Well-Known Member
I hear you brother, the People are clueless as to how that game works. Feeding our banks trillions in nearly free cash at the Federal Reserve discount window (aka printing money) in order to sell them trillions in national debt and then have the tax payers in turn pay interest on that same cash they just printed and gave away seems criminal. Then again without this "market" and these ill gotten gains (dividends) who could/would fund these historical billion dollar political campaigns of the likes of Obama and Clinton
A recent lessen in complete and utter hypocrisy:
4 trillion in 8 years by a war time president = "That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic."
12 trillion in 8 years by Barrack ObamaIt's time to wake the fuck up People!
obama has not added a penny to the debt.
his predecessor was handed a surplus, and turned it into a record shattering m$1.539 trillion dollar deficit.
obama has managed to cut that by over a trillion dollars, which is a record, but he just can't stop bush's debt from accumulating.
don't blame obama for the debt that your fellow republicans directly caused.
oh, and you're racist.