Cleaning grow tent for next run

But it doesn't, I read about infestations and mildew regularly from people that are methodically clean, I've had thrips once that come with cuttings anyone can be caught with that sterility didn't play a part in it.

I wouldn’t recommend anyone not to but i feel it's a waste of time if you keep the room clean, as in wipe up spills, put waste in the bin etc there shouldn't be anything to harbour anything lol
I agree with you tho it’s kinda like the story of the dandelion man. There was only 5 dandelions on this mans lawn and he thought ah whatever it’s just a few, I’ll leave it for next time... he came back next day and there was 10, he had the same thought again but when he came back the next day there were 100... he started cursing and kicking the dirt and God came to him and said “why didn’t you pick them when there was only 5, it would’ve only taken a minute now it will take you all day”
I agree with you tho it’s kinda like the story of the dandelion man. There was only 5 dandelions on this mans lawn and he thought ah whatever it’s just a few, I’ll leave it for next time... he came back next day and there was 10, he had the same thought again but when he came back the next day there were 100... he started cursing and kicking the dirt and God came to him and said “why didn’t you pick them when there was only 5, it would’ve only taken a minute now it will take you all day”
Nah that's not comparing like with like, if i seen one of anything I didn't like it would be dealt with immediately.

Your kidding yourself if you think washing down a tent is going to prevent mildew, bud rot or infestations, however each to there own :peace:

Eta... I'm not excusing that mildew it shouldn't be there, but without going into detail it had been there a long time before I noticed it, my thoughts were don't upset it it's not caused you hassle... Rightly or wrongly that's my take on it.