Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Babble much?
I have no idea what you are saying now.
50 years ago, Einstein's theories were well accepted. 100 years ago, special relativity was already finished and general relativity was almost complete.
Proposing what might be in the future is irrelevant when evaluating the strength or weaknesses of current scientific theories.
Context is everything.
Strawman. Your lack of understanding of relativistic momentum and the math does not make your simplistic assessment of the situation correct.
non-sequitur, strawman and all-around terrible analogies. Continuing to apply Newtonian assumptions and math to relativistic situations (as already explained) does not in any way address or contradict the facts but only serves to make you (continue to) look stupid.
so you cant see where those of us who do NOT hold advanced degrees might be required to choose?
either doubting the veracity of the new quantum universe where two opposing answers can both be right and wrong simultaneously, or massless objects which are actually waves can interact and cause effects inn objects that are actually objects and vice versa, and multiplying zero by a big enough number gets a non zero sum,
or making a leap of faith and accepting that it is best not to ask too many questions lest the gods become angry and wrathful
simply stating:
you dont know enough, go read more books that say this same thing and youll see im right, or ask more people who wear the same preistly labcoat with the same ecclesiastical pocket protector and they will help you understand your failure to grasp the beauty of the faith.
is not so different from
god said it, i believe it, that proves it.
many people can read the bible and come to the conclusion that it is historically accurate, true and the actual word of god.
i cant. im a doubter. i doubt any claim that requires a leap of faith to accept.
nuclear fission, time dilation, and numerous tested and well proved scientific theories all say youre right, but a few things dont make any damned sense to me, and all the explanations i read, and all the troublesome math i have struggled through may add up to the right numbers for the theories, but the assumptions required to make the theories work still just sit there. stinking.
insisting that "newton works fine until you get inducted into the deeper mysteries", or "step behind the veil into the holiest of holies, and then youll see what really happens" may work for some, but it sounds like a cult to me.
i cant make this new science click inside my head. maybe i am just really really really stupid. or maybe i look at the universe from a different angle and from my angle quantum physics looks like smoke and mirrors to conceal the greatest sin any scientist can admit to, observations with no adequate theory to explain them.
i cant recall ANY scientist egghead, teacher, professor or poindexter ever saying, when asked a question about anything "we just dont know" or even "our best guess is..." it's always a dandy explanation usually with shitloads of math. even if the answer is completely opposed to what his colleagues in another university claim, both will show you lots and lots of math.
string theory, dark matter theory, endless recursive orbits at the speed of light, quantum probability, cats which are simultaneously alive and dead... some of it makes the claims of the bible seem almost sensible.
more math will not answer my questions, and more people saying the same thing and offering more math will still not convince me to accept this new religion even if these theories seem to work good enough to pull a few rabbits out of some hats, i still gotta suspect that maybe theres a rabbit concealed in the hat someplace, or the rabbit was up your sleeve, or a switching of hats, but i cant accept a quantum bunny generator hidden in the lining.