Clinton is the next POTUS

Who is going to be the next President?

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The GOP needs to be rebuilt. Right now, it's just an extension of the Democrat party. It represents big bloated government, backed by crony capitalism
You talk like Trump has been in politics his whole life. Hasn`t even been a year yet, he hasn`t held a Government Office of any kind yet, he single handedly busted open and destroyed the GOP, without permission, and is gonna go forward GOP or not.....So you think he is an asshole for it ?
Well, all I can say is that anyone that thinks Trump would be a good President, is an asshole (except for nitro, he get a break because he is special). Simple fucking fact. Trump himself said he loves and appreciates morons. The guy is a fucking psycho, like really mentally deranged in my opinion. So let's see how many assholes there are in the country.(well, half of it) and see the next GOP candidate for the Presidency, and it will be Trump.
Man, that is some funny shit.
The GOP needs to be rebuilt. Right now, it's just an extension of the Democrat party. It represents big bloated government, backed by crony capitalism

The gop has morphed into a gutless, grovelling collection of entitled boobs. GOP leaders are fearful of excising the oozing tumors that break out all over their political body.

"Right now, it's just an extension of the Democrat party" not even a little bit
I mean honestly, is there anyone more crazy than Hillary......all you have to do is look at her closely and you'll see she's bat crazy. Then add in her cheating husband while she enables him- along with their long history of criminal corruption- the choice is very clear.

And yes, the old guard Republicans are shitting in the boots as the party morphs into a more left leaning party- but the most important issues i.e. homeland security, immigration, international trade agreements, etc. are being addressed more reasonably under our laws and constitution.

Believe it or not, there's a new sheriff in town and his name is TRUMP!!!!
Well, all I can say is that anyone that thinks Trump would be a good President, is an asshole (except for nitro, he get a break because he is special). Simple fucking fact. Trump himself said he loves and appreciates morons. The guy is a fucking psycho, like really mentally deranged in my opinion. So let's see how many assholes there are in the country.(well, half of it) and see the next GOP candidate for the Presidency, and it will be Trump.
Man, that is some funny shit.

Well I think anyone that wishes Hillary as the next president is retarded, so I think I would rather stay an asshole than go retard.
I mean honestly, is there anyone more crazy than Hillary......all you have to do is look at her closely and you'll see she's bat crazy. Then add in her cheating husband while she enables him- along with their long history of criminal corruption- the choice is very clear.

And yes, the old guard Republicans are shitting in the boots as the party morphs into a more left leaning party- but the most important issues i.e. homeland security, immigration, international trade agreements, etc. are being addressed more reasonably under our laws and constitution.

Believe it or not, there's a new sheriff in town and his name is TRUMP!!!!

Few things scream senseless Boob more loudly than describing a recent secretary of state and leading POTUS contender as "bat shit crazy". Really that is the rant of a comical fucking idiot. Take a reality check nit wit.

All the idiot nonsense that follows your imbecilic observations are straight up GOP turds.

Trumps as sheriff? Ya maybe on an island where he stashes his hair supplies.
Even if you believe that Drumpf will win, you're being completely disingenuous to suggest that he will crush her. No way you actually believe that. Troll.
What would the world be without trolls? Boring in my opinion.
Personally I love them (trolls) because they are usually mentally shocked individuals that simply want attention. I am a troll, and I love it! (only here though, with friends)
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Hey Jim,

I agree that it will be Trump!/Clinton , and I believe Trump will crush Hillary. The voter turn out is a good indicator of strong support for a party and just look at the states that have voted already . The numbers are so far lopsided that the DNC is on the verge of a mini stroke. TRUMP!

You are straight up delusional. And the sad part is you don't believe in what you say. If you did, you'd take my bet. You're so confident that Trump will win, why not take my bet? If Trump wins, I leave forever. If he loses, you leave forever. You won't take the bet because you don't believe in what you say. You're a coward. You've always been a coward, and you will always be a coward.
Hillary isn't perfect but she's shown she can lead the country. Trump has Zero experience in running a country.

TEX, I don't know man. I just watched another Trump rally and we will wait for todays results before I gloat. At least 20k people at Trumps rally in KY and that was the second one today. Hillary will get crushed, like a twig. imo
You are straight up delusional. And the sad part is you don't believe in what you say. If you did, you'd take my bet. You're so confident that Trump will win, why not take my bet? If Trump wins, I leave forever. If he loses, you leave forever. You won't take the bet because you don't believe in what you say. You're a coward. You've always been a coward, and you will always be a coward.

You are acting like a kid. Is someone fucking with your toys , or did you run out of candy? TRUMP!
TEX, I don't know man. I just watched another Trump rally and we will wait for todays results before I gloat. At least 20k people at Trumps rally in KY and that was the second one today. Hillary will get crushed, like a twig. imo
Oh, I don't know... I've seen Hillary fill a high school gymnasium before, and they weren't all kids staying after school for extra credit. Some people actually wanted to be there.:lol:
Hillary is a mess but even if she is indicted, I think she will still beat Trump. Maybe it will be close, maybe it won't, but I see the dems coalescing around her more than the repubs will around Trump. Beats the shit out of me how Trump is on a path to get the nomination so I'm probably wrong as usual. It would be neat to have the historical significance of Hillary being the first prez elected while under indictment! Perhaps we will get lucky and a mass extinction event will save us from either Trump or Hillary? :wall::spew:
Pretty much any dumb fuck that voted for obama won't mind voting for hillary. I say let her have it , shits gonna happen and I wanna be here to see it.
See if she gets elected I was gonna move to Canada but they dont have recreational marijuana legal there yet, but they will soon so maybe im in luck :D
Hillary isn't perfect but she's shown she can lead the country. Trump has Zero experience in running a country.

Really ? How ?

Which cover-up, scandal, or lie, leads one to believe Hillary can lead this Country ? Did you see how fast Trump single handedly destroyed the GOP ? Leverage and leadership goes together. Lies and Hillary is not a bright future.