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Well-Known Member
i'm giving you the rest of the day off. bongsmiliebongsmilie
Time out sucks.

why the fuck r u jumping on the bandwagon? do you not see all the BS comments to/about me also? Fuck all yall mfs if ya dont like what I have to say. Fuck all yall.. Like I said.. I DONT GIVE A FUCK you mindless fucking lemmings. LMOA fucking retards
Not trying to jump on anyone's bandwagon. This group likes to bash people, no doubt, but weather or not they deserve it is another question.

I just call em like I see em, and telling someone to put dicks in their mouth, or whatever the comment was, was kinda out of line.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
jesus man.. I can't even find my last post cause justatoker posted so much garbage.


Active Member
Hey all...unfortuntuely Token doesn't want to read my posts and understand the actual words in it. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. Once again:

I started what I do because patients in my county were routinely driving from my county to Los Angeles for cuts. It would hit or miss because clubs routinely do not tell you what inventory they have over the phone. Next, depending on traffic your trip to LA could be 5 hour minimum if you found exactly what you wanted on the first try and then immediately got in your car and came home. If not, your trip could be a 8-12 day depending on how many coops you had to go to and what traffic was like to and from LA. And more often than not, it would be a long ass day.

I had a collection but it was smaller, so I began to collect. I was fed up with the hassle involved in getting cuts and I knew I wasn't the only one. So I began my service which is still in service providing to med patients only. So let's get a few things clear.
1. High ass markup I was accused of? Not hardly routinely they end up 9-10 each after I make the FREE delivery. If it's a long trip I ask simply for 12 bucks for the first 10 to cover the gas. I started that when gas was 5.15 a gallon around here.
2. I don't do it for fame and/or claim to be some guru or nor do I claim to be the only one helping. Other are/were Swerve, Wick, and OnlyOrganic, and others.
3. I did not mean to boast how "super fantastic bomb" my collection is. Or making myself out to be better than anyone else.
4. I know for a fact that Proplayer is not affiliated with the people at cd. He's just a happy guy that got some good cuts.
5. I know the people at cd tried to advertise on several sites. I won't say that rollitup was one of them (wink wink), but I do know that cannabisculture was the only site willing to accept their banner advertisement. They were flat out denied or ignored by others.
6. The people at CD even went into several forums and without making a post contacted the admins about advertising. In at least 3 occasions they had their accounts suspended immediately.
7. To be fair to rollitup one of the members of CD did come on the site and began mentioning cuts for sale. He got banned and deserved it. He also was reprimanded by the owner of CD too.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing where people spend much less for clones. But here in michigan its hard to find growers let alone clones to buy from them.
Yes,clones are scarce in michigan,ive seen a single clone go for $100,how do i know cause i bought it bongsmilie

Was worth every penny too.

It's not that hard to meet people in michigan ya just gotta be patient,sooner or later you will, then its on :bigjoint:

When get this damm Michigan Med law up & running in the next few months i'll give out free clones to anybody with a med card just to get this state out of the dark ages & get some strains circulating around the state,cant give em out till were legal though,i cant risk loosing my eligability.


Well-Known Member
Cool...I've got one myself named after his father Jack. Here's a pic of dad is your wanna see:

I've got a good friend in Michigan waiting to see how the Med situation shapes up there.

Proplayer: How do your babies look after a couple of days?
Well they are looking very good, Probably gonna put them under the t-5's tomorrow, that will be 4 days since I got them..get them nice and full to cut so I will be doing a bit of trimming at early on...only because they will be my starting mothers....Yes I'm waiting on the final legalities a paitent and provider. Get these babies ready by sign up time...and by the way we picked a good times to get and plant these we have had a libra moon phase which means waning..which is good time for planting in soil...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Yes,clones are scarce in michigan,ive seen a single clone go for $100,how do i know cause i bought it bongsmilie

Was worth every penny too.

It's not that hard to meet people in michigan ya just gotta be patient,sooner or later you will, then its on :bigjoint:

When get this damm Michigan Med law up & running in the next few months i'll give out free clones to anybody with a med card just to get this state out of the dark ages & get some strains circulating around the state,cant give em out till were legal though,i cant risk loosing my eligability.
Yeah I know...SouthEast mighigan here and you'd think it would be a little easier but in due time I think more will come outta the word work to provide for the med. paitents. Till Then Grow Safe!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Cool...I've got one myself named after his father Jack. Here's a pic of dad is your wanna see:
Awsome bulls in that link,i allways want to see bull pics.

The wife & myself were just looking at that site the other evening,right now we are in the market for a new land shark,the bull in the pic below my siganature passed away last september after 11 years with us & broke our hearts,she was the best friend we ever had,and smart as hell too,her registered name was "Aryans Dixie Chopper" but we called her Kitty Cat because she purred like a lion when she was content,loud as hell too.

She put her life on the line to save my wife from being car jacked when she was 6 or 7 years old,i owe that animal much & miss her terribly.

ABD's are the best breed on earth,the loyality & intelligence of the breed cant be surpassed by any other breed,ive never wittnessed any other breed have such extremes in the way they handel situations, or go about life,if they are angry the intensity of their anger cant be touched by an angry grizzly bear & they will put them selves in harms way until they draw their very last breath to protect the family they belong to,if they are happy its to the point they cant contain all the happiness.

If you know of any breeders in the Michigan/Ohio or Indiana areas that have litters comming up from an established blood line please pm me asap, or post in any thread you see me in.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh...Wake and Bake...what a way to start the day..considering I need to transfer my 36 clones over to pots...oh what fun we shall have!!


Well-Known Member
ok i dont have time to filter through the bull thats in the thread but can someone besides pro player and the other guy that post on clones direct. if this does actually work?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
ok i dont have time to filter through the bull thats in the thread but can someone besides pro player and the other guy that post on clones direct. if this does actually work?
He recieved his order. Yes, for the time being, it is legit.


Well-Known Member
i would like to seen a know member of RIU someone thats been around for a few years do this and say its legit
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