Clone Temp/RH


Active Member
We are acquiring some rooted clones.

I've read a lot but am still unclear.

What is the best temp/RH range for these plants?

At what point to we switch to using VPD ranges?

I have a sealed tent setup with enough HVAC to maintain any temp/RH/VPD range I want.

That the result of some serious software engineering on my part.

But I don't know what ranges to use.

You might need pics. A week.
I root clones in plugs under a humidity dome. When they're showing roots, I harden them off from the dome over just a few days and try to be at about 80F/80% then transition them over the next week or so to between 80F and 85F at 55% to 60% RH. The post-transition values are to the drier side of ideal on the VPD chart.

I'm interested to know about your control systems. Please tell us more.
I root clones in plugs under a humidity dome. When they're showing roots, I harden them off from the dome over just a few days and try to be at about 80F/80% then transition them over the next week or so to between 80F and 85F at 55% to 60% RH. The post-transition values are to the drier side of ideal on the VPD chart.

I'm interested to know about your control systems. Please tell us more.

I think we are getting them already just rooted. So I'll follow advice and transition to a veg vpd (which would include the ranges you specify).

I'm a software engineer.

I wrote a program.
I got some SensorProbe sensors, they have an API I can access to get RH and Temp readings once a minute.
Then I use TP Link smart plugs, who also have an API, to switch devices on and off.
It also controls CO2.

I've got an 8x8 tent, so I'm in about 2K for HVAC equipment.
I think we are getting them already just rooted. So I'll follow advice and transition to a veg vpd (which would include the ranges you specify).

I'm a software engineer.

I wrote a program.
I got some SensorProbe sensors, they have an API I can access to get RH and Temp readings once a minute.
Then I use TP Link smart plugs, who also have an API, to switch devices on and off.
It also controls CO2.

I've got an 8x8 tent, so I'm in about 2K for HVAC equipment.
I'm an EE with some coding experience. I probably don't follow the style guide and clean up dangling pointers as well as you though! Hahaha!
I used TP link smart plugs (as well as others) for my last grow. There were a few times where they didn't respond as they should. I stopped using them and coded my own system using an arduino, some sensors and SSRs. -- Just a word of caution.