Man my roomate just flipped n tried to still all my babies . I broke em because I came home n found him. he told me he was taking them so I broke em all because I had to go to work. Fuuuuuuuuccckkkkkkinnngggg shameful shit
hahahaha..........should have pourd bleach on them.
Can you imagine a society whereby anyone who asks can become a leader and ruler and police that society, without even the consent or approval of anyone in that society, without experience or even solid evidence of why those people should be in the policing position......welcome to RIU, lol.
I am seeing too many of our new Moderators walking around (or posting around) like Hitlers little Nazi Youth league in their Brown overalls and red armbands. Why does this site need 60+ moderators? Can someone please give me a mature and reasonably sane response? I seriously doubt
Well as far as I am arware the 600 is a place of self moderation, which is a credit to all who post here!!! Good on you, big pat on back.
Peace, DST
well D,i think the whole mod thing is just down right crazy!!!
i was drunk about 2-3 weeks ago,chating it up on LG's thread,and i felt like doing some drunk posting,
i told LG,i was about to go have fun,after i clicked new post,that mod app popd up,i was like dam,what is this shit.............
i clicked on it,and said hmmmmmmmmmmm,i did not post for some time,when i did post,all i postd was,"all you get my vote".
then i seen people going for the indoor section,the first thing i said was,its bout to be some shit going on,so i made my bid,cant have just anyone
come up in here..........modding shit.thats the only reason I did it.
just for the 600.
ill give more info later,gotta go for now.