Clones..First Time and All Dying


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd try a few clones from the dispensary and get several different strains to try out..Purple Trash, Kardashian Kush and Pre 98 Bubba Kush. The came in the starter cubes. I put them small pots with Ocean Forest, and except for the very healthy looking Purple Kush, they appear to be dying. No new growth, and the leaves are curling up. They seemed pretty well rooted in the cubes. Aside from the Purple, the other clones only had a few small leaves on them so they didn't have a lot to start with.

So I'm trying to figure out what the problem is....not enough leaves on them, too much sunlight? (although it was overcast mostly first few days I had them) or what? Any ideas?
to take a guess if there babys you may wanna try a celephane or plastic dome ,....clones love humidity , promotes root growth
also you may wanna check the cubes you want them to be saturated with water if not dripping,....and keep light on them 18/6 also,..ive heard using wilt spay helps,...tho ive never needed it..hope it helps
So far I've taken a batch of 12 an 10 from a jack plant an used a propagator under 24 hrs flo tube an only lost 1 also been spraying with sparkling water regular
1. either get some humidity dome on them or spray them 4 times a day.
Watering with diluted seaweed extract helps some.

2. I've read that FFOF is somewhat packed with nutrients. Might be too much for them. Usually people use a seed starting mix in sour cream cups.

3. They should be in the SHADOW if placed outdoors.

If they're curling down you're over watering. If they're curling up it's either too hot or you nute burned them. Pics would be helpful. No offense, but you sound new and we all over water the first time. You have to learn the skill of leaving them alone. :blsmoke:

Let's figure this out, I know it sucks to watch them go like that.
Figured I'd try a few clones from the dispensary and get several different strains to try out..Purple Trash, Kardashian Kush and Pre 98 Bubba Kush. The came in the starter cubes. I put them small pots with Ocean Forest, and except for the very healthy looking Purple Kush, they appear to be dying. No new growth, and the leaves are curling up. They seemed pretty well rooted in the cubes. Aside from the Purple, the other clones only had a few small leaves on them so they didn't have a lot to start with.

So I'm trying to figure out what the problem is....not enough leaves on them,
too much sunlight
? (although it was overcast mostly first few days I had them) or what? Any ideas?

Try to root clones indoor under a cfl, not in direct sunlight.
Yes make the clones bigger with thicker stems and only damp cubes NOT SATURATED as mentioned earlier and a heat mat is a must. I never use covers or domes.
Yeah by the time you buy them from a dispensary, they are well rooted, or should be at least. They're ready to go less they're tiny. If there are no roots, you my have gotten screwed. Dispensaries should be selling well rooted clones only, but some just take clippings, shove them in cubes and move them out, no roots. Avoid these.
Sounds like you're over watering to me.

Real sunlight shouldn't be your problem, but you never know with clones sometimes.
Ok, have some pics...and thanks for the input so far. They were well-rooted in the cubes. I put them in small pots with FF and watered. That was Saturday and they are still moist and I havent watered since.




That looks more like heat stress to me. Curling up and everything.

Seeing as you probably aren't over doing the nutes.
maybe the FFOF was too much for the newly rooted clones to handle. I would try pro-mix next time for your starts and then trans to FFOF.

It's definitely not FFOF, been using it for a year and do all of my seed germing and transplants straight into it with almost perfect results.
Went to a few grow shops asking questions, everyone says Ocean Forest is fine, but likely the sun is burning them, assuming they were under lights when they were rooted in the cubes
Ocean Forest should be mixed with Light Warrior one bag to one bag. Ocean Forest alone is definitely pretty hot. Those gals definitely look burnt from nutes, not the sun.
sun isn't going to burn them like that plus you just said it's been overcast c'mon now come to your own conclusions i think it's obvious what's wrong.

it is good soil but it was to hot for those clones.

mouthmeetsoap has the right idea
I'd say sun burn as they were probably rooted under low W flouros and the shock of getting so much more than they were used to burnt them.