Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
It's definitely genetic. One of the lads in LA on the 6 was growing one and exact same thing, Pink bulbous heads. I at first thought it might be the colouring from the leave shining through the trichome and being expanded by light into the trichome head....but I am not so sure about that.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yorkshiremanin the uk thread made bubblehash out of the smelly cherry x SLH which was bright purple buds and trichs, under the scope they looked white and red,

the QQ also has purple trichs, i've just taken a tester off a 2 toke which was pretty purp in colour. i'll scope it in a bit n see.

it is pretty cool though. purple errrl mmmmm


Well-Known Member
This plant was selected from a small batch of seeds (maybe 20 or so). The fella who gifted me with these was from Africa, and has returned to his country without leaving any way to contact him. We will likely never see him again, he was here on a work visa but no one knew his real name...
Its been grown in Alaska, Georga, and Michigan with the same results. Its been pollenated with various strains and this never shows up in the outcross. The heads I I mentioned and you can see from left of the image to the right, heads that develope clear, then fade pink as they develop, and finish purple. This color however is shown sooner than a trichome would amber under normal circumstances. I am curious to know whats actually going on. I will be having this strain tested in a few months and will try to discover whats cannabinoids are most present with hopes that this sheds light on the subject.

Yes the bubble is pink/purple!

Though the seed gifter was from Africa. Its VERY indica.


Well-Known Member
Ill grow this one out for you folks here if its of interest. I have 5 cuttings rooted ready to go.

This plant is VERY difficult. It stresses very easily and remains stressed for long periods of time. I had thought for some time, that stress could be the factor inducing the effect but over the course of the last three years, its been grown indoors and out, under various circumstances and climates and I am now convinced that it has nothing to do with it.

A fella working with me brought a pallet of roots organic into the facility and introduced fungus gnats over night. They were thick enough they invaded every room in about 12 hours. The cuttings took a hit and you will see what the stress did to the development of new growth. One trait that I thought may help determine lineage, is that the leaf pattern is distinct. Three of the center most sections of the leaf grow the longest. I have seen this closely similar in GDP but the bud development is very different.

Other thoughts: I considered bacterial or viral factors. Thought maybe a systemic virus could effect the plant in this manner, but found no such documentation supporting this, but then again found no such documentation period. I have not found any studies. Anyone with information, please pipe up.

Thank you folks that have commented, and posted relevent information.



Well-Known Member
I am no good with a cam folks, sorry. (Toshiba HD <--"my ass" 1920 x 1080. 23x Optical Zoom. f = 4.0-92mm F 3.5)

Side by side with a vortex cutting. The plant in question "Chemeleon", is on the left.

Woodsman's Chemeleon 003.jpgWoodsman's Chemeleon 010.jpgWoodsman's Chemeleon 011.jpg
These were powdered with Diatomaceous Earth for fungus gnats (seen white on the foliage).


Well-Known Member
Im unsure, but a buddy on here was growin a gorilla grape or a cross of it that did the same thing. its so beautiful though.
Great strain, and very effective for me and my conditions, but its a Sativa dom plant that is similar but I am quite sure not what we are looking at. Thanks brother.



Well-Known Member
yorkshiremanin the uk thread made bubblehash out of the smelly cherry x SLH which was bright purple buds and trichs, under the scope they looked white and red,

the QQ also has purple trichs, i've just taken a tester off a 2 toke which was pretty purp in colour. i'll scope it in a bit n see.

it is pretty cool though. purple errrl mmmmm

Thanks pal, have a link? Its quite the thread, maybe I am not as savy on the search but its one I am having trouble finding. Thanks.




Well-Known Member
So as was mentioned the first few rounds of this topic, there are others. I appreciate the comments and dig on images.
What I am curious to know however is the dig on whats occuring. Ill leave it hang for now, and let you guys get back to what you do. If anyone has word please do get at me. Thanks folks!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
christ, took some finding but here's the post

and the plant it came form

QQ is Qrazy Quake ;)

Qrazy Train (Black Trainwreck x Trinity x Purple Urkle x Space Queen) x Cheese Quake (Exodus Cheese x Querkle)

Just bought the new cord for my camera. So Should be back in action by next weekend!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You did me proud friend, thank you sir.
no probs ;)
So as was mentioned the first few rounds of this topic, there are others. I appreciate the comments and dig on images.
What I am curious to know however is the dig on whats occuring. Ill leave it hang for now, and let you guys get back to what you do. If anyone has word please do get at me. Thanks folks!
looking back i realise now lol. sorry. I've just been google researching and so far no one has come up with any concrete reasoning why the trich heads turn purple.


Well-Known Member
So as was mentioned the first few rounds of this topic, there are others. I appreciate the comments and dig on images.
What I am curious to know however is the dig on whats occuring. Ill leave it hang for now, and let you guys get back to what you do. If anyone has word please do get at me. Thanks folks!

I thought it might be indica, Im guessing super high CBD levels, should be great medication.
Then again Im just guessing.
How long does it take her to finish? by the looks of the plant, not the trichs.


Well-Known Member
^^ good call, when its "done" is a anyones guess! LOL. Its about 50-60 days. Very indica, VERY medicinally applicable. Whole body effect, very quick on set, numbing, stops spasms, motivational, starts heavy, ends light; not the typical indica lock.



Well-Known Member
Is it an indica? and it has always done this for as long as youv had it right?
Very cool looking :-)
Are there any extremes in your environment? Gotta be genetic. Try breeding with it and see what happens, oh and im no breeder I just like making plant pr0n.

Keeping you all posted on the Blue Pit :-)
Doing good. I have 4 others to show, but Im stalking dis one.

i've grown both and i would say just judging by leaf patter and growth structure that it is a great hybrid of the two, it will make for interesting viewing thats for sure.

Headband (sour kush) x Deep Blue

our water is hard, lol
skxdb looks amazing, more fruity fuelly goodness with a bit of balaclava thrown in, just what we need on a cold day like this


Well-Known Member
Mr. Hose got a little excited there....... hard water.. lol

Thanks for the encouraging words GHB :-) I have four more, some a little different than others but the one posted has stood out to me since day 1.

Heres two other blue pits.
With the initials being BP, Im expecting some nice oil production ;-)



Well-Known Member
Nice stuff whodat. Cool that a few peeps have some BP on the go. Will be nice to compare and contrast.