at 16hrs like I always have. One plant, a Zahr/CB, began to flower on me in veg and show signs of male. A little while later I saw pistils. Upon close exam I'm still not 100% if these are male pods or not. I'm looking for stem and the 5 star for the petals. Is this a true Hermi as opposed to the banana type hermi? I've had another plant do this to me not long ago too. I got rid of that one. It was weird because it looked like a pistil coming out of an opening calyx with a raw seed in it. That's the best way I can think of to describe it.

Sure would appreciate some help if anyone knows what's going on. Thanks.