Cloning question!!!?!!?!?!


Active Member
okay guys i have this chick right and she is about 3 weeks blooming and i would like to keep alive for generations i would like to clone but whats the best way to cut and can i cut longer thin branches at the bottom of my ladie ill put up pics to sho u what i mean
As long as you leave some foliage when you have cropped it's possible to regenerate the plant by topping up with grow nutes and using 24-7 light for a fortnight. After the fortnight return to the 18 hour on, 6 off cycle. This will put the plant back into grow and you can grow a stock plant.


bud bootlegger
yeah, you can use that for a clone.. a lot of people like to take clones when the plant is still in veg as they root a lot faster, but you can still take a clone from a flowering plant, it will take longer for it to root and revert back to vegetive growth, but it will be ok.. i would say just leave the cutting under 24 hours of light for like two or three weeks ..


Active Member
nice thanks for the tips ive also been looking at pics on here and i see alot of ppl the i guess cut where a nice cluster of hairs is and it grows like a speed stick size tree of bud


Active Member
nice good stuff guys im lovin the feed back on my situation any more tips or ideas is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Agree with all the above. I have a white widow clone going on at the moment that was taken during mid flowering. check the link in my sig (WW clone)


Active Member
You can clone a blooming plant........but it can be a longer process as they're fighting to revert to veg state at the same time as trying to root.....and if you have a recessive hermi trait the stress could bring it out........ I'd say take a few low branches and try to root them...leaving some low growth behind.....if the clones fail, you can try to reveg the plant by harvesting the upper growth then moving the whole thing to Veg..........give it time to fully revert to veg state and take clones when new growth is back to normal.....

Some plants will have no problems at all while others just won't appreciate it. Sometimes it's the only option to save a particularly special strain..........As a rule of thumb, Indicas will have less issues...but there are exceptions to every rule..... It's the difference between Absolute Photo Determinate and Relative Photo Determinate, APD vs RPD...........but all the cross breeding has blurred the line considerably.


Well-Known Member
better the clones are the better the plant will be, thats always been my experience, if ur keeping that plant a clone mother take some stuff from the top, get the best looking branches and cut them so that u leave only a few leaves attached to the branch still attached to the mother, where ever u cut will give u 2-4 more branches in a few weeks time, and while ur waiting for those to develope the lower branches will have become much larger and thus making them better choices for clones. When Cloning try and leave 2-4 leaves on the clone, u can have more but u need to cut each leaf in half or the leaves start dying because the plant cannot support all the leaves without a rootmass. I Use Jiffy pucks and powdered rooting hormones( gel requires u to be alot more careful not to contaminate the gel). Make sure u dip ur clone in water at the cut mark right after cutting so no air gets into the shoot, apply powder and stick inside ur puck and put it in a humidity dome. I Just use a clear plastic container i found in my kitchen, fits about 7 clones. Mist them every day and fan in some fresh air and u should be good in about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
are you asking me about my WW grow?

The screen is to spread the bud sites out to create multiple tops (instead of 1 main cola) the plant was Fimmed & LST's to create the nice fat canopy.