cloning tray outside.


Active Member
would it be safe just to throw my cloning tray outdoors while waitng for them to root....i just cut them today and was going to put them under lites on 18-6, but thats pretty much the same schedule as outside...


Well-Known Member
depends on how cold it is or gets night time, i take it you would bring it in at dark? personally i wouldn't risk it for the sake of 1 20 watt cfl.


Active Member
its too easy for the fragile little clones to begin having problems... not that you CANT do it, but like robsterb said, id just use a few cfl lights.. plus, you can leave them on 24 hour light indoors and they will grow faster and be ready to begin flower sooner.. clones usually only take around 10-20 days to be ready, so its not worth doing it. outside, they run the risk of people discovering them (it may not be an issue for you).


Active Member
no its not an issue for anybody finding them outdoors at all,,,its more of an issue for kids finding them indoors....i have lites for cloning but i also have 5 kids kicking i do very good on keeping the kids away from my after work activities,but they go through the house like mice on a daily bases...and in the middle of building of garage so next year wont be a problem, and have lots of past years ive used the shed but shes old now and torn down this year for the garage..

and at nite it gets a bit chilly....mabey a possible small green house .. i need to try something,,just home from being away for 2 months at work and my mother plant that was in the garage is huge and alot of clones of this bitch would be nice..


Active Member
Personally....I don't like switching between indoor and outdoor. If one little spider mite lands on the clone...then you bring it inside...there are no predators to eat them and your grow room is infested. I never bring anything that's been outside into my grow room...including soil, tools, shoes, nutes, containers.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
clones root better in indirect light. Outdoors may be way to intense if you cant have them in the shade at all times.


Well-Known Member
No keep them inside, you have to keep temps steady and u cant have nature controlling this, you have to. They only want very low int light. I doubt that the sun's shining for 18 hrs a day.


Active Member
ok so rooting outside is out of the question then...well i cant do it indoors so i will have to figure something about an insulated box with a cover , big enuf that i can set the lites rite inside and close the lid...the heat off the lites should keep them warm and i can put the box outside somewhere the kids wont get at it..


Well-Known Member
Sounds good and u control temps better, all you need is a small double tube fluro and maybe some heat mats ,small vent fan.