Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
So here we go lads and lasses. Little update on the sleepy ladies (Blue Pits). Was a bit slow getting pics after lights out so they all a bit snoozy....:sleep:

Anyhoo. We got super webbed shaped leaves, we got pinnate leaves, we got dog kush looking flower structures, we got strange dark colour pheno's, we got lovely green pheno's with blue tinges to the leaves. And some of them look to have taken on that tall pheno of the DOG. Others have got a nice mix I think. Will be fun selecting girls to pollenate for the next round. Here goes for nothing.

Most of them are flowering now, the start of good things to come.
Goedenavond, slaap lekker,


Well-Known Member
Nice one whodat.....I am getting excited about trying something new:)

p.s like the avatar! You done well at College didn't you, "Cum Laude" and all that!


Well-Known Member
Aye lad. I have collected some pollen from the Male number 1 and it is now out freezing it's bollox off in the greenhouse, lol. Male number 2 is still developing. Although it's got quite fat leaves like an indie, at the stems they stil have that pinnate, spaced out fingers kind of look. He stinks as well, you can smell it when you open the veg tent straight away. I wasn't sure which one it was but then I gave it a little shaft rub:shock: and phewee, dankorama! Kind of reminds me of the Male Kush2 we got, and you know how he is rank.


Well-Known Member
Good to see things ticking away nice, been a bit of a rough ride of late, but kept quiet and got through ok, just finaly got a new comp and cyber set-up sorted and got a bunch of snaps of my last run to throw up along with going with just now, still got the clone's, Exo, Psyco and first dog with a couple almost done, so ill take a shot of them aswell.
hope all the troops are doing away, looks like ive missed some crazy crosses! Way to put it down D



Well-Known Member
Indeed Gen, this is the exciting stage, finally getting some fat on them. That small one, 3rd pic from bottom has got dog potential written all over it.:)