
J.H. Enterprise

Active Member
i Have some jack herer clones that are 3 days old or so and seem to be putting up a new stem and leaf. my question is will my florescent tubes do the trick for lighting?


Well-Known Member
im no expert mate but i think your tube will be fine for first two weeks clones dont like lighting to be too strong in the early days...jack herer have you grown it before i smoked some in the dam and it was quality but most of the weed over there is grown and cured to perfection i was thinking of jack for my next grow seeds are expensive thoutgh.i got i superskunk clone for a motherplant its under 20 watt cfl an been growing about a week now seems fine



Active Member
Enterprise --

I would also say yes to your question. Younglings like the bright diffuse light from fluorescent lights and you can get the lighting right up on top of the leaves. Heck, I had to mommas that got to be about 3 or 4 feet tall under a bank of 8 fluorescent tubes.


Well-Known Member
Well first of all, sprouting new growth @ 3 days is not a good sign. First of all you want to flush the plant you are cutting from a couple times w/ plain water, no nutes, in the days prior to taking your cuttings, also it helps to use a spray bottle to spray down the leaves @ least once during the day prior to taking the cuttings. This is because you want to get all the nitrogen you can out, because N will cause the plant to try to grow vegetation, you don't want your cutting trying to grow vegetation, you want it to grow roots. If it's showing new growth in the first 3 days then that may be a sign you had too much N in the cutting. Or maybe you put nutes in the water you gave the cutting???

I don't know if you used rockwool or soil but you want to just use plain water. Put rooting hormone on the cut area.. did you do that? And put them in a cup of water that has 1 drop of superthrive in it ASAP after cutting it from the plant. After that, well did you keep the medium moist? Did you use a humidity dome? Did you mist them w/a spray bottle of regular water? oh yeah, water should have a Ph of about 5.5-5.8.

J.H. Enterprise

Active Member
G force wow your smart for a stoner lol j/k k i have the mothers in soil and i cut them off ans shaved a lil on the cut part and dipped them in a hormone solution and yes i improvised for a dome but i used something that kept moisture and no ph level? i have no clue about that and i used tap water i kept them sprayed daily and i dont know how to flush my mothers and wont that kill them ? iam so lost .


Well-Known Member
Well first of all, sprouting new growth @ 3 days is not a good sign. First of all you want to flush the plant you are cutting from a couple times w/ plain water, no nutes, in the days prior to taking your cuttings, also it helps to use a spray bottle to spray down the leaves @ least once during the day prior to taking the cuttings. This is because you want to get all the nitrogen you can out, because N will cause the plant to try to grow vegetation, you don't want your cutting trying to grow vegetation, you want it to grow roots. If it's showing new growth in the first 3 days then that may be a sign you had too much N in the cutting. Or maybe you put nutes in the water you gave the cutting???

There' s so much wrong with this statement its hard to begin. You want Nitrogen, you can take the clones without flushing the mother, vegetative growth means it has roots which is a good thing. If there are no roots then having nutrients in the water will do nothing as a plant with no roots can not eat any food.

Enterprise, please explain to us what you did when you took the cuttings, what medium are you using. what style of cloning ? using Rock wool cubes? Temps? Lighting? PH? we need more info.

J.H. Enterprise

Active Member
when i took the cuttings i filled my containers with soil and then i took the cuttings from my mother plants x2 i got 6 clones i shaved the stem a very lil bit then dipped it in the cloning solution and planted in soil and watered them and sprayed them every day when needed i have two fluorescent tubes and i dont know about seventy i would say for temp! and what the hell is ph?


Well-Known Member
First off watering them everyday is too much, your just going to get rotted stems and dead yellow and brown leaves that way, they need to be moist not wet. What are the temps of the soil? 75-80F would be ideal for cloning. Rock wool works better to root cuttings in. Soil will work though. might take 2 weeks to see any roots.
PH is a measurement of how acidic or alkaline something is. the lower the number the more acid it is. a PH of 7 is neutral anything above 7 is on the alkaline side.Weed in soil likes PH of 6.2-6.8 in Hydro it is 5.6-5.8. You need either a chemical test kit (Ghetto) or a PH meter(good) to measure it.