Clinton Campaign caught planning election crimes.

Looks as staff has banned you or deleted your ability to send or receive PM's,I saw your message on my homepage asking for me to PM you because you can't PM me,I've tried to PM you using your profile,using the Start new Conversation feature & neither option will allow me to contact you .

Can't you two degenerates just meet up at the next neo nazi gathering?
You've gone back off the rails again. And you wonder why nobody believes you?

And you've gone back to weak ass video propaganda to prove your point LOL.

No matter how loudly you shout, no matter how menacing you talk, you can't change the fact that there is no proof of your claims.

These claims are raised because Trump is the worst candidate ever and so all he has left is to go negative and hope enough Democrats stay home to give Benedict Donald the edge.

Won't work.

"BACK off the rails" ?? Hmmmmm.....

"Yo, Jabba the Hutt, have you become FAT again?"
No matter how loudly you shout, no matter how menacing you talk, you can't change the fact that there is no proof of your claims.

lmfao at you , video showing the faces & words of Clinton campaign staff & lawyers planning felony crimes & instructing interns to break the law,on live video no less & you claim " No Proof " hahaha

Repeating the lie doesn't detract from Clinton's criminal activity caught live on video,you claiming " there is no evidence " is beyond hypocritical & into blind devotion of the cause .

Your not winning man & judging by the official riu poll members are listening :hump:
lmfao at you , video showing the faces & words of Clinton campaign staff & lawyers planning felony crimes & instructing interns to break the law,on live video no less & you claim " No Proof " hahaha

Repeating the lie doesn't detract from Clinton's criminal activity caught live on video,you claiming " there is no evidence " is beyond hypocritical & into blind devotion of the cause .

Your not winning man & judging by the official riu poll members are listening :hump:

These claims are raised because Trump is the worst candidate ever and so all he has left is to go negative and hope enough Democrats stay home to give Benedict Donald the edge.

Lol yeah, the reason these Clinton campaign lawyers & staff were caught on tape planning a conspiracy & committing felony crimes is all Donald Trumps fault,not the criminals in the Clinton campaign :lol:

Explain in detail exactly which crimes shown in the video taped crimes being committed by Clinton campaign lawyers & interns are the fault of Donald Trump,I'm dying to hear this :bigjoint:

Your a hypocrite with no integrity if you don't condemn these proven Clinton crimes .
now if we could just drove you off a short pier RIU would be much better off.

Yet you still haven't been able to discredit the live videos showing Clinton campaign lawyers & interns committing felony election fraud & RICO conspiracy crimes.

You can preach sjw rhetoric & that's it because Hillary is busted again ! :bigjoint:

Lol yeah, the reason these Clinton campaign lawyers & staff were caught on tape planning a conspiracy & committing felony crimes is all Donald Trumps fault,not the criminals in the Clinton campaign :lol:

Explain in detail exactly which crimes shown in the video taped crimes being committed by Clinton campaign lawyers & interns are the fault of Donald Trump,I'm dying to hear this :bigjoint:

Your a hypocrite with no integrity if you don't condemn these proven Clinton crimes .

first you condemn the crimes of breitbart, okeefe and company
Watchdog Group Urges Maryland Prosecutors To Indict Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe And Hannah Giles For Violating ACORN Employees’ Privacy
Lol yeah, the reason these Clinton campaign lawyers & staff were caught on tape planning a conspiracy & committing felony crimes is all Donald Trumps fault,not the criminals in the Clinton campaign :lol:

Explain in detail exactly which crimes shown in the video taped crimes being committed by Clinton campaign lawyers & interns are the fault of Donald Trump,I'm dying to hear this :bigjoint:

Your a hypocrite with no integrity if you don't condemn these proven Clinton crimes .

Daaammmnnnnn, can you say meltdown? This floundering schlub has posted this video multiple times within minutes....time to call a health aide/social worker at this point, or?

Another tiny nudge towards the edge, panhead:

Trump is losing the Israel vote almost as bad as he is losing in New York
US Politics
Allison Deger on October 18, 2016


  • Meme.jpg
The four defendants who were arrested in January in Sen. Mary Landrieu's office in the Hale Boggs federal complex in New Orleans pleaded guilty Wednesday morning in federal court to entering real property belonging to the United States under false pretenses.

Magistrate Judge Daniel Knowles III sentenced Stan Dai, Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan each to two years probation, a fine of $1,500 and 75 hours of community service during their first year of probation.

James O'Keefe, as leader of the group and famous for posing as a pimp in ACORN office videos, received three years of probation, a fine of $1,500 and 100 hours of community service.
Since you HATE seeing honest news reporting feel free to post evidence showing the Clinton campaign really wasn't committing felonies & violating election laws.

I forgot,there is no evidence except the evidence showing the Clinton campaign to be corrupt :bigjoint:

But your WINNNG with nothing ! :lol:
nope, not corrupt. You keep repeating this as if it's true. Not true and been shown to be so many times.

Here's one regarding State Dept e-mail scandal. From a reputable source, discussing verified information, otherwise known as facts.

Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

This is your "corruption" as you like to call it.

Your turn. Don't post fucking useless videos or idiotic right wing blog shit. Post real facts about real charges made in court regarding corruption on Hillary Clinton. Not rumors or speculation or misdeeds by somebody in her organizatoin. Real corruption charges made available in court.

Trump, on the other hand is facing real charges in a real court for fraud and child rape. He's paid off women to avoid more charges in court. He's also settled court cases to avoid conviction for racist business practices. His stuff is real.

It is completely understandable why you want to bring up distracting and false claims. Your chosen racist white trash candidate is only palatable to white supremacist narcissistic abusers like you. Only he didn't rape men in prison and brag about it. Or fantasize doing so to other posters here. Yuck, truly offensive stuff you've posted recently. I don't know why you haven't been banned yet. Not yet anyway.
Part 2 just upped!

In the second video of James O'Keefe's new explosive series on the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, Democratic party operatives tell us how to successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale. Scott Foval, who has since been fired, admits that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years.
Lol yeah, the reason these Clinton campaign lawyers & staff were caught on tape planning a conspiracy & committing felony crimes is all Donald Trumps fault,not the criminals in the Clinton campaign :lol:

Explain in detail exactly which crimes shown in the video taped crimes being committed by Clinton campaign lawyers & interns are the fault of Donald Trump,I'm dying to hear this :bigjoint:

Your a hypocrite with no integrity if you don't condemn these proven Clinton crimes .
Oh my, I'm a hypocrite? You don't understand the word.

Not going to watch a shitty propaganda video.

Here's the expose on O'Keefe, the convicted fraudster behind Veritas:

The episode does speak to a larger underlying problem with most accusations of voter fraud. It’s what I call the “Scooby Doo routine”. People like O’Keefe make wild voter fraud accusations like non-citizens voting, only to discover a much simpler explanation for the situation.

Scooby Doo routine? That describes your claims to a tee. Make wild accusations then deny simpler, factual explanations.

This line about O'Keefe sums up you perfectly: If you want to call out a hypocrite, the best way to do that is look at how he lives his life.” Indeed.

Shitty neighbor, beaten by cops whenever possible, fatasizes about raping somebody because he disagrees with him, ass raping convict. Yours is a life well lived. LOL.
Part 2 just upped!

In the second video of James O'Keefe's new explosive series on the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, Democratic party operatives tell us how to successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale. Scott Foval, who has since been fired, admits that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years.
The propaganda machine is fully funded and cranking shit out. Too bad for you that Trump has to resort to this kind of shit. He is the worst major party presidential candidate ever. Not qualified for office at all. Two-thirds of Americans say Trump is not qualified. What happened to that other third, one might ask. What's wrong with them?

20 days until Trump gives his concession speech. It's going to be great, yuuuge and the best concession speech ever. I might even agree with Trump for once.
Your not winning man & judging by the official riu poll members are listening :hump:

Umm, yeah (snicker)

Looks as staff has banned you or deleted your ability to send or receive PM's,I saw your message on my homepage asking for me to PM you because you can't PM me,I've tried to PM you using your profile,using the Start new Conversation feature & neither option will allow me to contact you .


21 days and you'll be gone too, rapist.