better the clones are the better the plant will be, thats always been my experience, if ur keeping that plant a clone mother take some stuff from the top, get the best looking branches and cut them so that u leave only a few leaves attached to the branch still attached to the mother, where ever u cut will give u 2-4 more branches in a few weeks time, and while ur waiting for those to develope the lower branches will have become much larger and thus making them better choices for clones. When Cloning try and leave 2-4 leaves on the clone, u can have more but u need to cut each leaf in half or the leaves start dying because the plant cannot support all the leaves without a rootmass. I Use Jiffy pucks and powdered rooting hormones( gel requires u to be alot more careful not to contaminate the gel). Make sure u dip ur clone in water at the cut mark right after cutting so no air gets into the shoot, apply powder and stick inside ur puck and put it in a humidity dome. I Just use a clear plastic container i found in my kitchen, fits about 7 clones. Mist them every day and fan in some fresh air and u should be good in about 2 weeks