Who would that be, hahahaha? Looks like a nice little break. And now I know what these guys are talking about.....
There are some real blabbermouths on this thread. A fellow goes away for a few days and it takes a while to catch-up, which I admit I only read the last three pages before posting.
I had a mini trip in florida the past week. Started in central florida, from there to vero beach and from vero to st. augustine. It was a real tough week. I'll post some pics to share with everyone the misery I've had to put up with on my trip.
My girls have just finished week six of veg yesterday. I'll be flipping them saturday and counting sunday as day one of 12/12. Jig or anyone else growing scrog, all comments are welcome. I have no objections to making obvious mistakes since this is my first scrog....and anyway I've already made my first mistake. My back edge is too close to the wall. After this grow I'm moving my lights out about two feet further from my back wall. So any advice is welcome.
So here are a few pics of the atlantic ocean over labor day. The short beach is vero and the big expansive beach is st. augustine.
awesome pics heads up!! loving the buddha chillin

vedy niceee
heres a pic of my own
now im fixing to finally get soem new shoes, maaaybe and skate. peace outttt

SO what is Wally Up to?
Burping the space bomb~
Sour D Day 29~
AK Day 12~
Space bombalicious, looks kind of yummy indeed whodat.
I rarely go outside of this thread any longer, what's the point? Try to offer an honest comment and you're flamed. Make a suggestion, you're flamed. Ask a question, you're an idiot, what's the point? I still look around occasionally and try to help and then rarely return to that particular thread. All the bickering, who needs it?
Not posting for the past several days was almost a form of withdrawal. I found myself talking about the six hundred and the guys several times to my lady, who also happens to support what I do. She says to me, it's a part of who you are, why would I ever ask you to stop? I like that. As usual this old stoner drifts, this is still the best thread on riu and anyone who has stuck around knows this to be true. Peace ya'll.
We love you too HeadsUp!!!! You da man with that Flori-duh plan.
Hello all.
Whodat, as always your garden look mahvalous! Heads Up, yours too and great photos to go with them. I feel exactly like you do, and many here I'm sure.
Wally's got my curiosity peaked. What'ya up to Wally?
I'm calling this one, "Hanging out at The Club"
View attachment 1775167
Me curious too. Can I come and hang out at the Club?
Made some BHO in a glass pyrex dish last weekend. I couldn't get the oil from the corners and my my old lady made a cake in the pan. I finally got to a corner piece today and forgot all about it. As I'm sitting and watching a bit of television I realize I'm fucking stoned as hell lol. I'm enjoying the prOn as usual, the photo contest is fun as hell, I'm hoping to see a club 600 sticker somewhere soon! Great shots everyone.
Mmmnnn, corner slice for me please!!!!!
can yu guys show or tell me yur favorite/best joint tip folding methods!! stoner wisdom greatly appreciated!!
I do mine like Jig, I also tend to roll the joint with the tip inside while rolling. IF you hold onto the tip and roll with that using your other hand to work the rest of the joint, it can be controlled well and you don't end up with a baggy tip end.
There is also the technique of folding the tip first to create a zig zag effect, then finishing it off by rolling it up like Jigs pic. This can also help create an extra stopper so that weed doesn't get sucked through the tip and into your mouth.
Club 600x sticker entry
The nursery:
The new shelves (adjustable height):
New batch of soil mixed up and ready for final up-canning of 11 of the 17 seedlings:
Main ingredients for adding an interior webcam in my grow box:
Still working on the latest club 600x sticker music vid, but the last few chores got in the way (
I am now on my seedlings' schedules 
Hands are feeling great, so will be working on it tonight, posting it tomorrow (
maybe late, late tonight).
Will be funny seeing the webcam in action. Do we have a TM yet for your weedcam?
Tipless, me no like tipless, too much weed in mouth as I like a fat rolled joint.
Heads up... me and whodat seem to be of opposite opinions on when to flip with a scrog. I think flip earlier even if it's not full up when it's done. That being said, you have seen my grows and you have seen whodat's grows. I personally would go with whodats advice over mine, lol. All props to the man.
I'm really glad you made it through the hardest week on earth. Lovely pictures. I can feel the pain exuding out of them.
I use an index card... then cut it like shown. The width of the piece you cut makes how 'long' your tip will be. The length of the piece you cut will determine how 'fat' the tip will be.
EDIT: I cut the corners of the little strip, so that when it's rolled up there aren't sharp points that could rip the rolling paper.
Start by making the smallest little fold at one end, to start things off.
Then roll it up as tight as you can... it will open up a little when you are done.
Voila you are done. Now if it's too fat for the joint, unroll it cut the length and roll it back up.. it will be skinnier. I take no credit for all this ... I was taught when I visited Amsterdam.
How to roll up a card in 20 easy steps, lol. I like the cutting of the edges....very anal
View attachment 1775549View attachment 1775547View attachment 1775522The last picture was my girl on day five. The first two are her today, day eight. Whoever at Nirvana wrote that Master Kush does'nt smell is full of shit. She has a very distinct odor that you can smell and I can only imagine what it'll be like during flower.
Weed smells!!! FULL STOP. or as you guys say PERIOD!
dont get the point of a tip
You would if you wokred in the service indsutry....boom boom.
Stops you getting weed in yer gob among other things....
I finally got all the rooms built but I still got a little trimming to do because I ran out of 1 x 4's but that's just cosmetics and it can wait until I make it back to Lowes. Tomorrow I'll be cleaning it all out from top to bottom and applying my first coat of flat white paint. I'm hoping I can get by with just one coat but I'll paint it twice if I need to. After that It's all down to installing the ventilation and the lighting. I bought quite a bit a duct work the other day and it'll mostly be all straight pipe and elbows.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel fellas and it wont be long now. I'm thinking I'll have it finished by Sunday at the latest. I'm still waiting on the new 8" inline exhaust 762 CFM to arrive but it should be here by tomorrow.
Enough talk, here's some pics.
Thanks for riding along.
YOu can see the light at the end of the tunnel, have you put the lights in yet? I couldn't see them....oh dear, I am full of witty comments this morning. Sorry guys, fell asleep early last night so full of wind and piss this morgen, lol.
I'm a definite convert when it comes to tips.
So much easier...
(*pardon the graininess, but I forgot to turn the camera flash on)
Oh the converted one. We like converts...Now look into my eyes.....ok, now pass me that joint, and when I click my hands you will wake up and not realise you had even rolled a joint...although there might be a slight smell of ganj in the room...and a small pile of ash in the asbak.
Hey you bunch of crazy Spag Monsters, hope you are having a good evenink, or morningk, wherever you may be!
Peace, DST