Clone or a clone of a clone

Speaking of clones, just needed to trim back some mothers and my aero-cloners were filled with another run so decided to just do medium with dixxie cup and found I had no more rooting gel or couldn't find it. Thought what the hell, don't really need the clones and found some honey in the cabinet. This honey is probably from years ago as it was more like solid clumpy sugar, had to water it down with water. I was sure the clones would die, but they actually look really nice after a week. Who'd thunk?

I’ve read great stuff about cloning with honey. Personally Ive been using raw aloe right off the plant the last 5-6 years.
Know of the aloe trick but I don’t have a plant. If they honey works I’ll never buy gel again. Don’t use enough of it to make it worth it before it goes bad.
Know of the aloe trick but I don’t have a plant. If they honey works I’ll never buy gel again. Don’t use enough of it to make it worth it before it goes bad.
i have done testing with honey. It was right up there with the best hormones. With healthy moms and perfect humidity in the domes , i have found you dont really need anything but i would have to say real honey is the best. I cant say its "better" then gels but i can say its just as good. Its cheap and i believe antibacterial. (not sure if thats good or not since were hoping the myco forms on the roots asap but in all other aspects of growing , its great)
There are a lot of things we all know but haven’t taken the leap of faith because we feel safer with marketed solutions. Next one I have to grow some balls to try is molasses instead of florariciois or whatever it’s called.
There are a lot of things we all know but haven’t taken the leap of faith because we feel safer with marketed solutions. Next one I have to grow some balls to try is molasses instead of florariciois or whatever it’s called.
im almost positive that flora stuff is just humic acid. Cant replace that with molasses but them two sure go good together. (in soil)
From just a few years cloning I found straight soft water & the right conditions best, because its most easy. If I did overdo e.g. willow shoot tip extracts, they sometimes did rot. Maybe bacteria...? Who knows, results matter in this case. So no more extra work nor money spending. I think it's also because rainwater is most easy to be taken in by very young initial roots.

The cuttlings are taken from a plant which is perhaps fed by an EC of 1.0-2.0. You can expect that it already has quite some nutrients in the leaves and internal fluids. These will function as a buffer as the plant overcomes the lack of water & the loss of internal pressure.
And because of the effect of the osmotic balance, the usage of rainwater or purewater is going to drive more water into the plant than if said water would hold any ppm/EC.

Actually the process of forming roots out of pure veg tissue is still a small mystery because the plant is able to revert some differentiated cells back to a "younger" form in order to have the root meristem cells back. The books state how the plant initiates this is still unkown... so perhaps a good idea to not bombard it overtly with hormones, electrolytes or acids.
So you're a little bit older than my oldest son. Original Gangster indeed. lol. I hope you're story is bullshit for your sake, I really do. If it's not and you haven't matured enough to understand yet, you've just described the life of a loser.

I am a loser, I just explained what I did to myself man, im a hardcore ex needle junky that was married to selling dope my adolescent years into my early 20s, that’s completely obsessed with growing weed dude. Always was I been googling shit since I was 14 on how to grow that’s why I had a pound plant my first year and lasgna layered big ass holes like veterans do, my first year growing... that’s why when I say something increases trichome production ppl should take notes and believe what I say cuz I’ve figured it out threw trial and error over the last 12/13 yrs, these two lil buds (4.1g wet and 3.2g wet) were cut a week early and there just little undergrowth buds my big ones will b 10g + dry now that I seee these are bout 1g dry a piece.. nugz got waaaaay frostier since chopping them testers too


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I have a gorilla zkittlez 1/3 that is UNREAL for potency/bag appeal/nose that I can’t wait to chop n try out, thank god I have a few clones of her to run outdoors and clone for my next indoor run this fall.. them two buds I cut was my 3rd best 8ball kush and my 2nd best GZ .. the blue cheese looks super nice too all 3 of em but 1 is way stinkier N bit more frosty... that’s why we pheno Hunt folks! Next run will be hand selected cuts only and maybe a few seedlings in the mix, I’m scrogging 6 instead of 9 next time as well, going for six quarter pound+ plants
Exactly. You said it man. Now please go away.

Ima leave after I put this rite here lol, this is a few nugz cut 7 days early and the end product is gonna be literally 20-30% more frosty looking than this for sure cuz it been caking up HEAVY ever since I cut them buds 4-5 days ago, day 60 they were cut day 65 today there almost done trich’s are milky now


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Crying about my brand new filter still causing stink, ain’t my fault I’m running cheese an kush strains that give off a lot of scent.. and now u guys can see for your eyes what my product looks like, u still cant see shit tho it does no justice through the iPad like this, it got that dry sticky, to it. And gonna b way nicer looking than that shit when it’s all said n done it’s gonna be CAKED and considered AAA+ quality
Even tho it was flowered fully organic, and vegged wit advanced nutes.. I sacrificed bit of yield probly but my end product is gonna be insane I think . As usual
I’m gonna b 28 this summer dude, been growing since I was 14/15 yrs old, my end product is always a sticky dry, highly potent wicked tasting nugz man.. everyone in my life knows this already but u guys can cry all ya’s want trying to tell me I’m wrong idc
Dude even a quarter in 2.5 years ain't shit. I am sure you impressed the hell out of yourself and your friends though.