I've got an ORIGINAL Blue Berry "muffin cut".......It has never lost anything!
To effect the clone to loose anything. You need an outside influence that will effect the genetic make-up of the "clone". Environmental issues are on the top of the list!
This could be viral (actually not to many really infect cannabis. TMV is one of those that DOES NOT), or even as simple as an insect infestation.
Russet mite infestations can, and do effect the genetic's of the plant - the minute it shows in the plant. If you figure your issue is Russet mites, AND you don't step on it RIGHT AWAY....
You might as well pitch the plants and start over.
I don't know where you got most of what your posting but, It's BS.
You want to play year games... Here comes a trump card... Been growing cannabis since I was 15, and put my first cannabis seed in the ground.
That's 47 years of growing sir.
My whole life has been school and growing. Ran 10 acres of greenhouses in college.
Ran the whole Yew growing program for Taxol for Bristol Meyers Squib.
Retired and took over the family farm.
Created a now 5 farm organic co-op.
As far as how much you sell, or have sold? SO FUCKING WHAT!
Growing plants is my life's passion.