Club 600

Westy's just letting the fekkin Cat out of the bag because he has to go sh(c)at sitting at the weekend, hehehe. No you have not missed anything whodat, all will be revealed later. lol.
Would the pair of you stop making so much noise and go to bed!!!!!!

Bloody kids these days £$%^&*+x!!!!!!
Good morning guys. Couldn't wait for the upload to finish so off to be I went but here it is, ready to compete with the new Harry Potter release, my update. :clap::clap::clap:

After changing the file data and converting it I was able the screw with the copyright detection. Yay! The song, chosen just for the Fat Cats on Wall Street, is High Class in Borrowed Shoes, by Max Webster (Kim Mitchell) Rock On 600!

I think your update will wipe the floor with the new Harry fukin Potter film the little dick! lol.
OH, and props to showing off the Deep Blues, something makes me think there will be some Deep-ly good news coming soon, perhaps in a page or so.
Ah see, my Spidey Senses at work. I'm really liking these DB's so far. They're really strong and hardy with a nice structure to it. I still have about a dozen of those left in my bank so I'm happy about that. Again, just holding out until I move and then I want to start some projects I have in mind, which I'll need a nice strapping young male for.

Next page or so? Ooooh, can't wait. C'mon uncle D, tell us, tell us! lol
ive just hit a bong of chronic.
but i some small bits of nugs i had left over after trimming off the mould.
apart from a few darker patches this bud looked ok. but you could tell it had to go.

well i have to say it got me twice as high as a different bud from the same plant got me yesterday.

and i remember people saying that they got higher from a mouldy nug. now im thinking there may be something to it.
I wonder if the plant knows its under attack, do you think it could produce more thc to defend itself or produces more trichs to attampt to catch pollen.

or am i just high lol

oh and on a downer, im afraid my other half spring cleaned and accidently threw out the fairs gift. devistated. and i would like to say sorry to the fairy. I wasnt going to say anything but you would have been expecting grow reports.

I think they get away with it in Mexico until they fail to keep paying the right people (or the right people get capped by other people) and then the helicopters miraculously find them.
oh yeah of course.
lucky bastards. (for a while) when i see people getting busted for 1 mill a year crops i wonder why they didnt stop at 1 or 2 or 5 mill. greed is a bad thing. if it was me i would probably be in a cycle of ok just one more year and im done, ahh but i wanted that ferari, just one more year.... ohh but that boat is nice just one more.....