Club 600

I planted a few male plants in the middle of a flower display on a roundabout in my town in the dead of night for a laugh.
shame that the council came to replace the display shortly after. had bets on to see how big they got before someone took them.

dont try this at home. i needed to change my underwear after that, had a few cars come too close with their headlights. but meh, whats life without a bit of fun.
just spoke to a friend. loved his last line i felt like sharing it lol.

whats up

what you upto tonight
well up for geting high

im playing a poker game tonight doing ok been at it for hours lol
ill be round yours tomorrow if your all game
ill have to see what the boss says but dont think i have plans

safe mate..
be well up for it

thought you wanted to quit smoking anyway lol

i do.. except I miss enjoying life"
Well here's me checking in on tings, and it seems like everyone is in bed or busy with real life, lol. What a rawkus night in Amsterdam, well not quite. Had a braai, fell asleep, woke up with the phone ringing and my mate asking where I was. Just got home and having a cup of tea and a joint...aaah. Bless the 600. So we stuck inlike some sort of timewarp on page 598, hahaha.
Dre that is some serious work with a single CFL! Great work :clap:
Is it on a light mover?
Thanks D. I've been searching for something like that all my life. Now that I've found Pastafarianism I can finally live in peace. Thank you so much. May the FSM bless you.

howdy 600 , im back as promised to share some pr0n

IMG_4665.jpgblueberry from jordan of the islands, and blueberry jam from dr atomic, 3 weeks into flower
IMG_4672.jpgand here we are today, a few days from the chopping block, and to the left you may notice the next trial strain, thai lights from dr atomic.

and some money shots

Blueberry jam:

Hey, hey, hey, 600 :-)
Just some close up nug pROn to edge us one post closer to PAGE 600. :-)

Northern Berry:







Matanuska Thunderfuck:












*edit: all hail Rush and FSM

**edit #2:37 POSTS UNTIL PAGE 600 ! ! !

edit #3: these are medium resolution pics, hand-held, using finger for shutter release. And though I've been a Photoshop user & Painter user for almost 20 years, the pics above are straight off the camera with no touch-ups or adjustments. The way I'll be doing any pics I post during the Page 600-aroo-athon-alooza-fair. It's a lot easier to set up the shots properly before snapping the pics than it is to monkey around with them in Photoshop afterwards. I'm hanging on to the good stuff for 78 more posts (Super Macro, low ISO, buds touching the lens, good lighting, tripod with weights on the lower legs to anchor it firmly in place, and camera shutter release set to "10 second Timer" mode so there is no vibration or movement whatsoever). ;-)

edit #4: lets all just get down on our knees and pray to The Flying Spaghetti Monster that RIU's servers aren't decimated by the visual (and audio, hint, hint ;-) ) onslaught that we of The 600 shall rain down upon them as we storm the castle walls of Unrighteous Brickweed, and ramshackle the unlofty minarets and parapets of Randomly Anti-social Online Behaviour with pics, and tales of memories of days long past, of buds we grew, herbs we are growing, and sweet dank rainbow nugs of frosty goodness that fill our dreams that are yet to be created and unleashed upon an unsuspecting world by the Mad Breeders of The 600 and beyond!
And, when it has passed it's final conclusion, we who were there, we honoured few who typed, and uploaded, attached and posted with heads held high (pun fully intended), can look around to any he sees and, if they cannot look you in the bloodshot eyes through a THC-induced haze of Brotherhood and Understanding, then they cannot say that they were truly There when It happened, and they shall forever lament and hold their manhood cheap...
For we stalwart brothers, we Noble Stoners from every corner of the globe (think about it... and get back to me when your mind has been properly blown... :blsmoke: ) who employ 600 watts of Divine Light to grow the finest cannabis known to mankind, we who came together to share the good, and the bad with our brothers shall look back on that glorious day and can proudly say, when asked where he was when the 600 turned 600, he can say, "I was There! That event, the finest and most random confluence of Cosmic happenstances that coalesced into reality for only the briefest of moments on that fateful day, will never happen again, anywhere or anytime, in the entire universe, in the complete multi-verse. From the beginning of Time/Space until the final Big Crunch, that was the only time it will ever happen. And I was There!."
In Spaghetti Monster's name we pray: "Pass The Parmesan!"

**for those who won't be able to make it over when it happens, you will be sorely missed my friends :-( . Take some solace in the knowledge that at least it's archived here in the clubhouse for you.
just hilarious, need go change pants now!!!

Hey, hey, hey, 600 :-)
Just some close up nug pROn to edge us one post closer to PAGE 600. :-)

Northern Berry:







Matanuska Thunderfuck:














*edit: all hail Rush and FSM

**edit #2:77 POSTS UNTIL PAGE 600 ! ! !

edit #3: these are medium resolution pics, hand-held, using finger for shutter release. And though I've been a Photoshop user & Painter user for almost 20 years, the pics above are straight off the camera with no touch-ups or adjustments. The way I'll be doing any pics I post during the Page 600-aroo-athon-alooza-fair. It's a lot easier to set up the shots properly before snapping the pics than it is to monkey around with them in Photoshop afterwards. I'm hanging on to the good stuff for 78 more posts (Super Macro, low ISO, buds touching the lens, good lighting, tripod with weights on the lower legs to anchor it firmly in place, and camera shutter release set to "10 second Timer" mode so there is no vibration or movement whatsoever). ;-)

edit #4: lets all just get down on our knees and pray to The Flying Spaghetti Monster that RIU's servers aren't decimated by the visual (and audio, hint, hint ;-) ) onslaught that we of The 600 shall rain down upon them as we storm the castle walls of Unrighteous Brickweed, and ramshackle the unlofty minarets and parapets of Randomly Anti-social Online Behaviour with pics, and tales of memories of days long past, of buds we grew, herbs we are growing, and sweet dank rainbow nugs of frosty goodness that fill our dreams that are yet to be created and unleashed upon an unsuspecting world by the Mad Breeders of The 600 and beyond!
And, when it has passed it's final conclusion, we who were there, we honoured few who typed, and uploaded, attached and posted with heads held high (pun fully intended), can look around to any he sees and, if they cannot look you in the bloodshot eyes through a THC-induced haze of Brotherhood and Understanding, then they cannot say that they were truly There when It happened, and they shall forever lament and hold their manhood cheap...
For we stalwart brothers, we Noble Stoners from every corner of the globe (think about it... and get back to me when your mind has been properly blown... :blsmoke: ) who employ 600 watts of Divine Light to grow the finest cannabis known to mankind, we who came together to share the good, and the bad with our brothers shall look back on that glorious day and can proudly say, when asked where he was when the 600 turned 600, he can say, "I was There! That event, the finest and most random confluence of Cosmic happenstances that coalesced into reality for only the briefest of moments on that fateful day, will never happen again, anywhere or anytime, in the entire universe, in the complete multi-verse. From the beginning of Time/Space until the final Big Crunch, that was the only time it will ever happen. And I was There!."
In Spaghetti Monster's name we pray: "Pass The Parmesan!"

**for those who won't be able to make it over when it happens, you will be sorely missed my friends :-( . Take some solace in the knowledge that at least it's archived here in the clubhouse for you.