Well-Known Member
Yes, yes. It still skirts the issue. The side that has decided, has decided to excoricate, label and be-little and marginalize those that say we don't know. Such an attitude.
That's very obvious in these threads. If we as much as question the other sides fervent belief that the earth is warming, we are treated like cults have treated non-believers throughout history. If it was just scientific debate, no one would be sending out survey for consensus. That is simply creating momentum behind a global political agenda.
If you follow the history of the debate itself you will encounter organizations such as the now dismantled Global Climate Coalition. This group of prominant energy producers and car manufacturers used the "pioneering" methods of the cigarette manufactures in it's stated purpose of "introducing doubt" into the "debate" about global warming just as the cigarette manufacturers instilled doubt about the detrimental effects of cigarettes. This purposeful churning of scientific findings held the findings and facts about the dangers of cigarettes at bay for 10 years or more until medical evidence was finally overwhelming. What you claim is the global political agenda was initiated by those with perceptions that they had the most to lose - energy producers and auto manufacturers. They knew full well that casting doubt into an otherwise purely scientific debate would result in a political storm that would inhibit reasonable discourse and give them many more years of the status quo.