Clinton Campaign caught planning election crimes.

what i find ironic is there truly is only a few smucks on here that idolize Hillary. As some savior yet her corruption dates back to the early 80's
You got circus clowns like uncle buck claiming Nazi's and Raciest remarks yet is blind that the Clinton's rub shoulders with some leaders that make Hitler look like Hero it truly amazes me in..
In one sentence Hillary will bash someone and few years later when money can be made turn her self around 180 degrees and lie to everyone Claiming this person should be recommended for a humanity award lol yet people are blind at what there both doing as in collecting blood mineral money
what i find ironic is there truly is only a few smucks on here that idolize Hillary. As some savior yet her corruption dates back to the early 80's
You got circus clowns like uncle buck claiming Nazi's and Raciest remarks yet is blind that the Clinton's rub shoulders with some leaders that make Hitler look like Hero it truly amazes me in..
In one sentence Hillary will bash someone and few years later when money can be made turn her self around 180 degrees and lie to everyone Claiming this person should be recommended for a humanity award lol yet people are blind at what there both doing as in collecting blood mineral money

The longer your here the more insane social justice warrior anti US rhetoric you'll see out of buck,then once you start looking at the post count buck drives for politics vs all other forums you'll see the true reason this site exists.

A radical political platform using the love of MJ to promote radical ideologies into the young MJ community,bucks paid job is here at riu,no mans wife would be cool with her man spending 18 hours a day for 8 years just blabbing online without divorcing him,he's paid to be here ,he either owns a piece of the site or is on Media Matters Payroll,I'm pushing 70 years old,I'm retired,own 4 businesses my children operate so I don't have to & I can barely find a few hours a day to visit riu,but a 30 year old can spend 18 yrs a day here & have a family,I don't buy it for a second,especially when you see he's connected & coddled.
Agreed truth is i would bet non of these Hillary supporters really care about what America is all about .. Whats the chances the founding fathers have rolled over in there grave ..
These people on here do not care they get there monthly welfare checks or disability checks and most importantly Food stamps and life goes on .. stealing wifi from next door lol
They live there pathetic lives on sites like this all day amusing them self's with memes and thinking there in with the crowd..

Least one thing is right there monthly disability checks because there mentally insane to vote if they even can for a person that does not care about the average American.
She all about raping what little is left in America and going after 3rd world countries for there resources which we can already see other countries starting to stop like Russia, China
TBH there blind in the fact that America has not become better but has become stagnant ..

What has really changed in America in last 10 years ??? has your road ways been paved ??? nope there turning into pit holes has your schoolng got better ??? Nope TBH your falling behind at a staggering rate. and true lies about its getting bett Health care ???

What about Job security ??? or Pensions that the Government already took out and replaced it with a IOU

WTF peeps seriously you do not think its about fucking time for a real change DEMAND it hang the fuckers on the white houise lawn that has fucked you for years ....Take back what is rightfully yours
Only thing changing is your deficit more into the red your AAA status has been stripped from you ..
The fucking country is bankrupt more money going out then coming in any time soon

but life goes on like everything is ok but its not and your going to pay for it one way or another
Last edited:
what i find ironic is there truly is only a few smucks on here that idolize Hillary. As some savior yet her corruption dates back to the early 80's
You got circus clowns like uncle buck claiming Nazi's and Raciest remarks yet is blind that the Clinton's rub shoulders with some leaders that make Hitler look like Hero it truly amazes me in..
In one sentence Hillary will bash someone and few years later when money can be made turn her self around 180 degrees and lie to everyone Claiming this person should be recommended for a humanity award lol yet people are blind at what there both doing as in collecting blood mineral money

The longer your here the more insane social justice warrior anti US rhetoric you'll see out of buck,then once you start looking at the post count buck drives for politics vs all other forums you'll see the true reason this site exists.

A radical political platform using the love of MJ to promote radical ideologies into the young MJ community,bucks paid job is here at riu,no mans wife would be cool with her man spending 18 hours a day for 8 years just blabbing online without divorcing him,he's paid to be here ,he either owns a piece of the site or is on Media Matters Payroll,I'm pushing 70 years old,I'm retired,own 4 businesses my children operate so I don't have to & I can barely find a few hours a day to visit riu,but a 30 year old can spend 18 yrs a day here & have a family,I don't buy it for a second,especially when you see he's connected & coddled.

notice @UncleBuck hasn't been able to provide any evidence debunking anything :bigjoint:

More tiny penis memes on the way while the DNC comitts felony's for Hillary because she's far behind & running scared .

I love real news outlets so we can expose the shit CNN hides for Hillary .
Agreed truth is i would bet non of these Hillary supporters really care about what America is all about .. Whats the chances the founding fathers have rolled over in there grave ..
These people on here do not care they get there monthly welfare checks or disability checks and most importantly Food stamps and life goes on .. stealing wifi from next door lol
They live there pathetic lives on sites like this all day amusing them self's with memes and thinking there in with the crowd..

Least one thing is right there monthly disability checks because there mentally insane to vote if they even can for a person that does not care about the average American.
She all about raping what little is left in America and going after 3rd world countries for there resources which we can already see other countries starting to stop like Russia, China
TBH there blind in the fact that America has not become better but has become stagnant ..

What has really changed in America in last 10 years ??? has your road ways been paved ??? nope there turning into pit holes has your schoolng got better ??? Nope TBH your falling behind at a staggering rate. and true lies about its getting bett Health care ???

What about Job security ??? or Pensions that the Government already took out and replaced it with a IOU

WTF peeps seriously you do not think its about fucking time for a real change DEMAND it hang the fuckers on the white houise lawn that has fucked you for years ....Take back what is rightfully yours
Only thing changing is your deficit more into the red your AAA status has been stripped from you ..
The fucking country is bankrupt more money going out then coming in any time soon

but life goes on like everything is ok but its not and your going to pay for it one way or another

As many times as i like more so now that it disturbs you.. What does that appear normal to you or is it some imbalance in the noggin ???View attachment 3806823

what i find ironic is there truly is only a few smucks on here that idolize Hillary. As some savior yet her corruption dates back to the early 80's

what i find ironic is there are even fewer retards here that idolize Drumpf and his corruption, racism and greed was handed down from his pappy back to when he was born in the 40's.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is seen during a press conference at Los Pinos on Aug. 31, 2016 in Mexico City, Mexico.

Photo by Hector Vivas/LatinContent/Getty
Trump’s latest accuser: ‘He can’t claim we’re all liars’
10/17/16 10:00 AM

By Steve Benen


following your example of "pathetic" so far not a single one of you social justice warriors have yet to post credible info "debunking " the Clinton drug ring,the Clinton arms smuggling,the Clinton assassinations ,and now the new DNC Clinton crimes being planned .

All you guys can do is tell us how " pathetic" we are & how clued in you are from TV news propaganda,if TV news speaks on these issues to help Hillary or bill then you'll know how to respond,until you get marching orders your stuck :bigjoint:
We don't need to. The fact that it came from you is all we need to know. Truth eludes you.
Trump looks like a world leader in that pic while Bill Clinton looks like he's been awake smoking crack for 3 days,eyes bloodshot as a mother fucker & that red alcoholic cocaine swelled nose,his skin looks dead already .
I still opt for the "AIDS victim" diagnosis of Slick Willie.

Wouldn't that be sweetly appropriate?
But it goes hand in hand with this

a respected Little Rock doctor — in the early 1980s, Bill was admitted to the University of Arkansas Medical Center for emergency treatment for cocaine abuse and overdose, and had to be cared for at the hospital on one or possibly two occasions,” Stone wrote.

And journalist Christopher Ruddy reported: “When Mrs. Clinton arrived, she told both of the resident physicians on duty that night that they would never again practice medicine in the United States if word leaked out about Clinton’s drug problem.

“Reportedly, Hillary pinned one of the doctors up against the wall, both hands pressed against his shoulders, as she gave the dire warning.”

Bill’s other women, including ex–Miss Arkansas Sally Perdue and busty songbird Gennifer Flowers, also knew about his drug use, said Stone.

He wrote: “Sally said, ‘[Bill] had all of the [cocaine-snorting] equipment laid out, like a real pro.’”

Meanwhile, Gennifer said Bill would carry marijuana joints around, and sometime smoke them in her presence.

She added that she never personally saw Bill use cocaine, but he would talk about it and the effect it had on him.

“He told me about a party he had been to, and said, ‘I got so f—ed up on cocaine at that party,’” she said.

In another incident, Stone said “that while on family vacation in Boca Raton, Fla., Bill snuck away to the bathroom of a local restaurant and apparently was doing cocaine in a stall.

“Asked by a pal if he was okay, Stone said Bill replied: “Yeah, yeah … those damned sinuses are killing me.”

Um, so I guess Clinton inhales now?

- Nasty guy Scott Foval, National Field Director at Americans United for Change, is recorded on camera discussing a number of unethical (and perhaps illegal) activities conducted by the liberal advocacy group Americans United for Change, in conjuction with various PACs and the DNC
- Seems to be evidence of Democrat organizers sending instigators to Trump rallies in efforts to make Trump supporters look bad.
- Pretty evident that there is collusion between super PACs and the DNC. He describes having middlemen who circumvent the law in order to collude.
- Discusses strategy for "initiating conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic" - Foval is referring to paying agitators to instigate trouble at Trump events here, calling Trump supporters "naturally psychotic."
- Aaron Black, DNC Rapid Response Coordinator, boasts about coordinating a Chicago protest at a Trump event. Two Chicago police reporters were injured and this event got a lot of news coverage.
- Scott Foval admits to instigating an event where a "supporter" (friend of Foval) gets roughed up at a Scott Walker event. He also staged other people in the crowd there for a "reaction."
- The 69-year old women who was "sucker punched at a Trump rally" was a hired activist (a "birddog") sent to the rally by Foval. Disgusting!
- Scott Foval brags about hiring homeless people, and mentally ill people, to protest and agitate at various Trump events.
- Foval calls half of the state of Iowa "racist as ****." Wisconsin too.