Clone in Aerogarden


Well-Known Member
I have three female plants that have been in 12-12 cycle under HPS for just about 5 days now. I am wondering if I can take a clone from one of those females and put it in my aerogarden. I am totally new to cloning and have no idea. I am not sure if it is bad to take clones from anything other than a mother. That rhymes lol


Well-Known Member
well that's great news. how do I go about it? just take the clone and put the stalk right into the sponge thing?


Well-Known Member
yep use some rooting hormone too, i usually rip the sponge thing down the middle more so its easier for the roots to break through

d Weezy

but what light cycle should be used for the clone to start, I had heard clones did not need direct sun. Is this false?