Cloning from Fan Leaves


I've read through all this and if it starts new growth from the part the leafs stars then yea but very highly unlikely gonna work
Thanks for the reply

Yeah ive read posts from this thread and there seems to be the consensus that it cannot be done

When I took my cuttings they where above any bud sites that I could observe

That being said should they NOT produce any viable plants they may be useful present to give to some of the local MP's here ;-)

Scroll back a page or 2 and read some of the info I had posted earlyer where I explained a bit of the botany behind this.

I will agree with what the person above me said in that if the leaf does take root it will eventually die off and never sprout new growth.

I am just waiting for someone to do this with a leaf but doing it sneaky by leaving 1 small axillary bud site on the bottom of the leaf steam then claiming it works. This indeed could work because there is a small bit of stem/node attached to the leaf but this wouldnt be actually cloneing a leaf into a plant because a bit of the plant is still there and its that bit of stem that would be pluripotent enough to the needed cellular differentiation to grow into a new plant, a leaf all by its self just isnt capable of forming adventitious buds.

Thank you for the pictures and taking the time involved to test this, its just not going ta work though.


Well-Known Member
im gonna be super pissed when people start successfully making clones out of leaves when im over here not able to clone/root a normal cutting lol


Active Member
eta till woomeister pulls the 'im not telling you guys how to do it because youre all soooo mean!'


I dont have the desire to post pictures or the means, which means that the other guy with the rooted fan will have to do so. The fact that people are still posting such negative ignorant, speculative comments just makes me realise how narrow minded the modern world is. No pics, cant be true lol.

That settles things. The only person who seemed 100% sure it can be done, won't prove it.

So far the only thing this thread proved is, you can get a fan leaf to root, and stay alive.

It also proved that woomeister just wanted to see how much attention this thread would get.

They started by saying without a doubt it could work, then it was "I'll post pics when I get a camera" which led to "I'll post pics when it's working" and turned into "I have a very nice camera, but it's not digital nor do I have a scanner" and turned into "I'm not going to prove myself because you guys won't believe me without pictures."

Come on. How scientific is it to deny people proof because they won't believe you without it?

In religion it's blasphemy to not believe in something because the story seems like bullshit. In science it's logical to want proof.


Active Member
Man.. A year later, and still no pictures.. So im guessing the result is that it's a No-Go..?

LOL a year later Wow This is Great!...I just went back in time! and saw B.S in the making!:clap:

Here is a picture of a flower in a fan leaf to make you feel better, if you could some how go back to veg and clone this strain then i would be able to grow bud out of leafs!


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Actually the pic posted by caregiver does a lot to change my mind. Seeing a growth/bud site coming out of a fan leaf is what I've been waiting for and there we have it. Now the question is whether that can happen to any strain or is it some kind of mutation. So I guess it is possible but is it easy or common enough to rely on as a realistic method?


Active Member
Actually the pic posted by caregiver does a lot to change my mind. Seeing a growth/bud site coming out of a fan leaf is what I've been waiting for and there we have it. Now the question is whether that can happen to any strain or is it some kind of mutation. So I guess it is possible but is it easy or common enough to rely on as a realistic method?
I would have to say Mutation!:wall:


Well-Known Member
i just cloned 3 fan leaves and 2 survived... i can post some pics of them now but the fan leaves have already been sucked of nutes for the new growth.


Well-Known Member
just before I go to bed..Why are people so unwilling to believe a quite normal natural occurence on the basis that they havent heard of it? Apparently people believed the world was flat you know!!
human beings fear what we dont know/understand. why do you think countries go to war?


Well-Known Member
So, I got about 25 pages into this thread before I just skipped to the end. Did he ever end up posting a pic of a rooted fan leaf?


Well-Known Member
Well shit, I was kinda hoping it was possible. Be interesting, but it sounds like a shitload of work to clone from a fan leaf. I would much rather just do what I know works.


Active Member
LOL a year later Wow This is Great!...I just went back in time! and saw B.S in the making!:clap:

Here is a picture of a flower in a fan leaf to make you feel better, if you could some how go back to veg and clone this strain then i would be able to grow bud out of leafs!

Here it is