Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
dam^^^^hot dam,that looks good.
i got some (psycho killer) & (deep psycho){sativa pheno}<<<i think that is what west put.
ima pop 5 of each tonite,after seeing them pics.


Well-Known Member
Man, a whole bunch of comment's likes ans Rep off the back of that " Bat " So thought it deserved a close up-blow up Shot !
Thanks for all the kind words, and sounds like you got them Gen! Get them popping bro, i gave a couple of the pips i had to D>A>T, dont know how she got on? I'l ask that Conkey character


Well-Known Member
Cali closet:

If you look in one of the shots you can see the size of its previous pot. It grew strait up like that without touching her, because it was kept in a small 1 ltr before transplanting to flower, it never go a chance to branch out.
A great way to fill space with lots eh!!!!!!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Man, a whole bunch of comment's likes ans Rep off the back of that " Bat " So thought it deserved a close up-blow up Shot !
Thanks for all the kind words, and sounds like you got them Gen! Get them popping bro, i gave a couple of the pips i had to D>A>T, dont know how she got on? I'l ask that Conkey character
That's fucking beautiful


Well-Known Member
Was a pleasure bro!
I Can just see row's of them fill a tent nice :) Great taste, bit of a mix but after a few weeks in the jar it was like the shoebox the neighbours have at their front door down stair, PURE RANKY DANKY :) Now ive got time and some peace, im going to bring out some beans, and you bet ive got a couple of these left, still got a couple Bx2 suprises to, now that would b a cheesey suprise cross


Well-Known Member
dam i wish these pics would have been posted befor,i mean i knew the cross was good,but good pics like them,really put a A+ STAMP on it.
you get these pics in the right place,them beans will fly out the box fast.

can you or westy or anybody put a lil smoke report up?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I aint smoked any in any quantity for over a year. It wouldnt be fair to try and write one from memory lol.


Well-Known Member
dam i wish these pics would have been posted befor,i mean i knew the cross was good,but good pics like them,really put a A+ STAMP on it.
you get these pics in the right place,them beans will fly out the box fast.

can you or westy or anybody put a lil smoke report up?
I know , I know. That Pic has been in the Cam. for months and a while since it was smoked.

like i said the smell was total rank after a few weeks cure, taste wise, it was thick, smooth almost like a haze with hints of the cheese coming from here n there! This would have been my first re-veg for sure, but got caught at a bad time and had to pull strings just to keep clone onlys, i gave a couple of the pips out to D.A.T when i first got them, dont know if she used them, but if you got a couple get them soaking gen. ;)

Thanks for all the comments, rep's and likes

This was Westy messing about too!! Accidental rogue pollen i believe.



Well-Known Member
Hi Peeps,

This is the DOG that is going through the Colloidal Silver treatment. Spraying her every day before she went into flower and for the first week or so until she/he starts going. Flowers are looking a bit kinky already.

And the surrogate DOG mum to be....

And Mrs/Mr and Mrs DOG...or whatever combo you want.

Tall Blue Pit Pheno, looking quite greasy Gen! If this is what you mean....

Engineers Dream - with leaves like arrow heads, and quite a stubby one. Pray for a girly....

Tot Ziens



Well-Known Member
Some line up D, Hope you get that DOG project done man, thats been nearly 2 years ive had mine in clone and the only other seeds ive popped were 2 selfed from my keeper that it threw out in summer. ( only 10-12 ) But both seedless, one had a few nanners bud didnt seed

' 2 sisters at the same time, syncronised swimmers '

ps, Mr. West was it not the P.K x that i ' thought ' was a suprise dusting during another snow storm ??

D.G.T, for my sins, i dont have that Q.Quake around :( but she's worth another show!!!

And you say you have these 2 crossed!!!! WOW!

mr west

Well-Known Member
there are some pk surprise that were a happy accident. I was keeping two males next to my tent, one deep psychosis and one engineers dream. I fink i sent ya some yeah?