Here's how I ended up packaging and sensing two clones, 3 day shipping...
The box is from an HPS bulb... It had those handy little "holders" in each end, so I used them to hold the clones out at each end (I taped the holders in place)...
I split the box open, and taped the holder near each end, leaving enough room for a peat pellet...
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The peat pellets are wrapped in slightly moist paper towel (the pellets are slightly moist as well) don't want it too wet and sopping through the cardboard, and didn't want to wrap them in plastic and cut off any air... They should be just fine for 3 days... Then I just taped each end to hold the pellets in place, then taped the box back together, wrapped it in paper and tape, added mailing labels, and off it went...
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View attachment 4347747
This box is 27cm X 7cm X 7cm and weighs 136g
It was much cheaper in this box! Just under $20 for 3 day expresspost from GTA to the prairies...
If they survive, then it seems to be a viable way of going about this...