Cloneing question

My 2 buddies have 6 plants going indoor right now. 2 pineapple express, 2 chocalope, and 2 war lock. Their grow will be done right in time to switch to outdoors for the summer. Now they have never cloned before and any help is greatly appreaciated. like what is literally the first step in cloneing? excuse the ignorant question but all advice is appreaciated


Cloner X

Cloning doesn't have to be hard, nor complicated.

If you just take a cutting and drop it in water you will get roots eventually.

My method is to take choice cuttings from the bottom portion of the plant (where there is a larger concentration of rooting hormone naturally present). Smaller (thinner ring guage) cuttings usually respond quicker. Cut at a 45 degree angle, dip in rooting hormone and place in rooting cube.
I also use a dome to keep humidity high until i see root growth, then they get transplanted to 16oz cups and moved directly under the T5's until they're ready for 1 gallon containers and introduced to HID.