Clinton, Trump or Gary Johnson

I hear you brother, the People are clueless as to how that game works. Feeding our banks trillions in nearly free cash at the Federal Reserve discount window (aka printing money) in order to sell them trillions in national debt and then have the tax payers in turn pay interest on that same cash they just printed and gave away seems criminal. Then again without this "market" and these ill gotten gains (dividends) who could/would fund these historical billion dollar political campaigns of the likes of Obama and Clinton :confused:

A recent lessen in complete and utter hypocrisy:

4 trillion in 8 years by a war time president = "That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic."

12 trillion in 8 years by Barrack Obama :confused: It's time to wake the fuck up People!

obama has not added a penny to the debt.

his predecessor was handed a surplus, and turned it into a record shattering m$1.539 trillion dollar deficit.

obama has managed to cut that by over a trillion dollars, which is a record, but he just can't stop bush's debt from accumulating.

don't blame obama for the debt that your fellow republicans directly caused.

oh, and you're racist.
What is it about the Pauls that offend your political sensibilities so? Is it the Hippocratic oath required of their admirable and successful medical careers? I don't think you understand the meaning of hypocrisy ...

Good advice from a good man:

"Tell the truth. Keep your word. Be on time, it shows respect. Don't say one thing and do another. That's hypocrisy and that's unforgivable. Get a job that you love ..."

rend pawl is a fake doctor. he is not even accredited. he has had to settle multiple malpractice lawsuits.

rawn pawl says he has never heard of a pregnancy threatening the life of a mother. lol, what a doctor.

and what political sensibility do they have?


this just scratches the surface of what that fetid pile of shit stands for.

much like you, he is a racist.
If that is what you actually think, then you are the one who is asleep! :lol:


Did you forget to login as UncleBuck before posting that comment :confused:

My point was that Obama will have nearly tripled (currently +10 trillion "on his lonesome") this debt on the backs of our children just as he spoke of while berating his predecessor (for +4 trillion). Is that not hypocrisy or problematic in your book?

Want to talk about the use of public campaign finance to address these public corruption concerns as Senator Obama did and Senator McCain agreed to (what he said)? Or should we talk about Obama's rejection of that public campaign finance and his historic ability to solicit corporate cash like no other before him (what he did)?

Shall I go on :confused:


Simple Definition of hypocrisy
  • : the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do : behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or feel
gary johnson is simply a republican. all he does is espouse republican views.

Yeah right. Check yourself fool, you are simply a Democrat and all you do is espouse Democrat views. Yet you sound nothing like the admirable Democrat running this year. Did/do you support the Democrat Clinton's repeal of Glass Steagall (cause of 2008 financial meltdown) and Crime Bill that doubled our nations prison population? Are you not tired of these Harvard and Yale lawyers lying to you as they destroy our republic in the name of greed, or are you just too stupid to realize the hypocrisy you parrot :confused:

FYI Libertarian principles = Fiscal responsibility and social acceptance
Yeah right. Check yourself fool, you are simply a Democrat and all you do is espouse Democrat views. Yet you sound nothing like the admirable Democrat running this year. Did/do you support the Democrat Clinton's repeal of Glass Steagall (cause of 2008 financial meltdown) and Crime Bill that doubled our nations prison population? Are you not tired of these Harvard and Yale lawyers lying to you as they destroy our republic in the name of greed, or are you just too stupid to realize the hypocrisy you parrot :confused:

FYI Libertarian principles = Fiscal responsibility and social acceptance

libertarian principles are on full display in my sig.

libertarians are the angriest bunch of racists out there. that is why they are something like 98.5% white.

and gary johnson is just a republican.

remind me which party supports the balanced budget amendment, which would be the END of america during any war, recession, or depression.

Johnson supports amending the U.S. Constitution to require an annual balanced budget

remind me which party supports a REGRESSIVE "fair" tax?

Johnson supports ending the federal personal and corporate income tax systemand replacing it with the FairTax

remind me which party supports coal fired plants?

Johnson favors building new coal-fired and nuclear power plants.

remind me which party thinks that TORT reform will magically fix health care?

He favors tort reform and control of frivolous lawsuits as means cutting costs of health care.[SUP][19][/SUP]

remind me which party is against unions?

He views public-sector unions that contribute to political campaigns as "dangerous".

remind me which party wants to privatize social security?

He wants Congress to investigate privatizing part or all of Social Security

remind me which party wants to send medicare back to the states?

Instead, he would block grant the remaining funds to the states to control all aspects of their own Medicaid and Medicare programs

remind me which party is all about "states rights"?

He believes "that the proper balance needs to be restored between the different branches of government," which "includes the rights of states."[SUP][35][/SUP]

remind me which party thinks roe v wade should be overturned?

Johnson believes Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overturned

remind me which party is all about vouchers and getting rid of public schools?

On the state level, Johnson believes in "school choice." As governor of New Mexico, he sought to implement a school voucher system

remind me which party opposes any gun control measure, no matter how common sense?

Johnson opposes gun control initiatives.

remind me which party is against stem cell research?

Johnson opposes public funding of stem cell research

^^^^ Answer: Just too stupid to realize the hypocrisy he parrots

what hypocrisy?

i called gary johnson a republican. which he is.


see? even has an R next to his name.


even goes to republican debates.

you disagreed, went off on some unrelated tangent about democrats, spewed some propaganda that you believe about libertarians, and rebutted nothing.

then, i showed you a list of republican principles that gary johnson holds.

you again offered no rebuttal, and called me a hypocrite for no reason.

i guess you just don't knwo what words mean. hence why you think you are for liberty. you aren't. you are for stupidity.
^^^^ Is Bernie Sanders a racist simply because he does not wear the Democrat party badge, or just because he is not a pawn of the bankers and lawyers? I'll never understand how Clinton won only Detroit and Flint here, but I'm sure there is plenty of "understanding" within your ignorance.

I'm felling the Bern, are you?


I'm feeling anything NOT fucking Clinton period.
^^^^ Is Bernie Sanders a racist simply because he does not wear the Democrat party badge, or just because he is not a pawn of the bankers and lawyers? I'll never understand how Clinton won only Detroit and Flint here, but I'm sure there is plenty of "understanding" within your ignorance.

I'm felling the Bern, are you?


I'm feeling anything NOT fucking Clinton period.

brilliant non-sequitir.

brave choice to forgo all rebuttal.

valiant decision to flee your own topic.

amazing attempt at changing the subject.

of course you are vehemently opposed to hillary, all braindead, racist, anti-semitic retards have a misogyny streak in them.
You have an integrity problem.

you don't know what words mean, or how debate or conversation work.

you just randomly drift from one thing to another, failing to ever address any salient points, offer rebuttals, or make an argument.

you are a mindless idiot.
Yeah right. Check yourself fool, you are simply a Democrat and all you do is espouse Democrat views. Yet you sound nothing like the admirable Democrat running this year. Did/do you support the Democrat Clinton's repeal of Glass Steagall (cause of 2008 financial meltdown) and Crime Bill that doubled our nations prison population? Are you not tired of these Harvard and Yale lawyers lying to you as they destroy our republic in the name of greed, or are you just too stupid to realize the hypocrisy you parrot :confused:

FYI Libertarian principles = Fiscal responsibility and social acceptance

You must have forgotten where this conversation stated and somehow give your ignorant rants credibility (as if you or they have any). Do you honestly believe your own bullshit? A Harvard/Yale lawyer you are not ...



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