Closing threads

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I got this itch that I just can't scratch. I hope this thread doesn't get closed. That would be a shame

I'll tell you why you shouldn't, and I'm only talking about this thread, I most likely won't use this argument in other cases.

If you close this thread, this particular issue will definitely continue to poison other threads. if other threads allude to this thread, i don't know what call you should make, but if you don't make room for this debate, it will find room elsewhere.
Who said that? There is nothing to be learned from such arguments.

it's a composition of what our new friends like to say.

for example, shotgun420 likes to pretend he is for civil debate, right before he calls me a pedo or a snitch and claims that all the world's historians have it wrong about the holocaust.
I'll tell you why you shouldn't, and I'm only talking about this thread, I most likely won't use this argument in other cases.

If you close this thread, this particular issue will definitely continue to poison other threads. if other threads allude to this thread, i don't know what call you should make, but if you don't make room for this debate, it will find room elsewhere.

I've said it many times... Here is that room:

You can delete your attempt to lure me into another section with something I said in this thread which was completely in context with the topic here. Don't be so vain as to think that I come online to have a special debate with you in a special thread for me and you. I'm not here for you. I said what I had to say, and you created a thread asking me to join in and elaborate. I'm not obligated, and I object to my username, including abbreviations and even reference to it in the title. I'm asking you to delete it. All you did was copy paste a comment that I made here and turn it into a thread. It is spam and your repetitive dares to get me to join you in futility are below me, particularly since you've already concluded that you're just smarter than I am.

You're a racist pig and if the search function was working properly, I would find some of the utter crap you have posted and right in plain sight.
You can delete your attempt to lure me into another section with something I said in this thread which was completely in context with the topic here. Don't be so vain as to think that I come online to have a special debate with you in a special thread for me and you. I'm not here for you. I said what I had to say, and you created a thread asking me to join in and elaborate. I'm not obligated, and I object to my username, including abbreviations and even reference to it in the title. I'm asking you to delete it. All you did was copy paste a comment that I made here and turn it into a thread. It is spam and your repetitive dares to get me to join you in futility are below me, particularly since you've already concluded that you're just smarter than I am.

You're a racist pig and if the search function was working properly, I would find some of the utter crap you have posted and right in plain sight.

I'm just asking you to back it up. If you can't... that's fine. I think everyone can see that you have absolutely no basis for you beliefs about me.
Object all you want. I object to you smearing my character... I'm at least giving you the chance to respond to my challenge. It's not a dare... it's an invite. I'm not going to delete it as it has very little to do with you at this point. It is merely a link to this thread. I guess you don't want others to see how weak and ignorant your claims are. I will take you refusal to justify your views as proof that they have zero merit. If you want to find some of the horrible things I've posted... be my guest. This is your chance to prove to the world that I'm a horrible person and that you aren't an intellectually impaired Palin brained bigot.
I'm just asking you to back it up. If you can't... that's fine. I think everyone can see that you have absolutely no basis for you beliefs about me.
Object all you want. I object to you smearing my character... I'm at least giving you the chance to respond to my challenge. It's not a dare... it's an invite. I'm not going to delete it as it has very little to do with you at this point. It is merely a link to this thread. I guess you don't want others to see how weak and ignorant your claims are. I will take you refusal to justify your views as proof that they have zero merit. If you want to find some of the horrible things I've posted... be my guest. This is your chance to prove to the world that I'm a horrible person and that you aren't an intellectually impaired Palin brained bigot.

Your ego is colossal. You have yourself convinced that you are so important that there should be a special thread for me and you to debate about a comment I made in this very thread. You think there is something to "prove to the world".

It is your adverbs and adjectives which belie your views. When the search function is working again, I'll find your tripe and bump it fresh for RIU to see that you are indeed a white nationalist and social darwinist.
I don't want to go to his house, lol.

Sorry about your thread Red. I shouldn't have let them bait me like that. I tried to take it elsewhere, but they refused.

since i can see your deleted posts ill reply to you. i dont ever edit only delete. editing causes more issues.
Same here, but I'm tired of it spreading to every thread.

WTF that isn't Bob Marley, that's Jimi Hendrix.

LOL, yeah it's from a really bad tattoo. A guy goes into a tat parlor and asks for a tat of Bob Marley. The tat "artist" finds a pic of Jimi and does him and adds "Bob Marley" to the bottom. One of the worst tats ever.
LOL, yeah it's from a really bad tattoo. A guy goes into a tat parlor and asks for a tat of Bob Marley. The tat "artist" finds a pic of Jimi and does him and adds "Bob Marley" to the bottom. One of the worst tats ever.

LOL, That's been your avatar for the longest time and I've never noticed that. LMAO!
that is all courtesy of you mercilessly calling carne a 'gold digger' after he shared a story of how his spouse was murdered, among other choice things you have said to me. you're not innocent, although the recent arrival of the tacoburrito group has mellowed my trolling of you. you even noticed that in this very thread.
Carne complained of how he didn't get any loot after his lover, not spouse, died. Nothing but but the complaint about money. So I gave him the response I felt he deserved. Only after that, did he start "embellishing" the story. Those embellishments didn't even factor into his original whining, only the money. So I don't think they were true. They sure sounded like melodramatic bullshit. If you weren't so quick to always put a group stereotype slant to everything, you would realize his story sounded a little too much like a third rate propaganda film script to be true.
Carne complained of how he didn't get any loot after his lover, not spouse, died. Nothing but but the complaint about money. So I gave him the response I felt he deserved. Only after that, did he start "embellishing" the story. Those embellishments didn't even factor into his original whining, only the money. So I don't think they were true. They sure sounded like melodramatic bullshit. If you weren't so quick to always put a group stereotype slant to everything, you would realize his story sounded a little too much like a third rate propaganda film script to be true.

hence why i troll you, as well as some similarly bitter things you have tried to say about me.

no one else seemed to get what you did out of carne's story. wonder why that is?
The threads that get locked will almost always have the same 3 or 4 people spouting the same bs over and over. We all recognize it for what it is and yes, it greatly diminishes the quality of thread, making some unreadable. It's the same insults lobbed back and forth over and over and over. When I see discourse turn into cries of racism.... every time, I know it's just a feeble minded person who can't debate. Knowing this doesn't make it anymore palatable to sift through. I too am in favor of temporary bans to those who repeatedly roll in the mud instead of locking threads if we members have a vote. Although I believe this would just result in multi-accounts, so it's not a great answer either. This forum hasn't been very fun or challenging lately. It seems to have devolved into name calling instead of debate. I don't come around as much because of this so I'm torn. I'm not a fan of locking threads, but those threads definitely bring down the value of the neighborhood I'm glad I'm not a mod, no easy answer here. If we were to allow an anything goes, people here have shown that a handful will ruin it for everyone else. I don't take it seriously so I'm not offended, I'm just bored by it. Red takes as much abuse from the usuals as anyone from what I've seen, and yet is the biggest proponent of live and let live on the forum. He deserves credit for that at least. He's fighting for your right to post fake stormfront red posts at his expense, much respect. I've skimmed over some truly racist posts recently, but calling them out has lost any credibility when every argument turns into charges of racism.
I also have seen some truly racist posts lately. As you say, pointing out racism has little effect when we have some here who call anyone who disagrees with them about anything racist. I believe we already have some multiple accounts here. Witness AbandonConflict's near instantaneous "verification" of UB's fake posts. I'm getting a LOT of "likes" on this topic, so I assume most agree with me. Would a poll or something persuade the mods or whoever is in charge to consider a change in policy? I realize posters can get around temporary bans by setting up new accounts, but at least it puts them out a little.
I also have seen some truly racist posts lately. As you say, pointing out racism has little effect when we have some here who call anyone who disagrees with them about anything racist.

i don't get the logic.

so if something is racist, but less racist than something a white supremacist says, it is not worthy of disdain?

I believe we already have some multiple accounts here. Witness AbandonConflict's near instantaneous "verification" of UB's fake posts.

you thought the same thing about me and cheesus even after deprave proved you wrong by getting cheesus to click on a link.

the mods will be happy to check the IPs and correct this false notion of yours.

I'm getting a LOT of "likes" on this topic, so I assume most agree with me.

a check of the likes reveals you have 16 in this thread, i have 14. many of yours came from the crowd making less than savory posts about the issue of race, to boot.

Would a poll or something persuade the mods or whoever is in charge to consider a change in policy?

based on my past experience, no.

I realize posters can get around temporary bans by setting up new accounts, but at least it puts them out a little.

they have addressed this recently, the answer you will get is "no".
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