Clinton Campaign caught paying the Homeless to incite violence.

it's called gilbert, arizona.

a well armed, racist redneck like you should feel easy about saying that.

but you are just a pussy.

by the way, i know all of you license plate numbers. they were in your publicly accessible videos, retard.

Oooooo, share those videos via PM! I've got a relative or two out that way!
"Patriot", lol. Nah, he's a coon.
Bearkat first I want to apologize for shitting on one of your was my introduction to the riu politics board and tbh I was naive to the idea that people talked about things other than growing lol.that being said,how does him being a "co*n"your words,have to do with anything?this is an honest that an old term used for someone who has "turned"on their own?that word always was just as bad as the n word to me and I just dont see how it applies?
And you, who went on apology tour for calling someone a "guido" has the nerve to defend "coon" and post "uncle tom". We see you.
thank you
it's called gilbert, arizona.

a well armed, racist redneck like you should feel easy about saying that.

but you are just a pussy.

by the way, i know all of you license plate numbers. they were in your publicly accessible videos, retard.

it's called gilbert, arizona.

a well armed, racist redneck like you should feel easy about saying that.

but you are just a pussy.

by the way, i know all of you license plate numbers. they were in your publicly accessible videos, retard.
Oooooo, share those videos via PM! I've got a relative or two out that way!

Look at this shit. Like hanging deer meat over an alligator pit.

The difference here is, rather than being a pussy, I have class. I won't share details that you won't share yourself, and I'm not claiming to have your details in some lame keyboard warrior fashion.

I take solace in what you think you have.

Yes Lou. Send all your relatives to my mountain; indeed. Might need to put the cigarettes down to walk up the driveway, just a heads up.

Hopefully you can take your blinders off about actual history before you make knee jerk, bigoted statements, up to you slugger.

Look at this shit. Like hanging deer meat over an alligator pit.

The difference here is, rather than being a pussy, I have class. I won't share details that you won't share yourself, and I'm not claiming to have your details in some lame keyboard warrior fashion.

I take solace in what you think you have.

Yes Lou. Send all your relatives to my mountain; indeed. Might need to put the cigarettes down to walk up the driveway, just a heads up.

Ah, so if you had anything you would share it. Interesting.

i would definitely share "pooey popsicle", so that he could see your chunky girlfriend, and the retarded looking kid she cucked you into raising for her.

might not share "gl 1000 cold start", which gives away all of your identifying information though.

i'd definitely screenshot some stills of your trailer.
i would definitely share "pooey popsicle", so that he could see your chunky girlfriend, and the retarded looking kid she cucked you into raising for her.

might not share "gl 1000 cold start", which gives away all of your identifying information though.

i'd definitely screenshot some stills of your trailer.

(Awaits entertainment-filled PM)

200w (40).gif
Look at this shit. Like hanging deer meat over an alligator pit.

The difference here is, rather than being a pussy, I have class. I won't share details that you won't share yourself, and I'm not claiming to have your details in some lame keyboard warrior fashion.

I take solace in what you think you have.

Yes Lou. Send all your relatives to my mountain; indeed. Might need to put the cigarettes down to walk up the driveway, just a heads up.
it's funny how Lou reports people on the daily but nobody threatens to report him even though he should be you've got buck vaguely suggesting giving your plate away and Lou threatening a visit from his relatives.
i would definitely share "pooey popsicle", so that he could see your chunky girlfriend, and the retarded looking kid she cucked you into raising for her.

might not share "gl 1000 cold start", which gives away all of your identifying information though.

i'd definitely screenshot some stills of your trailer.
