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Well-Known Member
The guy is obviously a loud mouth. 1500 posts since Dec 2008. 70% of the threads I've seen him in, he is doing this same shit.


Well-Known Member
1,500 posts in two months is a shit load. You have to have like no life and on here 24/7 to get that done, commenting on EVERYTHING.


Well-Known Member
The guy is obviously a loud mouth. 1500 posts since Dec 2008. 70% of the threads I've seen him in, he is doing this same shit.
Really no substance to the chatter no thought put in anything just negative bullshit! better to ignore bigots then to appease them.


New Member
Im disabled and cant work therefore I do have alot of time on my hands.. I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks of me or says of me.. Actually YOU are the HATERS.. Not me.. Im just telling how it REALLY is.. The truth does hurt huh? And me a bigot? LMAO .. I think im gonna leave this thread alone as there is no need in beating a dead horse.. I said what I said because I think its the truth.. If you dont like it, I dont give a fuck. BTW all you punk ass dealers should start a union lmao..


Well-Known Member
fucking gay ass black market pushers suck balls.get a real fucking job.
I do have a real job but don't mean I don't like to dabble in gardening and learning all there is to know.

OK.. Just a little heads up for anyone thats interested.. This "proplayer" dude is regestering at other forums as well solely to ( it seems ) promote clonesdirect (along with another guy?)
Yes I did but not sure what his point was then to accuse me of being in cohoots with clonesdirect. Instead of being civilized he chose to try to engage me into a fighting match on here..I won't do it. I'm tired of fighting ..I've been fighting people to smoke cannabis most of my entire life.
Just FYI is all.
I think your full of shit and clonesdirect is full of shit too.. And anyone who buys weed plants in the mail is fucking RETARDED .
(Thats fine but he really needs to think of his actions before he prints something. Just to say someone is guilty of something without providing any facts. )

Heh..Why dont you just buy/sell bags of dried/cured weed on here and through the mail too then???.. Its the SAME FUCKING THING.... Someone who doesnt know any damn better can get into serious trouble fucking with this shit..I cant see anyone buying this shit unless there just a dealer wanting to use the strain to make money by being the only one with a stupid gd strain in there area that some dumb ass rapper mentioned on a fucking song..
I really don't remember anyone saying they sell anything here you just assume this with your shallow mind.

OMFG shit is outta control.
lol.. well, all you dealers should start your own site called or .Every decent site we've ever had on marijuana has been shut down because of dealers and shady shit. I dont associate with criminals..But hey,thats just me.. I also dont associate with ppl who have a "fuck it" or "i dont give a fuck" attitude either as I do not have a desire to get trapped off with someone because of there stupidity and/or lack of common sense.. I smoke for medicinal reasons as alot of others do.But I do have to aquire my medicine from street dealers.. And honestly, I cant stand them. Most are just young ass punks with more weed than brains and think its cool to be a dealer.. I guess some love the lil power that comes with it even more than the money.
Here again proves no thought into what he's saying one hand he buys from a street dealer but on the other hand you have nothing to do with them ironic is that..

trust me they know..they past few yrs ive only had to deal w/ 1 person and I have known him for over 25 yrs..If I had to go searching for weed again I honestly think I would just quit before I had to deal w/ street dealers. All that is around here is schwagg anyway.
I could never trust anything he had to say. He talks without any facts and is very shallow minded when it comes to all people.
Pot dealers here are bad. Period.. Crack dealers/pot dealers are pretty much the exact same here.You have to live in the city I do before you can understand I suppose.
Again pot dealers here ..I've been here for a year and never once did someone offer to sell me a bag of weed...again he talks without substance.
lol.. you guys arent doing SHIT to "HELP OUT" anyone other than yourselves.. Are you giving shit away? Hell no.. You sell your shit at a high ass markup..On top of that, you come here advertising on a pub forum without any regard for the safety of this site.I still say you 3 are all in cahoots but I could honestly care less.. But selling weed on the web and shipping it in the mail has been tried may times before you guys and how many places are still doing it? I LOL'ed at the parts in this thread that says these guys are "helping the medical community" lol.. How? The only ppl your helping are yourselves and the dealers you are selling to. BTW rollitup DOES have PAID ADDS.. Maybe thats why your "boy" proplayer is the one making accounts on diff forums toutting "clonesdirect" ..That way its not like he just came in and linked to his site lol.. God , shit it soo obvious to me.. But then again, ive always been able to sense BS. But even if you guys are "legit" ( haha ok w/e that means ) your still risking the security of this site.
Dude you don't have a clue to anything!
No one came here advertising nothing. I did a post just like i've seen in the seed forum to let people know of my experience ..I never told anyone you better go buy their clones from there. I gave them the facts . If he did his homework he would of known other people are receiving there orders. And are happy with them. But don't believe me go check yourself.. But im sure hes gonna say the 30 members are fake.[quote=justatoker;2077917]haha .. fake ass bitch[/quote]
he's the one who has been faking his friendship with his big bad pot dealer--talk about two faced..takes one to know one eh!

lol.. u r a sad lil boy
again shows how shallow he is..i'm 47

Im disabled and cant work therefore I do have alot of time on my hands.. I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks of me or says of me.. Actually YOU are the HATERS.. Not me.. Im just telling how it REALLY is.. The truth does hurt huh? And me a bigot? LMAO .. I think im gonna leave this thread alone as there is no need in beating a dead horse
he knows better then that!!... who else is gonna defend him..aint seen one person stand up for him and good riddence to by the way... but if I know you you will be back..

'). I said what I said because I think its the truth.. If you dont like it, I dont give a fuck. BTW all you punk ass dealers should start a union lmao..
Sorry had too ..this was just about all the post he had made here...And were the haters. If he didn't care what people thought he wouldn't respond here .. And not very civil I might say..My 19 year old son has more sense then him. Litte more info then I intended but gives you a perspective of where i'm coming from. Thanks for listening and following this thread ..Never intended for it to go like this.:wall:


New Member
HAHAHA.. Dude its soooooo fucking obvious that you are in cahoots with "clonesdirect" and I cant believe others dont see it also.. Your FIRST post here was advertising clonesdirect.. THEN YOU AND APE ( and prolly the other guy also ) registered at another site just to do the same thing .. see this thread >
You really think I believe that you guys ( you, ape and whoever else ) are just registering at these sites and posting about conesdirect by mere coincidence ? Or is it that you feel so much love for a company that you never even had experience with that you fealt you ( both of you at least.. prolly all 3 or 4 guys )needed to start accounts on 2 ( or more.. who knows ) sites toutting them as the next big thing?
Sry, but my spidey sense tells me to call BS..

lol btw you cant even quote right lol.. And must I keep repeating myself ?.. I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF NO ONE IS "STANDING UP FOR ME" or w/e u wanna call it.. I dont say shit just because I think ppl will like me for it.. I try to ALWAYS speak my mind and the truth as I believe it to be. I dont give a rats ass what ANYONE here or anywhere else thinks about me.. I dont live my life for others.Ive always been disliked here by some dealers that I have offended by my statements.. But I honestly dont give a damn..



Well-Known Member
Its the weekend time to party people!!! Taking the wife to Detroit Greektown Casino tonight with all the millions i've made so far....anyone want me to send my private jet to pick them up for the party just let me know! Its 420-We Stay High Airlines..Enjoy the Flight! And don't forget to Puff Puff Pass...The Stoned Captian says buckle up its gonna be a rocky ride!!


Well-Known Member
Its the weekend time to party people!!! Taking the wife to Detroit Greektown Casino tonight with all the millions i've made so far....anyone want me to send my private jet to pick them up for the party just let me know! Its 420-We Stay High Airlines..Enjoy the Flight! And don't forget to Puff Puff Pass...The Stoned Captian says buckle up its gonna be a rocky ride!!
I'm in, is the door large enough for a wheelbarrow? Just something for the smaller bills? Ya know I like to travel light!!

To JWT.. Being disabled doesn't allow you to be a bitch..You spew about "street dealers, yet you use 1, why not turn him in? Why not grow? As for "giving it away" shut yer pie hole I DO give it away, about 6oz a month.. no money..just a thanks and a smile. Where's your smartass remarks regarding all the TAXES being paid??? You are the mealy mouthed crap dribbling pustulent hypicritical hater who doesn't have a clue about diddly. From where I sit, your only disability is in your poisoned mind.. You want to bitch..start your own thread..and sit there in the dark whining that you're all alone.. Get a life..a grip and GONE. You are not welcomed here, nor I suspect at any other forum site..*looking for ignore button* Now yo can rant to your hearts content...but no 1 will be listening....


New Member
haha another gay ass dealer that got there inflated ego hurt by my simple letters forming sentences that I typed into a message board lol.. who the fuck are you to tell me where im not welcomed anyway you big headed poser?


Well-Known Member
This guy is what you call a "forum troll"

I'm gonna order from these guys. Gods Gift, Banana OG Kush, and pre 98 Bubba.


New Member
why the fuck r u jumping on the bandwagon? do you not see all the BS comments to/about me also? Fuck all yall mfs if ya dont like what I have to say. Fuck all yall.. Like I said.. I DONT GIVE A FUCK you mindless fucking lemmings. LMOA fucking retards


Well-Known Member
why the fuck r u jumping on the bandwagon? do you not see all the BS comments to/about me also? Fuck all yall mfs if ya dont like what I have to say. Fuck all yall.. Like I said.. I DONT GIVE A FUCK you mindless fucking lemmings. LMOA fucking retards

i'm giving you the rest of the day off. bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
haha another gay ass dealer that got there inflated ego hurt by my simple letters forming sentences that I typed into a message board lol.. who the fuck are you to tell me where im not welcomed anyway you big headed poser?
Feel's a nappy to wipe your chin, your spitting..
Explain again why you run this forum. I've read my post, nowhere do i intimate that I deal, SHOW ME.. You "stated" that no one gives it away..Hmm I do, so explain HOW I'm a dealer.. AND FUCKWAD.. I sure as HELL can say you're not welcome here, because I don't welcome you here, nor by many other respones do most, if not all others...Clean the shit out of your eyes, and READ the fucking posts.
Have you ever had the balls to tell your DEALER what you think of him?
As to hurt ego..sonny bub, even in your wildest wet dreams of Barbie dolls could you ever bother my self esteem. You are the one with a self pity image of yourself..."Your Poor me...I'm disabled and nobody likes me.. Here's a hint..nobody likes you due to your piss poor attitude. Well boyo, I'm disabled as is my wife, and neither of us feel sorry for ourselves as you most obviuosly do..
BTW, do you spew in public as you spew online?
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