I'll give it a go, the worst that can happen is they die on route... I can't do anything till the end of the month, but that'll give me time to figure out a good way to pack it. Then send it overnight I guess is safest. It should almost survive anything as long as it's protected from breaking or pulling out of the pot (solo cup?)
For anyone else interested, I have Crop King C.B. Dream and Native Seed Co. Green Crack.
The C.B. Dream is about a 1:1 if if remember correctly... nice little buzz, but very mild..
The Green Crack is a better buzz, I find it perfect for working away on the computer etc. nice for during the day...
Looking for any HIGH CBD, LOW THC strains for my wife, she's the driver, so would like something she can use for her fibro, but not leave her open to failing a roadside THC spit test.
Also, any HIGH THC couchlock type stuff for myself, for sleeping at night.
Barring those choices, anything with a really nice taste, I love the spicy or cedar flavors...