

Well-Known Member
My question is about cloning and hopefully I can get some answers that will help me understand what I might be doing wrong.
I have cloned for a few years now, some with jiffys and some with an areoponic clonner. with both I usually am pretty successfull. My strain has changed a bit but in the past that has never made much of a difference on my success.
Since No Damp is going of the shelf soon ( In Canada) I have been trying recently not to use it. When I make my cutt, my clones wilt but not rott. They do this until all the leaves turn yellow and than I must throw them out before they root. I cutt at angel 45 than place in cup of water, pH 6.0, and than place in Jiffy presoaked in 6.0 water. When I move the cutting I make sure it's swift. I give Flour lighting about 2 inch off dome and I keep dome lid open a bit. I air twice a day. What am I doing wrong now?????? My clones just wilt and dont root. I also use a rooting hormone known as Number 2. Some feed back, with thier own procedures plz.


Well-Known Member
Maybe your keeping them too wet? This is usually the case with non-rooting clones. Is everything you use for cloning sterile? Use isopropyl alcohol to clean scissors and scalpel, and wash the cloning area with a weak bleach solution. I would also lift your light away from the dome, they only need to be convinced its daytime not pounded with light. Other than that I don't know what to tell you...


Well-Known Member
Maybe your keeping them too wet? This is usually the case with non-rooting clones. Is everything you use for cloning sterile? Use isopropyl alcohol to clean scissors and scalpel, and wash the cloning area with a weak bleach solution. I would also lift your light away from the dome, they only need to be convinced its daytime not pounded with light. Other than that I don't know what to tell you...
I keep all my shit tidy and clean when its down to cloning. I do not think I am keeping the medium to wet because I have done rockwal in the past and I understand how damp to keep cuttings. Thanks for the imput tho.


Active Member
I would try raising the light to a like 10 inches or so. The clones don't really need much light to begin with because they need to focus their energy on root growth, rather than photosynthesis (I think thats how it spelled.). Hence less light.


Well-Known Member
Hey JL stiffy your doing everything the same i am doin the only thing different is i double dip my clones in Root max then Stimroot after i soak them in the water and i have the doam on a heating pad helps them root faster just make sure it dosent get too dry
Brings up a very good point. How are your temps? Humidity? Do you have a heating mat? I know you have had it work in the past so we can defintely work this out. Apart from your new "rooting juice" (lol) has anything else changed?


Well-Known Member
Well. I am working in the same environment but the big difference is I guess humidity. Everyone say you cannot have to much but my clones just wilt. So today I took the dome lids off (about day 4) and I think I am going to keep them off.. Any suggestions? My temp is constant were my clone sit. They sit around 23. Grow room sits at (19-20)(winter time) :) Just not sure why this is happening. I wonder if I am over dipping my clones and getting the reverse effect. What u guys think? Even my last Aero clone was unsuccessfull.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
My question is about cloning and hopefully I can get some answers that will help me understand what I might be doing wrong.
I have cloned for a few years now, some with jiffys and some with an areoponic clonner. with both I usually am pretty successfull. My strain has changed a bit but in the past that has never made much of a difference on my success.
Since No Damp is going of the shelf soon ( In Canada) I have been trying recently not to use it. When I make my cutt, my clones wilt but not rott. They do this until all the leaves turn yellow and than I must throw them out before they root. I cutt at angel 45 than place in cup of water, pH 6.0, and than place in Jiffy presoaked in 6.0 water. When I move the cutting I make sure it's swift. I give Flour lighting about 2 inch off dome and I keep dome lid open a bit. I air twice a day. What am I doing wrong now?????? My clones just wilt and dont root. I also use a rooting hormone known as Number 2. Some feed back, with thier own procedures plz.
i have myclones in roockwool and in a bit of water all the time and in a hum. dome. no heat pad and see root in 8 to 12 days. the key is humidity keepit high inside the dome, you want it to sweat the whole time. hope this helps. good luck:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hum.. I have read to keep the dome on for higher levels of humidity I guess I never have seen why it is so important. I will put them back on. This time around I scraped the chambrum (how ever it is spelt) a bit (very lightly) and so far their is still a possibility of clones rooting.


Well-Known Member
I took some clones on tuesday night. They seemed like they were doing fine. I had them sitting about 5 feet from my 4 bulb t5 lights that is on for my mothers. Today I put them under there own t5 and had it right above the dome. They wilted like crazy in about an hour. I haven't cloned in a while and used to always have success and I used to just put them under two t12's. You might have more success if you keep low light on them. I'm not sure if my clones are going to make it now or not.

I moved the light way up and misted the crap out of them so hopefully they will make it to rooting. None of the leaves have yellowed at all they are just droopy so we shall see. Just throwing that out there.

Hum.. I have read to keep the dome on for higher levels of humidity I guess I never have seen why it is so important. I will put them back on. This time around I scraped the chambrum (how ever it is spelt) a bit (very lightly) and so far their is still a possibility of clones rooting.


Well-Known Member
Well i positioned my clones a bit better and bent the droppiness out of them and they seem to be sitting fine. I just hope they root. I did put the dome back on and I have T8s and I put them about 1 foot above the domes.. Their is no moister on my domes.