Ursus marijanus
Remember Lake Nyos in Cameroon? Its depths tend to get supercarbonated and unstable, and some years ago it ripped a mighty burp that smothered thousands. A clever Frenchman stuck a straw in it and suck-started it. The fizz creates a self-sustaining ramjet effect and a fountain 200 feet high. You could probably run a 50-kW turbine off the bitch.

So, demonstrating the ease with which I can access drunk grad student mode while being neither, why not do it to Yellowstone and, instead of waiting nervously for one apocalyptic whoopsie, slowly empty the world-ransoming fizzy magma reservoir through a somewhat more heat-resistant straw?
Instead of a decade of devastating supervolcanic winter and a million square miles under ash, why not get a coupla centuries of moderate global cooling? We might lose parts of Wyoming and Montana … but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Make a cool tourist feature.

So, demonstrating the ease with which I can access drunk grad student mode while being neither, why not do it to Yellowstone and, instead of waiting nervously for one apocalyptic whoopsie, slowly empty the world-ransoming fizzy magma reservoir through a somewhat more heat-resistant straw?
Instead of a decade of devastating supervolcanic winter and a million square miles under ash, why not get a coupla centuries of moderate global cooling? We might lose parts of Wyoming and Montana … but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Make a cool tourist feature.