Clinton Campaign caught planning election crimes.

Why don't Trump supporters know the difference between there, their and they're?

Because there stupid.
Why do democrat supporters support slavery lets not forget the democratic clowns voting against black freedom.. you know there not allowed to eat at same restaurants ????not allowed to own a gun ??? or how about pissing in a public place ..

Racism at its finest

- Nasty guy Scott Foval, National Field Director at Americans United for Change, is recorded on camera discussing a number of unethical (and perhaps illegal) activities conducted by the liberal advocacy group Americans United for Change, in conjuction with various PACs and the DNC
- Seems to be evidence of Democrat organizers sending instigators to Trump rallies in efforts to make Trump supporters look bad.
- Pretty evident that there is collusion between super PACs and the DNC. He describes having middlemen who circumvent the law in order to collude.
- Discusses strategy for "initiating conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic" - Foval is referring to paying agitators to instigate trouble at Trump events here, calling Trump supporters "naturally psychotic."
- Aaron Black, DNC Rapid Response Coordinator, boasts about coordinating a Chicago protest at a Trump event. Two Chicago police reporters were injured and this event got a lot of news coverage.
- Scott Foval admits to instigating an event where a "supporter" (friend of Foval) gets roughed up at a Scott Walker event. He also staged other people in the crowd there for a "reaction."
- The 69-year old women who was "sucker punched at a Trump rally" was a hired activist (a "birddog") sent to the rally by Foval. Disgusting!
- Scott Foval brags about hiring homeless people, and mentally ill people, to protest and agitate at various Trump events.
- Foval calls half of the state of Iowa "racist as ****." Wisconsin too.
From SNL skit, Kate McKinnon playing Clinton:
What I like about Donald Trump is that he is so generous. He handed me this election. (snicker)

- Nasty guy Scott Foval, National Field Director at Americans United for Change, is recorded on camera discussing a number of unethical (and perhaps illegal) activities conducted by the liberal advocacy group Americans United for Change, in conjuction with various PACs and the DNC
- Seems to be evidence of Democrat organizers sending instigators to Trump rallies in efforts to make Trump supporters look bad.
- Pretty evident that there is collusion between super PACs and the DNC. He describes having middlemen who circumvent the law in order to collude.
- Discusses strategy for "initiating conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic" - Foval is referring to paying agitators to instigate trouble at Trump events here, calling Trump supporters "naturally psychotic."
- Aaron Black, DNC Rapid Response Coordinator, boasts about coordinating a Chicago protest at a Trump event. Two Chicago police reporters were injured and this event got a lot of news coverage.
- Scott Foval admits to instigating an event where a "supporter" (friend of Foval) gets roughed up at a Scott Walker event. He also staged other people in the crowd there for a "reaction."
- The 69-year old women who was "sucker punched at a Trump rally" was a hired activist (a "birddog") sent to the rally by Foval. Disgusting!
- Scott Foval brags about hiring homeless people, and mentally ill people, to protest and agitate at various Trump events.
- Foval calls half of the state of Iowa "racist as ****." Wisconsin too.

Trump and his followers don't need any help to look bad, they do quite well on their own.
Trump and his followers don't need any help to look bad, they do quite well on their own.

Just remember guns don't kill presidents Democrats do but hey stat tuned sure some other figure will die soon like anonymous mentions with the Clinton raping a 13 year old
This Hillary is playing a very dangerous game , And it will or is back firing rather fast lets see what the next few weeks brings us :)
How low will a democrat go haha
Welcome to the world of Barack Hussein O and the polarization, amplified by anti-law, pro mob mentality. Obama has essentially given rioters permission to act this way. It fits in with his Alinsky tactics.

Trump supporters believe in freedom, respect and true tolerance. Many Clinton supporters believe in entitlement, third- world corrupt government tactics, and silencing the opposition not with facts but with violence just google women beaten for having trump sign in her yard

After the election you won't have to Google it, you'll see it first hand #deportdeplorables
Why do democrat supporters support slavery lets not forget the democratic clowns voting against black freedom.. you know there not allowed to eat at same restaurants ????not allowed to own a gun ??? or how about pissing in a public place ..

Racism at its finest
The funny thing is you still didn't get it...

Such a moron.
Who said that?
How low will a democrat go haha
Welcome to the world of Barack Hussein O and the polarization, amplified by anti-law, pro mob mentality. Obama has essentially given rioters permission to act this way. It fits in with his Alinsky tactics.

pretty dam funny. But really, do you think that the vandal would do so in broad daylight? Trump supporters like you are so gullible.

I should do the same for my Clinton sign that keeps getting torn down. But the entitled wimpy Trump supporter will cry and claim that I did violence on his body.

21 days until Trump gives his concession speech. It's going to be yuuuuuge, the best concession speech ever, Trump gives the greatest concession speeches, believe me.
pretty dam funny. But really, do you think that the vandal would do so in broad daylight? Trump supporters like you are so gullible.

I should do the same for my Clinton sign that keeps getting torn down. But the entitled wimpy Trump supporter will cry and claim that I did violence on his body.

21 days until Trump gives his concession speech. It's going to be yuuuuuge, the best concession speech ever, Trump gives the greatest concession speeches, believe me.

Pretty sure setting a trap that may injure a person is a crime in most places. Not likely but someone with a heart condition could die from a shock.